Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of .tlellion. 4 39 as One of their Sex overthrew us : Thus fome of the Ancients and Modern ~ Divines alro have taken ir,. that his Scope lhould be, to compar; the hand that Chap. 7· \Vom an had , and the Servtce !he d1d, mfavmg Man, wah that ill turn which 1./"'V"-oJ lh~ did Man in tempting him to that Go, which brought death upon all. l'.nd fo mdced the Anolog« or Proportion between thefe and the former words is more full and direct, and ad tdem: For, 1. So he compHes the eminent Atl of one Woman in Sinning with the mofi eminent Act of a Woman in doing good. ' z.. It is fo made the reafi>n why Women thould be faved notwitllanding : T he Greek hath it, Jld. .,;;,, &c. for that Child-bearing; there is an Article ad· ded, and [M.] is a Note of caufatioa, as rendring a reafon why Woman kind (though one of them damned Man ) !hould be faved, fceing they made a re– compence; as he had alledged the other as a reafon of their debafe– menr. And Thirdly, Thus alfo it is more general , as reaching to the honour of all Women, as the other doth unto the dilhonour of all, whereas otherwife t hat ordinary Child-bearing is but of Mothers only. I do not exclude that ,;. ther Interpretation, that he fpeaks of the proper Calling of Women,in which (as fame read it) God hath ordained tofave them, as in oppo!ition to what he hadTaid of excluding them from fpeaking and bearing Offices in the Church ( thofe high Calling• ) yet fo, as I think, being taken in this fenfe, rendreth it more for their honour, as more generally reaching all Women, even as Evn fall rcacheth univerfally to their dilhonour: Whereas the Calling of Child– bearing reacheth but fome of Women only, namely Mothers. Fourthly, Thewayby which Ad"ms Sin was derived, was by imputati– on, he reprefenting us all; and God to make us amends takes the fame courfc to Juflifie us by imputing, or reckoning Chri1ls Righteoufnefs Ours, who reprefented us alfo i'l his Obedience. Fifthly, Satan in!inuating a Temptation by Difcourfe to the outward ear, doceived Eve, and lhe through Unbelicf lilling to his Temptation , fell , and ruined m : And God bath ordained in Recompenfe , the Preaching of the Gofpel, and hearing ot it, to beget Faith, and Faith all Graces elfe, and fo, to be the Inflrument of faving us, The like correfpondeot recom– pence (to inllance in no more) hath God made in the thing in hand; by ordaining a fuccelfion ofhis Elect in a Line,and an engrafting the Children into the Fathers Covenant;thereby ordering,that Generation lho~ld in fome refp~d be the Chanel and fiream for his Free Grace to run into the Veffels ofMercy : bccaufe that Generation is, •nd w2s, the In!hument that conveyed Sin and the ·Curfe to us and ours : That fo the Blelfing might come in at the fame door upoa us, through which the Curfe emred : Only , as the Apollle fa vs in that like Cafe which we inflanced in, Rom. )• Thut M 6y otu M~" fin e;z. trrd, fo 6y otu Man Grace; yet with a glorious difference on Graces part; fo as, vaf I); t6. he gives a different glory to Grace: Not M thr Of– fmce, {o is the Free Gt[t; the ont enfrtd upon alt men, vtrfe I 2 . natu– . rally nnd nece!farily; but Grace comes upon them, and is received tU a f ree gift, vaj. I 6, '7, 18. So here, Propagation is ufed as the Chanel of Grace , and as the Chanel of Sin; but fo to be underfiood, as with a [ ServaliJ (emper prd!rogativi< grafid!] wi' b a [ ttot . M J by any Natural in!lu,ence Generation hath., as it conveys fin, naturally and nece!Ianly : But thi• other is freely conveyed, and therefore ofttn times is not derived until the Children be come to ripe years, and not at all to fome of their Children; to thew, that Grace will be Grace in it; yet fo, as God hath in a greot meafurc freely enrailed it to their S' ed. And the reafon why God delights to ufe the fame ways to convey Grace which conve)"ed !in, is, 1 . By way of Compenfation, to make them amends, th•t they might be a– ble ro fay, That all things are wrought about for thm good. And ,