Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

0( EleElion. 431 Elfe this their Sancblication were not a Regeneration , or a fecond Birth, as ~ John 3· 6. And fo it is true, that tllcy are not born of thr Ftrfb, or of Blood, Chap. 7· John 1. q. for when they are thus wholly conceived in !in, through the influ· .....;-V'"'-J ence Generation bath on them, then after God comes, and fandifies many of them fomerimes in the Womb, fometimes afterward; yet fo, as though G•- neration ferves not herein as the immediate In!lrument or Means to !tamp Grace, as then it did; yet !Iill it ferves as the Chanel to dired the Courfe, in which Grace /hould run, and is difpenfed. And obferve it, This is carried with the very lame (or like) terms of difference, that we obferved in Gods making ufe of the Law in the Covenant of Grace to fubferve it; for look as it was not (as was fa id) the Righteoufnefs, '-" T; .~~·, that is, by the force,pow. er, and tenor of the Law formally taken, that now ju!lifies us, yet the fame Righteoufnefs of the Law materially taken, which before /hould, !till doth : So is it here ; The Seed of godly Parents (whofe God he is by Covenant) and fo, the fame Subjects materially fince the Fall, as before) are ordained to be fanlJifird; but not the fame way; not from, or through their Generation, or being begotten of them, formally confidercd (as was faid of the Righteouf. nefs of the Law) So that, it may fiill be faid, that the primitive Law of Ge– neration is !lill fulfilled. And again,in like fenfe to that(which was alfo obferved ofthe Law)thatGod is fa id to reward , not propur, yet fatmdum oprra, not for works, as then, yet according to our works : So here, though the Covenant goes not prr, or proptrr, for, or thorough their Births; yet it is conveyed ftcrmdum,according to Birth , even as before, Now to ftrengthen this Rule further ( which is made the foundation of this Reafon;) take an other Inlbnce to confirm it : Gods end and IH!litution in ma· king"the World and ail tl1c Creamres, was, that they lhould be ufed by Man, to holy and glorious ends, as holy utenfils imployed for Gods Glory , and to• get her with it make for Mans good, and contribute to him, ( whilft he lerves God) every one their help and comfort,as Tenants do Provifions to their Lords: And this was their Primitive liberty, and Perfection; but Man being fain, Sa· ran enters upon this World as a Po[ellion fain unto him: The Creatures are de– livered up and betrayed into the Hands of Satan, and Sin , and fo areloft unto God and to themfelves; they lofing that ·Liberty to which they were Crea– ted, and being themfelves fubjeded to Satans T yranny; and accordingly they are often muftcred up in Rebellion againft Men by God, and confpire by crofs accidents and events to work his ruine, and mifery, as ORce his happinefs: i\.s we fee in all the Cro[es and'Affiidions with which this World is fitted. All this you have Rom. 8. verfno, 21. thr Crraturts ( fays the Apo!lle ) wtre made (tibjrlJ to vmzity, 11ot willmg!y: Their Will is that Natural in(line!: which God bath put into them at the firft, to arrive at the end for which he made them; a'gainft·which they are forced to Mens Luns, and ravilhed, and oppre[ed by them; which is catled aVa11ity, becaufe it is a fru!lration ofthat end tor which God at firft ordained them. But God refolves, not to have his Primitive end and purpofe in Creation, to be thus fruftrated : Therefore to his Eled at prefent, he fets allthefe Creatures this task , to work togtther for their good, wrfe 28. though not in fodired a way as at firft, yet in a more oblique (but certain) courfc : To this •• to their common mark they all tend and take their flight, though about; by the Bow(as wefay)not by the String; Grace will work and wheel them about to their Primitive End and lnfiitution. And further, God as yet notfo fully pleafed with io indirect a courfe, hath ap· pointed a time fully to reftore them to this their priftine perfection. He will refcue the poor oppre[ed Creatures out of the Hands of Sin and Satan: a Day is coming, wherein there !hall be Holinefs to the Lord writteF! upotJ the Bells of Horjes going to Plough and Cart, which !hall be as holy in their ufe to God, as Aaro1is Bells once were, with which he went into the Congregation:And their Pots they drink,or feeth theirmeat io, 01311 be holinefs to the Lord, as were the Bowls before the Altar; Zach, '4 20. 111 thr day jharJ thrrt