Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

The Table. \·ealing of Chri!t !hall be removed, as the Romm1 Empire, which hin– dred the revealing of .Antichrifl, A.p. 187,t88, The Revolt of the .Jtws is the ru:n ofthe Tt.r/ufl; Em· pire, A.p.l88, i89. Look for no pre• parations to the Jews Converlion, that Nuion fhall bring forth in one d•y ,A.p.I 90, See Tt.rk, Jtrufa· !em. · o , Im.1ge. Of the Imagt of God in Man, C. p. 40, 4', 42, How it was in .A– dum in his State of Innocency, ibid See M ,JIJ, Adum: How the Popt is the Image of the Vrugor~, A. p.6;. See .Adam, .Ailticbnfl, See Ptrfe· tliorJ. J,fwrs. How lnfrmts of Believers are call'd [Ma/.2.1 ~,(!)c.] an holy Seed, The Apof/lt [1 Cor. 7• 1-4.] oppofeth not KJ~,~, clean , to '.f\)1:;.~8Ttl-., rmclean, but ufeth "A~tt., whtch fignifics holy, D.p.4i7. So it mull mean more than a mere legi– timation , D.p.4i7,418. Tobe_(atJ– lfified relateth to up, but to be holy rtlatcth toptr{otu, D. P· 418, 4'9· To fav, that ElcCl:ion runs in a Suc– cdlive Line of Believers ufually, doth not infringe the Freedom of Elrtling Grace, D. P-4!2· This is coofonant to ccmmon Rules of hiend!hip, D. P·4ll· It alfocor– refponds with Gods other proceed– ings in ways of Grace, D. p. 4l4 to 44 r. This holds forth both the Vsgmty and the Duty ofboth god1) Parents, ancl of their Children, D. p. 442 to 45P• Believers Chil– dren are tiJ.eretore call'd Gods He– rttage, becaufc among them ufu– ally doih Eletlion lay, D. p. 386, 387. This is according to God's Covtnar~t with Abraham, which was firll: a FamiiJ-Covenant, D. P• j88, l8g,;go. Thegraetof .Abra– h tm's Covenant is derived both ro Ge11tile Fmulin and to (;wti!t Churches, D. p. l92· They being grJfted in the Room of the 7ew– /Jr,znchn brokw o(J; D. P•l9i,(!ic, as the Jrw hrmrches arc called ho– ly,,i6. fo are the Genrile– J!,r zfts, I Cor. 7· i4· D.p. 398>199· This Imer is inliflcd upon, proving that it is a trt:e Holuu(I which is ottr:but<d to them, 0. 4oo,~c. See B.zpti(m, Elrtltolt, 'Decree, Inherifatt(t, What is the difference betwixt a Reward and an I11htriranee, D. p.~e8, See Glori{it. ]m/Ocmcy. See Man, .Adam, ~c; lt~vocat:o?J, Why Saints departtd ought not to be mvocattd, This Po– pijh jolly is confuted, A. p.q . See Popery, Crtaturt, Glorf,rtc. Ifrael, How there be Typical Ifrae– lstts, and fuch u are fo indeed; the difference between them, D. p. 1 1, Sec Graa, Jews, Jerufalnn, Per– je'lltrana, Eltction. Judgment, How Judgment hgins at the Houft of God, as in the Defo– lationsof Gtrf11an~, Bohemia, A.p. j6. How <?od ~id then rife higher and higher 1n his ]ttdgmmts, ibid. Judgmmt-'DaJ. ThenChrifl, who now fuews only the wrath of a Lamb, will come in the wrath of a Lion, A. p. 49· when Chrif/ bath done to govern the World (for its Governmetlt lays upon his Shoul– ders, Ifai. 9• 6. ) He will then come to judgt it, B. p. 19~. Sec Vitlory,(!)c, . JufiificatiotJ. How it conli!ls oftwo parrs: ( 1) .A6(olutio11from 'our fh:s, (:r.) Acceptation of our perjo11s, D. p.~72,276. KitJgdom. Chri!t will have a KiiJg• domupon tflrth, A.p. 14.tohrlieve this Truth is very joyful to Belie– vers , A. p. 11.. The belief of this maketh the glorified Saints to over– look the happint.fJ of their Souls (only) in heavm, A. p. '4• As the world was wholly under one hea– t hm Emptrour, fo it fhall be whol– ly reduced under one Head, to wir, under the Lord <;;jui!t, A. p. 28, Chrif/'s KitJgdom is called theMom– ing Star, which foreruns the King– domof the Father; who is compa– red to the Srm, D .p. 2.94• Godcan eafily turn all Kingdoms about to Chrift, A. p. 47• Whatthe Rtgmnn. .Afltt Mu11danumis, D. P·94• Sec Time, Wo, (!)c. Knowlrdge. The knowledge of God is twofold, (1) Spuularu, (~)Intuitiva, B. P·l ~· ;6. It is alfotJa– tural and (ttptrnatural, B. p. 40, What kind ofknowledgt Adamhad of God, B, P·4i•4~•H>44· Whether his ~nowledgt was by the light of Faith and Supernatural Revelation, B.p 50,5i,p. of the J.noUJ!edge of Cbrtft. What his ptrfon is? B.p·49· That ht exi!tcd with the B1.thtr from all eternity I B. p. p, H to r6 Chrt.jt's