Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

The Table. or Pope, whofe Temporal Power is theftrfl Beajl, I Land his .fpirituat Power is the fecond from verfe tl. to the end, A. p. 6;. When this Beafl began, A. p.68,6g. See Bea{f, Rome, Popery, Delay, 'Deliverance, Jews, Image, Sun. .1/po(/acy. What fort of Apof/atts thofe were which the Apo!tle Jttdt mentions, D.p. •7!,I74,175,176 Armmians, See in 'Drcree, EltfJion, 'fer[tveranoe, P-referve, f'ailb, fir.u-will. .Arrians. They are fpoke of, A.p.62. They unjuf\ly deny the God-Head of Chrifl, D.p. 75, 76, 77· .1/rriur his firangc Conceptions of Chrift, B.t7). ~ee in Cbrrfl, How the So?J of' God. See in Cht~rch, .1/Jfitrallce. See Elrflio11, Calling, Glory, Graa, Preferve, Perfeve. 1·mtce, F'.Jitb, 'Decree. B B.ll6ytmr•. How that J?hrafe [Ba6y· lo11 ufalll] ~mght to be under• il:ood. A.p.94See Rome. Backj!tde. See Rtlapje,Perfevermzce, Pre{trve,Cm·e, &c. · B<~pt:fm, Ho\v Noab's Ark was a Fi· gure of it, D p.46,47. How Bt~prz(mis faid to fave·\ls,D.p.59,76,See Noah, Infrwt, Vivo_rce. Beafl. ( '·) TheTzmeof the M,jli– cal Bta{l. (2.) The 'holy People oppreffed by the Bea(/. ( l· ) The Power of the holy People againft the Bwfl towards the end,(4)Then the Beafls prevailing 10 fcattcr I beir po"'er for a little iime, are all ll1ewed darkly by Daniel, but more clearly by 'Johii,Revtl,ti.4·A.p.w9. See Amichri(/,f?.ome,Wit>~effes,Empire, Mzrk, Name, Number, Pro– tef1ml1, and Temple. 13/a[phemy. In faying we are Gadded and Chrifled, B. p. 50. See' Know– ledge. Blrffid. is a btrfJedt~efl a I tend– ing the fir~ Figttratzve· ot 'Mna– pboricat Refurrrfliott of the Wit– nr[[es, but nothing comparable to that b/efJed~tefs. which the taller and real Rtjttl'reflion brings with ~ A~1U BodJ'. How Adam's Body had alithe excellency of· the whole world in ir;both objefl•ve and {u6jeffive, C. P• 92, 95, 94, 95• What Chrifl's Body for excellency was,C.p.95,96, 97,98. efpecially at his Trmufigura– tzotl,,roo,ror,rez. How the Bodies of glorified Saints !hall much excel that of Adam's in his Slate of Innocmcy, C. p. IDJ, 104, JD5, w6to I 19. See Refurreflion and Glory. Book. What be the Contents of the Seal!d Book, A, p. 7• See Seal. How our Names ( by Etefling– G,.ace) are writtea in the Book of Life, and the Rejl are left out, D. p.I 95,196 to 199. See Eleflion,Re– probatio11, Brittai11,How Grtal Bri/tain fiaAds the faireil: (of all the ten Kingdoms in Europe) to be the Street where– in the Wltneffes mull meet with .their Slaughter, Refi.rreflion, &c. A.p.176,177. See Reftzrreflion and Wit•uffes. , c. C . .AIIing. What Ef[efluaJCaJlint is, D. p. 2l)• How 'rinhe fruit of Eteflzng·grace, D. p. 241. How thisVocat:o11 andEiefl:o11 are Commenfurate, D,'p. 242. What is the primum credi6ite herein, D. P·•43· What it is to be Called accordzng to God's purpofe, D. p. 244, 24)· 'Tis all things pertai•tmg to lzfe mzd godltne(J, D. P·245,2"f6,247-Thofe that are ejftflualty Catted !hall be carried through all Temptations un– to Perfection, D.p 27I 1 272,0ther– wife we could not be fa id to be cal– led to tttrttal Glory, D. p. 281, &c. HowGod is both the Ejlator and the .ll[fitrer, D. p. 282. How this ejjefluat Catli11g is the Centre of two Eternities, D. p,289,290. Hew it is a Spring to elerrwl Life, D. p. 290, How our being call'd to Glory fhould be a check to Sm, D. p. 29 2. See Give, Glory, Care, PrejerVtd, Sin, Eleflion, aod Experience. Care, Chrifitaketh careof his cal– ledand chofen, D.p. 369. The Saints haveagoodKuper, D. P•l70. Our Sbepberdcarries hisSbup upon his ll10ulders, holding the fore-leggs in one hand, and the hinder !eggs in . the other.SeePerfeveraiJce.D.p.;t8 Ceremotry• How the Lcvirical Cere– monies were Types of Chrifi, D. P·76 Change. How Cbtmgn in Civil and Religi-