Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

The Table. RdigiomAffairs are reprefented by fallmg Swrs, A. p. 44, 45. The Creatton-frate was a changtablt ftare, C. p. 2 3. What that mutabi– lity is, C. p. 26. What is the rife or original of that changeableneiS, G, p.26,27,28. Every hundred years brings great alterations, A, p. I81 Chrifl is a Lamb, as a Priejl, but a L ion,as a King, A. p. Io. He is the Lamb Jlain, yet but M jlai11, A, p. 10, Thoughhe·be a Lamb, yet can he be angry, A. p. 48· See Lamb, Lion. The Royalties of Chrifr what, B. p. 109, uo. He is call'd theFir.fl.born,why?B, i IO, I I 1,1 n.. How he hath the prehemmmce, B. P·"3 to u 6. How ht is theJmage of the Invifible God, B. p. 117.&c.How Chrij/ is the Word, C. p. 59,60, 61. Why bt is (o called, C. p. 62, 63. How he's fiiled The Son of God, C. p. 64. tie is proved to be fo,C.p.65, 66,67,68. He is the SotJ of God by way ofjingt~larity and appropria– tio11, C.p. 69, 70, In what fenfe is He the 011/ybegottm So11,C.p.71,72 to 8o. See Arrians. How ChYij/ is Gild-man, C.p. 8r. T he Perfonal Union of the tWO Natures, C.p. 8) to 88. HisH11manity is as a facred Breafr ~vhereby his Deity milketl1 out its i\lfufliciency to us, B. p. I 2I, What the glory was whicb Chrifr had as he was God-matJ,Yl.p.I2j ,&c See more i_n Glor)'. His Mal!hood _l1ad a predej/i11attd glory,B p. I 24. &c. yet Saints, though predetlina– ted to glory,cannot fay with Chrifr that they had a glory with God be· fore the World was; for their Per– foils exifred not as hudid, B..P• I 2 7, 128. How there was a Co11traC1 of the two Nat11rts long before the Marriagt of them. He was God– mat~ Elect, as a e$aior-EitC1, ll.p. I 29. See Glory, Fuhu(J, Ptr(tfli· on, Kingdom, ~c. Chrifl had tJC• quiredas well as perjo11al Abilities, D.p.p 2 He bad a tender heart to fuccour the Tempted, being a M a11 o(Temptations, aswellasaMa11 of Sorrows, D . p. j I J,jl4,j I I'· There wereJaije Chri{ls imagined in the Apofltts dtl)'S, C. p. 89, 90, 9I, 92. and fo in our days ,C. p. 93· See Compttr, Crtator, Lord, Creature, Ftllber, .Cart, EJ•es, E111pty, Faith, Fulrttjs, Glory, Per(eflio11, Gzve, Head, Jtws, J udgmmt, 'Day 1 Knowledge, Root. Church. Its R.eprefentation, A. p,2, 3· of the Church V niverfal , A. p. l· How acoofifrs ot thru States, A.p. l• to fet up a Church is to fer up a Throne for Chrijl, why the Church is call" a Elders, and what are its Officers, A. P• j,4,5· T he Story of the Old Teflament Church is more eminently acted over again in the times of the NewTefl,zment, as to all its principal paiioges of Provi· dence , A. p. l I, J2• The Earth help"d the Womtm or Church,in the Goths and Vmzdals, ogainfi the Ar· rian Pcrfecution, A.p. 62. See Tra· vel, Delay, 'Dtliverance. Praytr, Greek, Preferve, North, City, The Apocaltptick Czty is Rome, which is taken 10 a double Senfe: ( 1. ) For the Czty Rome ir felf. (2.) For the Jurifdidion of Rome, extending far beyond the Walls of the City unto many Countries, A.p. I7l· What is meant by the tmth part of the uty, A.p.x 74· See Eu– rope, Jerujl1lem, Romt. Commumon. That Vmon and Com– n~rmtotJ which the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit have among them– felves , is the original Motive of God's ordaining us to an Union aod Communion wrth himfelf, D.p.126 f!!c. as likcwife their common en– joyment of one and the fame God· head, D.p. I p,f!!c. There is a fweet Converfe betwixt the F.•ther and the So1t, as olfo with the Spirit, A. p. I40,14 r, ~c. All which teach our Union and Communion with God and his Saints,ibid, See Vni· on, God, Predtf/i•Mtioll. Co11quer; Chrifr's fidl fetting fort h to C01JfjUer that Kingdom which was given to him by the Father.A. p .j2. Twelve men co•Jqtter Hta– thmzfm and the Heathen World, A, P·B· Thus Chri{l will conquer all that obey not hi< Go(pet, A.p. f4· See Kingdom, Prottjlant. Cot~verfio11, As there is an Autum11 Spring, fo there moy be a fecond Converjio11, D. P•l4L Ptter had a new Converjion, and fo may we, D. 342, J46, 347· Covtnant. The firfr CovenaAt, or Covenant of Works, is call'd the Creation Coventml, or Covenant of Nature, C. p. 10. and why? C. p, 21, zz. The firfr Covenant was Natural to /Jdam, C, p. ~). both as to