Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

$$$$/J~i~$~~'~'i ?i?~~~N¥,$$~iJ~®3' iiiiiiitltttittttii?ttftii§tt"iiti A N Alphabetical Table 0 F THE PRINCIPAL MATTERS Contained in this whole w 0 R K: Wherejn the four Letters [A, B;C, DJ do refer to the four feveral · Tomes or Titles: [A, The Revelati6ii; .B,.The Knowl~dgeofGod, 'he. C, The Creation, ~c. D, EleEUo11.] And the Figures Nu– merical the Pages in each of thefe four Pares or Tomes: P.!l:ands for PJgeineach Volum. A. A'D~m. How the firf1 Adam was a Type of ihe Stco11d, C. p. 6) ,66, 67, &c, Where– in this Type and the Antit)•pt do agree in the Gmeral 1 p. 72, 7J,&c.78, 79 to 86. More particu– !arl:y , wherein the Refemblance doth ·confift, p. 87, 88, 29, 90. See .BBdy, Gtorl', lmtocnuy, Parad1je, Covt11a11t, K11owledge, Faith,Free– wiO, Glori[it, Image, Man, Mar– ,·iage. Adverfary. There be u11der Adver• /Aries (as the word tbnp•~tt:~?mfigai .. tics) as well as opm ones, A.p.•or, How theformer probably muft flay the Witnelfes ofChrift, A.p.roi. AdvtrfifJ'• How it is God's Net, wherein he catcheth Men, and out of which there is no efcaping, D . p. l74 Age, lt is good to. live in the !aft Age of the world, why? A. p. 59• For we l)ave the f\rength of all for· liler Prayers to firengthen otirs a– g•in(\ Romt. ibid. .Altar. What is the fcnfe and fignification of it. A.p.t.q Amm. How it is on ORDIN.ANCE. .,. A.p.r6 A~~et. Chrif/ is that ilnsel, who fpca i<s to Joh" in Revd, 11. as ht was that who fpake to 'DJniet, 'Da11.r2. A.p.1o5. The .Angel that fpeaks Rtvtl, 17. is likely that .An– gfl which pours out the firf1 Viat, A.p.1o8. Angel!, ihe firfi Law the great Creator gave at the Creation, was one :ind the fame to tu and to A"– gtls, C.p.2o,2~,24t0~1. Angels are many in number, A. p. '4· An– gels are not redumtd, A.p.2. They need EltE1ms Grace, D.p.2-3. See Eltflion: The good A11gels were not kept by Crtatio11-Gracr, but by Etedion.Graa ; Hence they are call'd Elefl A 11gel.r, D.p.jo6 Antichrifl, He comes like Chrirt,, is the Apochalyptick Bta[i Q.qq · ot