Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of Eleflion. -~ bauch't Patririan, made this his glory, I am ( fa ys he) the Foundution BooK V. of my Houfe, and thotl the Rui11e of thi11e. So may this be thy glory, ~that ,thou art the Bafis, the firft !\one of a Building to God The lafi V(e is to Churches, that they would receive with a fpeci– al love and rejoycing , fuch of Members Children as prove Godly. They are doubly welcome to God; kt them be fo to Saints in C hurch-fellow– lhip. T hey are not as !\rangers , but as thofe born in the Houfe; which renders them doubly amiable , and acceptable, As Paut exhorts Phite– mon to receive Onefimus, not M a Servant, but a~ove a Serva11t, ver(e 1 6. So are thefe to be received as Brethren and Sifters, and not only fo, but above the ordinary Relation of Brethren and Si!\ers. It is an honour to a Collec'ge to have Students of its own nurturing fit for Fellowlhips; anti fuch efpocially they are to take. The Families of Church-members are our N urfery, and what a comfort is it to have the Orchard and Garden of a Church replemlhcd with Siens fetcht frorn thence? To build our Houfes with Stones out of our own Q!,larries 1 I may fpeak to every Church in the words of God to tlu: C hurch of the Jews'· lfai. 49· 18. Thou 0att ctoaththee with them, aJ with an ornament, ,md bind them on thee aJ a Bride doth a Tyre of her own weaving. F I N I S. /