Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of E lee/ion. W tbert bt upon tht BetJs of tht Hor{es Holinefs unto tht Lord, andtlu pots BooK V, m tht Lords H•uft (ba/J 6tl1kt tfubowls btfore tht Attar. The Prophet ~ fpeaks of the New Huruf•ltm, when the Saints lhall Reign; And this you may further fee to be Gods very aim and end in appointing a time for that Nrw Hravtn and Ntw Earth wherein Righteoufnefs dwells, even that he might attain his firft In!\itution concerning them. Thus more expreily in Rom. 8. the Apo!\le fpeak1ngof the Time of Chrift, the Second Adams Kin" dom, after the Refurredion; fays that by Adam they were thus indeed fub. jrE!td, but in hopt: For that Gods inftitutions muft take Place and be refto– red , although Mans Sin hath put them out of courfe; and fo, they lha I[ be drlivrred from that bo11dag~ of.corruption into agtorio.u ti6erty. Juft thus had Sin fpc>iled Gods firft Inftttutton ot Marriage, which was to propagate ho!inefs, and his Image: Sin clean perverring tt to convey Satans Image to a/J Manfti11d : But Grace towards his Eled vindicates it, and fets it a running in its Natural courfe again. So prefently after the Flood God fet Grace on work in a Line of fucceflion in Stths Po!ltrity; fo afterward in the Jrws and fo ftill in the Gentiles : And when the Reign ofGrace lhall be fully re!\ored (as in the New Hieruf~ltm it lhall ) then their Seed, and their Seeds Seed generally and without interruption lhall be for ever holy, as was obferved out of lf:Ji. 59· and !aft: For the Pr,viledges will be reftored which they had in Jnnoc~ncy, even as this Liberty of the Creatures will. A fecond Rule which I give, that God bath fquared and chalked out his ways and proceedings of Grace by, which alfo falls in with this of his towards the Children of Eled, anp fo may further fhew the wifdom of God in ordering it thus, is this, That God hath fo plotted and contrived his goings forth of Groce that look by what ways or means fin comes upon Mankind for his ruin and de= firudion, God tal<es up thofe very ways to ohoofe, as means to fave his Eledi of Mankind by, and effeCts foto do it, Which holds forth a further thing thari the former; for this lhews, that as he makes good his Inftitutions in In– noceocy under Grace, fo he makes ufe of the fame Weapons with which fin was wont to fight againft him; and thi~ he choofes to do,as we may obfervc in many Particulars, which we willlirft view, to make good the Rule, and then make ufe of it, in the Point in hand. •· Becaufe by a Man Sin and Death came upon Man,therefore by aMan lhall Grace come , and the Refurreaion from the Dead. You lhall find it given as the R eafon; 1 Cor. '5· :tr. Since [fryMmz] cam.t death, [by Man J comts atfo the Rtji1rrtE!1o11 from tht dead: God did it on purpofe to anfwer fin in its kind: lt isthere brought asthe Reafon of that great Council ofGod, of javi1tg us by that Man Chrifl Jefut. [•E,H.ffi ,_;,] a Rcafon it was, not as the ground ot t!m 'h1s Council, but as concurring with, and litly falling in with that his Council. :t. Furthermore, as by (}1ft Mau fin came 11pon alJ, (o thegift of Grr~ct 6y One Um h:Jth about<dtduntomany, Rom, 5· u, ')· ~· Yet further, As Satan ufed the Woman as an Inftrument to work that one MrJn Ad,zm unto that fin, which by Hzm, not Her, is propagated: So God u– fed the Woman to bring forth that fame one Man Chr1jl, who lhould reftore, and fave us, This God had in his Eye, as appears plainly, in that to confound the Devil, he telh him (for if you obferveir, unto the Serpent is that Speech direCted) That tht Setd ofthe WomanjhouJd 6rea!t the Serpmts head: As if he had faid, I will fpoil your Plot in uting the Woman, you had better never have gone that way to work; the Seed of her lhall break thy Head. And the Apo– ftle himfelf hints it, for the honour of Women, r Tnn. =<•. utt. for having faid, verfe 14. that tbe Womm1 was firfl dectived, and firfl in tht Trallf!,.eJ!io,, (there fpeaking of that fin of Evt as a reafon of all Womens being excluded from all honourable Offices in the Church, and fo laying low, and debatingall Womankind) he adds notwithftanding, that/he foa/J 6t {avtd: ( that is, Wo– mankind as well as Men) 6y, or for that bearing a Child [Jl<,;, 7,.,.,_.,1., J namely Cl1rifr, in that One of their Sex did bring forth Chrift to[ave us, even as