Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

The Table. --~~~~~--~~~-=-----=----~~~------------------ ~~ (4) As he is Supreamly holy, C. p. D.p. ~71I8,Wc.. What are the end u,1 ~· See Creator,Cre4ture,God, and means of Eleflion, D.p.7g,8o. M '"'• Shadow, Angel. See Prtdef/ittatto11 ultra. Eleflion Divorct. One called to be aBeliever in its ordinary courfe .runs in a line after Marriage with an Unbeliever, of Succellion, D p. 381. See ] 11 • · mull not feek to be Divorced, D.p. fatJts ultra. And fee A11gels,Gracr, 401. Faaum valtt licet fieri non Rtpro6mJOn 1 Purpofe. de/luit, How? D. P• 402, How lmftri'. the Roman Wtf/em 'EmParttu f'qtsitur mdiorem partem. pire was div.ided into ten Kingdoms The Birth follows the better Belly. by the Incurfion of the Goths aod The Believer (through Gr_ace) fan· Vand,tls, A.p. 63. which all gave ctifies the Seed more than the Un· up their power tacit-ly to the Bwjl,' believer polluteth it, D. p. 4og,Wc. 63,64•. when the ten Horns rofe, Sec l nfmt, Marriage. and wh1ch was thcfirfl, D.p.65,66, 67,68,69. Sec Beajl, Antichnf/, Rome,S1111, Trumpet, Tt~rk. E EAfl. The Eaflern ChriflianJ are fignified by thofe Hundred forty and tour thoufand Sealed Ones in Revtl. the Wej/ern be by thofe mentioned in Revel. I'f· A. p. 28. See Rome. Eleflio11. The necellity of Election– Grace, D. p. 1. fir(\ in refpect of Angels, D. p. 2, 3• but more in re· fpectof Mm, D. p. 4, 5· If in the lnttocmt, much more in the fain E– flate, D. p. 6, 7• Creation-Grace falls far fhort of Eldllon or Super– CreationGrace,D.p.II. There is an Eld1io11 a~d aNon-li,/e{liott, D, p. it. The Scriprure·phrafe is [ the Elt{lrd and the Re[/] fuch as God mver knew, but paffed by, D. p.1). Election is ofpure Grace, D. p. 16. Inf\ances to prove it, are lfaac and .1aco6,D.p.17,18. The difference betwixt the true and the outw.trd I(raelite, is refolved into Ele{lio1l· Grace, D. p. 1 9· of the Ele{lioll that was in E}ijah's day,,zt The Comfort of Eleefi11g Grace, D. p. 21, a: All the World are and have been euher the EleGtton or the Re!l, D. p. 2~, ~4. 2). Thus it was withCain and Abel, D. p. 26. and t hus with NMh and the oldWorld, D.p.26, 27. Thus with Shem and (b,zm,D. p.27, Thus withHr6er and the Bt<ildtrs ofBabe!, D.p.27, 28. And thus with lfrael•nd the other Gtntile N rztionJ, [ Thr Re/1 wn-e 61i11ded] D. p. "9· Thus alfo the EteDion-Grace run on to (brifi's ttmt, D.p.~o.3I,j>•B·34· La!lly, thus it is in all Gofpelttmes, D. p. !), 36, We. Ele{lto1/. Ho\11 N0r1h (as faved in the Ark) was a Typical Reprefedtation ofElrC!io11, Empty. How Chri!l emptied him(eff, in his !late ofHumiliation.He might fay with N,zomai,l came fromH,a. vm fu!J, but am brought down un– to the ttzrth empty, B. p.2o1. England. See Great Britiai>~. 'Tis very probable that New-Engl<~"d lhall. not be trodden down by the Pagmu, A. p. I2'f; See North. Eternity, Two tho.ufand years, com– pared with ettrnity, is ea!I'd but a very {mall mom~nt, D. p. p. Our effectual Calling is as the Cen-tre betwixt two Eternities, D. p. 289, 290, See Vrcree, Predef/itJatio1J • 1ild!io11, Reprobation, Creaturt. ' Europe. As it is the chiefdiSe;t of Chri!lian Profellion, fo 'tis ocall'd Chrtj/tndom,or the Chri!lian World in Vulgar Language, but in' Sacred Scripture 'tis call'd [The holy City J A. p. r 'J· See Cry , Jerufa!rm, North, Jews, Temple. Excommtmicatio11. Spoke of, and of fomething equivalent to it, l\.p.124, See Protij/mll, Court, Gentiles, E:xperimce. How it would a!lonifh us to hear one anothcrs e:xperitnas of God's carrying on the work of Grace in our H,arts from our Con· verlioA, as well as the fir(\ workings of God's Grace to convert us, D.p·. 377· See Ca/Jing, Pre[rrvr, Per– fwerance. · E:xpojitio1f, The Thirteenth of the Revelation is expounded by theSe– venteenth Chapter,A.p.27.A laroe EKpojition upon the whole EpifUa of']udt. D. p. t67 to 190. • Eyes. Chrifl hath his eyeJ ofProvi– de1!Ct to obferve his Advetfaries, and Hortu of Power to execute his pleafwe, A. p. S. R rr Faith,