Of EleClion. it, and freel y undertake ir, (as Chriit did) This we fee in the Law of~ Hofl ages, whis is in force and ufe among all Nat1ons ; and when the CoCl 'p. 7. venants are broken by thofe for whom they remain Ho!lages, they <re~ juflly il• in, though in themfelves lJlllocent: Now Chrifi became our Surery and an Hnflage for us. Thus l ikewtfe, that we fhould be ju!lifiedby the R ighteoufnefs of another, and ha~ee our fin~ impute_d to him, and his obe.: dieace to , us (which the Papi(l !lomacklat)is juflifiable by all Laws of Men: . which en.~4 tl~at the1W~W' D_ebts,ploul~ be laid, tQ ~he, flusba21d. N01~ to bnngthu·down to tb(! Pomt' 10 h,and\ that Jhe Chddren of Godly J5areiJts fuould be holy in our,<e(btem ; .anl:t lt-tia't Gods.Ele8: lhould have: their Fathers Priviled~c , [t.~g~e!} ,bU\ ":~h th~. c<Ym~~n_, QiCl:ate of Npi-\'re in all Corim!on' wdiths, •Gt'tles, and Kmgddms, wherem the Ch;ldreil hre born Fice, W~Ci'J~~e ParCMti~ar~ fo: .'t hi: ®ildr~h of,N,Qple-Men a~e' accounted Noble' of Gen~let)len , Gen!l!'<]Jen>. of Bafo!y eegotte~ ,. Bafe, The State of.the ;t;hild; f<>llow;' the !late1koil 'conditlon of the Par·ent la Civil things; and why might m)f God orqa\'i,,· that in Spiritual Priviledges t~ey lho'uld follow their tta1e alfo, and the, Children of Holy Men be\ and be reckon~d ro be.holy? Shall-n'ot God bea<-liugein his f~vours, as M•n in~thein? Yea, llull h.eJlot rather exceed the.m? ,, ' · ' ,. \ - ' I J ( i1 .,d f1 J ,,r i 'nl.<l ,j•· Lll CHAP. L I ·• "