Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

The Table. F. FAith. The Faith which Adam had wa• nat11rat and from fantfi– fied Reafm, C. p. p. Therefore Un– believers are now blamed for not Believing, Reafons to prove that Adartls Faith was but natnrai,C.p. p,)l,)4. but our Goj'pelfaith is Jt~prrrhlttlrat, C.p.)5 ,56,57,58. yet not fo, as if the light ofSupernatu– ral Fauh in the fa in Eftate did de– flroy the light of natural' Reafon, c. p. )9· though it be rar above it, C . p.6o,6 r. And thougq this Faith in the fain Elhte do much tranf– cencl that Faith which A dam had, C.p.6t,6J,64• Fait}ls not failing is Satml's fotling, i!id we have the publick Faith of Heaven, that our Faith ihall not fail, D. p. 200, 201, t:!5c, How Faith can never be put to a Nonplw, D.p,2jl. How 'tis the blooming of Faith, which gives us Comfort', D.p. 249. How Free– Grace, Chri(l, and Faith (inus) be all three Adequate, D.p.299· See ](r/Owledgt, Adam, Prefrrved, Perfevtrrma.. F.zll. See Faith,Relapfe,Preferved, Per(tveranc~, Man, Adam. -- Famine. Ho\V tt is fignified by the black Hor(t, A. p. 34, ~5· . Father. As God the Father is our Fa– ther, fo affo is Chrrfl ot<r Father. God tht Father's Rei<ztio11 to us, is not fofo Jnded, as the FotherhRe– tali01z ot Chrifl to us is, B. p. Ip, 152 Firt. What is ')leant by [ <I power to fcorch mm by jirt] A. P• r oo. It is the fame with [Fzrt proceeds out of the mouths of the Wi11uffis] A. p. , IOI Fra11ce. God rcfcrves an Honour for his own People in Frautt,ar.d why? A.p.176 Free-Grace, See in Grace. Free-will. See in Will., S.:eGlorify, Frt1it. How Temporarr Believers bring not forthp<Y[etf Frttit, D. p. 2~1,262,26l. SeeF.zith, Perje– vtrame. Fuhujs. How it is in Cbri{l, 'tis not fo much the fu!tJe(Jof aVefftl,as of a FomuaitJ, 13. '9l· Though olt julne(s dwell i11 hi ., , yet he thinks nor lllmfdi'fu/1 mot~ghor perfeCl: without us, B, 201. I! Chnfi be fo full, as to anfwer all God's ends, why doth he not much more all ours,having all in him, B.202. How all is in Chrifi, A, p.I S'· See Chrifl Glory, Perjttfion. ' G. GEntilu. Why the Papifis are call'd Gentiles, A. p. n8. Gen. tilts, as we all are, be Japhtt's Ojfjpring, D. p. 70, See Popery, Protrjla11ts, Name. Give, How the Saints are given by the Father toChnfl both at their Eletfion and at theirVacatiofJ, D. p.107 Glory. The Glory ofChrifi. See in Chrifl. There is the Glory of the l:'ather, and the Olory of Chrift D. p. 292, 293, The Native per: jimal Glories and Royalties (both lnhermt and Adherent) belonging to the Perfon ofChrift, what they are? C, p. 91', g6. His Relative Royalties, what they are? C. p. 97· His Perfonal Excelleacies, and his Extrinfecat, C.p.98,99, I<>O,IOI I02; It is Chri!l's Glory to be both Capttt Eletfioni<~ 'Dzletfionu, D. p.Joo. Aright fenfeof givingGio– . ry to GodandChrifl, lays not with weight and warmth upon our hearts C.p.:t:t. We have not our Prazfes prepared (as 'David had) for all Divine Mercies, C.p.27,28J~e. See PerfetliotJ, FulntjJ. The Glory Chrifl had from Eternity was Per– fonat •nd Mediatory,B.p.123 toIlS' See Chrifl, Perfetlion, ~c. God, Glorifie. Mi11ijlers;' Glorifie. Theglory wherewith Chrift glorifies his Redeemed, is no taken ln"""'] but ( hdlxJ;, J how ?B. p. 148. Theglory wherewith we ihall be glorified, iscall'd Chrifl's glory, and not ours, D. p. 294· Adam's glory wherewith he was glorified in thefirfl flatt and Covmant,was laid at the fiake unto Fru-wilt,~c. but the glorypromifed in the tJfW Co– velrant is in furer Hands, D. p. 29)• E(fotfual CtJIIing gives a right and title toglory, though not a prefent poffef!ion of it, D. p.28>. Our Vo– cation affureth our glorification, as 'IJ.-zvid's firfi Anointing did the Kingdom to him, D. p. 28~. Three Arguments to prove it, D. p. ~s~, 284- This is affured'to us notwith- . fianding