Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

The Table. fianding our Corruptions, D.p.285, 286. God is known as he is o11e in EJ[mce, B. p.I ,z, as htis three in 'Perfims, B. p. 3 to 10. That thefe three Perfons are di£lind: one from the other, B. p. I I,tz. The three .Perfcns have ,._ nion and communion between themfelves apart, ·and incommuni– cable unto us,. B. p.13. This proved ttegativtly and pofitJvtly, B p. I 4• Wherein their commuNion (as well aS1mio11) coAfi£leth incommunica– ble to us, B. ·p. I), t6'to2o. The comfort of it as to us, B. p. 20, 2I. of giving glory to God, B. p. 22. •FourR:eafons whygrace i11 mmull: give glory to God, B. p. 29, 30, j I. Wherein this mull: be done, B. p. j2 to 40. How the glory of God ap– peateth in his Univerfal Dominion, B. P·4I to 49· See G!ory,Creator, 'K.i11gdom, Grace, Peace, Name. Gods. Mr.Mede's excellent Defcant upon [Gods ma>!J and Lords matry] B. p. r6o. Good is alway communicative,and the highefi good is moll: highly fo. B. p. I2o. Grace. In cafe of 'Divijions, God (for our comfort) is call'd the God of'Pe;ct: and in cnfe of Temptati0/1 he is call'd tbe Godof Grace, D. p.2o2. What it is to have God the Godo(Graceto us, D.p.203. H is grace is threefold, ( 1) Purpojing, ( 2) 'DifPenfatory, ( 3) 'DifcrJmi11ati11g grace, D.p. fi-am 203 to 24I We havecaufe to admireFree-grace in·eight Parr.~lars,D.p.t4f to I )5 'Dijcriminatinggracedemonfirates "the Infinite Graee of Ete{fion, D.p. I,6,Clic. !11flallcts hereof Cam and ,Abel, Efau and Jacob, D. p. 161, Ephraim and judah,p 162, 'David and Saui,D.p.t63.'Peter and JudiU elic, D. p.164. Free-grace puts a difference betwixt the enlightened Temporaries and the Elefi,D.p.t67 Theformer fall away from Grace, the lalltr do perfevere in it, D. p. 1 7 1, (lie. How God will give mort Graet, D. p. 278,279. Until Grnet be perfed:cd into glory, D, p. z8o. Graet, at its fir£1 taking hold of us, fets up a Dominion over us, D. P• 372. See Faitb, Ele{/iolt,'Prefervr, 'Per{everance, and Hand. Greek. How the Greek Churches !hall be delivered from the power of the1i~rk, A. p.)8, 59· H. HAIId. How Cod's right hand doth take hold ofour right hand to uphold us, D.]J. 370, l7,, 171. Head. HowCbnfl is the Head both of the o!dCrention and ofthe' new, and the Lord Bacon's curious Noti– dll about it, B. p. 176. Heart. The Harpunderthe Law is now the well-tuned Heart in Go– fpel times. The Agaominatioo of Cordaand Chordt~~, their near a Kin intima[es it, A. p. 1 3· Htgh-Prufl. How he went into the Holy of Holies, firipped of all his rich Robes, B. p. 1 j6, Hotine(J. See !tifants, Cov<nmtt, Graet, EleE1ion, elic.- Ho/, l;low that People hath en– joyed the Gofpel but a lirtle while, fo may have theCup of wrath the lafl, A. p. j6. . Humble. Our difiance from God · lhould ht<m6te us before him; both as Creatures and as Sit111ers, C. P• 13, I4· Hypocrzte. Th~t which is mere Rt– mJ[iufi in Saints mull: not be term– ed Hypocrifit, D. p. 350. Thofe that are called dead, Revel. 3. , , were only ready to dye, verfe 2. D.p.j)1 J. J Erufalem. There is the old and the 1l(W : Europe bath been the Seat of Chrifiian Religion,as .7mtfalem. was of the Jewiflt Worfuip for above a Thoufaod years, and this Typical 1erufalem the old !halllafi, until tbe 11ew ,'Jerufalrmcome,A.p. 1 I8,119, See Et~ropr, Jews, Ki?tg– dom. JejiJit, How Laws are made in ma· ny Lands again!l: the .'Je[uits, and when l A. p. 98. They are by Law punilh•d with Death, as they have punilhed Prottf/ants, A-P·99· Jewt. They are not allowed their Worfi1ip, though the Chri[1ians be theirs by the TMk in Jerufa!tm, 1\, P·'47• The Co11ver{lo11 ofthe Jews, and the ri(ing of the European Witnrf!fS may be contemporary, A; p. I87. which may happen at the <nd nf the f orty five )'tars, ibid. The Enemy which hinders the Revealing