Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of E!eflion. 451 other~ being heavy laden with many fad and weighty improbabilities, are ~ often St'randed upon, . Ch~p. 8. ~ !Ju t, Secondly, It moreover gives a fpecial Encourogement slfo in that thrrc i• a fpecial D ofignation of Election, ( as was fa id) and that' in Two refpcc:ts : F'or, r, Where there is a fpccial Defignation of Elu~lion, there is a fpe– cia l Invitation included, and more alia; it bath the lorm of both: There may be fuppofed an Invitation without a Defignation; but this fpecial 0.– lign.,ion includes an Invitation under it. So as, Thou art more folemnly aud particularly invited than any other : Even as (you heard) Thofe that ore weary and hr.• vy ladm are, And if thou bee(\ htavy laden alfo then both in that Tho11 flrt htavy ladw, ~nd an Elects Child alfo, Thor: <~>I doubly illvittd. N ow that to the Children of Believers, as fuch, be– longs a fpecial lnvitorion, appears, in that they come under the fame Co– veLunt aod Priviledge that rho Jews did by virtue of their being Sons of .Abraham, (till they broke_tbemfelves off) to whom therefore, (though not holy when Infants, cor yet when grown up to riper years, as yet Converted) the Gofpel was fir(\ to be preached. So Chrifi bad his Dif– ciples, and calls the Word the Childrens Bread. And fo a!'ter Cbri!l's A!cenfion they practifed ; encoura~ing them to Rtpent and Bdieve, being prickt i11 their hearts, by a fpeCial Defignation, Affs 2, 38, 59· For the Prowufe u to JMI and y~rtr Chtldrm. And Chap, 3·2). Te are the Children of the Prophets, 1111d of the Covmmtt, alld UtJto you firfl (mark the word) God h,1viug raifed up his So11 Je{UI, je11t him to 6/efl you, in tt1r11ing away evtry one of yo11 from his iniquitits. Yea, though there was the grcateft ground for the greatefi Objection againfi them; and carnal Reafon might fuggeft the Hr~ngefi Arguments egainlt them, that ever again(\ any: F'or it might anfe 10 the~r hearts to rhmk, T hiS Chnfi have we Cructtied; a. bar that of all others might make them exclude tbemfelves. And fa Ptttr tells them, verf 25. ThJJ Chrifl have you crt~cijied mul jhin: and foverft )6. They likewife were the very Men who had a hand in it; and yet for all this, be puts this into the Ballance againfl all, and invites them firft. Now I parallel the Condition of thefe Jews in the new mouldinlil up of Chriflian Churches , with that of the Children of godly Parents under the Gofpel though unconverted. Now they are not to be reckoned holy, and fa MeO:bers of a Church, fimply becaufe they are Children of fuch ; even as thofe Jews were not admitted into thofe new Chriflian Churches till a– ctu>lly Converted. Therefore, verfe 47• [God addtd of th~m to the Church fuch m {hould bt Javed] (though they were Members of the Jewifh Typical Church. which then (\ood, yet not of the Chrifiians. ) Notwithfhndiog, whilfi they remained in their Natural Condition , this was due to them, above any other, as a Priviledge, hamely, a fpecial Invitation: So Affs 1)• 46. Paul fays, It was necej[ary that tht Word of God Jbould fir.fl h Jpokm to )'OU, till you break your !elves. off (as they) by t11VJOHI oppo(iti· on, verfe 45'· and pmting it jrow•_yo~, ;udged your/elves unw orthy of~~ vtrl4fi11g ltje. Whtch (I take tt) IS the Unbehe meant, Rom. ''· zo. that brenl{s ) 'Ott off; which is not ftmply Unbelief, but an envious Oppolt– tion againl\ it, when yet the Prom1fe may belong to you, You therefore wh., are young, the Breafis of whofe Virginity the World has not yet prefi, who yet may be P>:tfenttd to Chrifl Jpotlefl,_ and undefi– led do you come in to Chnft ; He mvttes and entreats you 10 a fpectal mar:ncr • He likewife referves the firft of his Love for you; you fhall have r)te flo;;er of it. In Marriage it is .held a grett matter to be the firft 1.-qve : Such fl1all you be to Chnfi, tf you come 10 bet1mes, and fo fhall you have a choice reward; as Rom, 2, 10 , He Wtll gtveglo>y, honoflr,andptace t• tvtry matl who worketh good (yet ) to .tht .1ew firfl, and alfo to the Gentile : So to you fir(\ (who have the Jews Privilcdge) thofe of you Mmm 2 wha