Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

The Table. to hi& Jufiifyi"g before God, and as to his RewtJI'diiJg from God, C, p. 46. How Noab was an example of theCovnumt of Graet, D. p,4o. Noah was the firft man to whom God ever fpako of a Covenmzt,D.p. 4,1,42. Though he was of the firjl Rare for Holinefs, yet was he faved by the Grace of this Covenant, D. p. 43· NMh's Covmallt had eter– nal, as well as ttmporat Salvation in it, D. p. 44, 45. As God made a Covenant with Noa{, before I be Flood, fa he made another with him after it, D. p. 47• 52· The former was to favc him and his from th.1t Flood; the tatter was,to fecure the World (as well as him) that there fhould never be .any more Floods, D. p. ~7· This Cove· nmtl with Noah was more than a Providential Promife, D. p. 6o, 61, The fpecial Parallels betwixt No– ab's Covmrmt and the Covmant of Gract, D.p.64,6f,66 to75· There is alfo an eterual Covellfllll betwixt the Father and the So11, D. p. 268, 26g. ,See 'Decret, Infa>lts, Grace, Purpofe, Order, Phrafe. Court. · What the owtward Court (which is to be trodden cown) is, A. p.lll t012j· The Authorsdif– ftringSentiments from Mr. Mede, Mr. Brightm,m, nnd Mr. Forbrs, abourit,!\.p. 126 to IJ4· See .Gm– ti!es, Prottjlant, Temple. (re,ztor, Cbnf/ is.the Creator of all things, B. p.t8o.Objections ngain!t this Anfwered, B. p.18< ,182. Chnf/ is 1 he wordwhich made the world, B.p.184. He is call'd both the word anJ wtfdom, B. p. 18;, t86. It was Chrift who faid[ Let tbtre le light, e~lc'.] B.p. <go. See Lord, Chrif/, Dt[t.mce. . Creatur~. All C:rtalures ll1all wor• fbip Chrifi, !l.p. Cl )• No Creature is·God,,C. p.1. Tl1e Abfurdities of thofeOpioions wherein t beCreature is inade·God, C, p. 2, &c. No Crea– ture is from E1ernity, fo canaot be God, C. p. S'. All the Crealtlres fhall have their !hare in the New World, D. p. 61. See 'Diflmtce, Shadow, Ma11, A11gel. 'D DAys. What is meant by the 1260days, Revel,!i. A. p. Il 4 . See Months, Eltrttity, T1mt, Death, is fignified by the pale Horfo, A.p, 3S'• 'Decrer, God's Decrees are all'effica– cious which Infallibly auain their ends and events. This u,e Armi– nians oppofe, D. p. pg. All the Three Perfons in theTrinity are the Efficients, D. p. j8I. The N•ture of thole Decrees and the Iotereft of Divine Attnbutes in them, do give AlTurance of their Accomplifh· ment; D. P• ~8o. to j84.How there is fame llind of Priority in the 'De– crees of God, B. p. 112. See Ele– ctJOu, PrtdejlinatJOn,Reprobatio11, Etm1ity, Purpofe, Infants, 'Delay. Though God defers the Pray· ers of the Saints in Heaven, yet gives he them fomething equiva· lent to a fatisfactory Anfwer, A. P· 40· See Church, 'Dtliverance, I'rayer, 'DefPair. 'Deliveral!ce, The Churches Deli– . verance is nigh, Chrift hath told - her fo, A. p. 106, We have hi& folemn Oath that Time (or 'Delay) fhall be no longer than till the Se– ·venthTrumper, which brings the ruin of the Pope or .lilltichr1j/, A, p.1c7, 108,&c, See Gruk, 'Defpair, The greateft Difpondency may be a Fore-runner of the great• eft Mercy, A. p. g. This is not on· ly to rry us, but to fer off God's Mercy,and to make ourJoy greater, ibid. 'Dtvits, Though the 'Devils have bin for a long time worfhipped as fo many Gods by Jhe blind Heathen , yet are they defigned for Hell,A.p, 48. See Gods, · 'Difciple, Such as are otd'Difcip!rs, have the moft , as well as much caufe to magnifie God's Grace to– W2rds them, D. p. 216. 'Dzj/a11ce. There is an Infinite Di· fiance bet,vixt the Crtator and the Creature, God and Mmt, C. p. 3. (t,) As God is the M .zker and Prt· ferver of all his Creatures, C. p. g. ( t,) As he is eternal, fo wa• be· fore any of them had a Being, C.p. 9,10, (J,) As be tranfcends them all in his Excellency, C. p. u. (4.) As