Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

The Table. Chrtf/'s exter11al exzf/mce is much for our comJort, B. p. )7, 58. The 'Devil is nowwarming his cold Pies preaching anew his old Sermons a– bout Men being Goddtd and Chrtf/– ed, whereby the knowltdgr ofGod and Chrtf/ is abufed, B, p. Sb. Chrzfl had a clearer knowledge of God than M ofrs or any Man, B. p. 121, '1 22. How Chrijl's k110wledge was greater after his death in knowing the day of Judgment, A.p.14. See Chrifl ultra, _fiirs up thofe waves, D. p. l59· but 1t IS Chnfl who Rebukes both the wi11dand thewavrs,B. p.·36o. M M An, I-lis fir!l e!latelby Crtation, what it was? C. p. 20. Tke 1hrrrtjlatts of Man; ( 1) Of N ... ture, (2)0t Gract,(~)OfGiory, C,p.Jl,j2, B· 34 ton. What was Adam's lirft eftate, C. p. 37, j8, 8g. How the Image of God was in AL I Am!J. Why Chrifl is call'd a Lam/; , with Horns,A, p.Io,I r,12. See Lio11. Life. I-lowChrifl bath Life in him– fe!f,B.p.•9l• '94· Light. HowChrzjl is the Light of the world, B. p. 194, I95· Lion. Why Chrifl is called a Lion as well as a Lamb, A.p.Io,u,u.See Lamb. dam in hisf/alr of lm<ocency, C. P• 40 , 4', 4'• See Image, Adam, ~c. M"rk. What is the Marle of tht Brafl, and how the Popijb Prirfls both !Jear aodWtar it, A.p.64. See Beajl, Antichrzjl, Popery, Name, N11m6er. Mar!iage. How Adam's Marria~e wtth Evr was a Type of Chr.jt's Marriage with the Church, B.p. 141 See Divorce. Martyrdom. 'Tis believed that one Hundred forty and four thoufand Cbri!lians(the very Number in the Rwelatio11) were made Martyrs io theTmth Prr(rct11io11 under']);. oclefi.m, A. p. 38. How Martyr. Jom is a ?erfettion, A.p.4o. To dye for any Truth in theWorld is Mar– tyrdom, ibid, Method. How it is God's Mtthodto go from the lefsperfett ta the more perfett, Why? C.p.j2,Jl,l4· See Perfef1. Miuif/ers. They fhall haveperfimal g lo? fortheir perfimal holilufl as they are tru~ Chrif/ians,and befides that, they fhall have a{rtperadt!ed glory, as they are faithful Mini– flers, D P·P9• See Glorifie. Month. What is meant by the F"ortv two Months, A. p. r1r, Sec Be,ljl. Antichrijl, Mark, Poptry, N.1me, Trnu. Mttjick. Why there ought to be no Mujick inGo{pel worjbzp, A. p. t l· N Lord. God ordained Chrift an V11i– verfal Lordover all Creatures, B. p.I 54· HowChrtf/ is both Ado11ai 2nd 7ehovah, B. r55,I)6,1)7. His fitne"is, fulnefs, and fufficiency for the Officeof fuch aLord, B. p. 158. WhenChrifl is called Lord either in tire oldor in the 11ew Teflammt, it is meant the Lordjbip of his Of– fice and not the fecond Prr[o11 in theT.·i11i1y, The Reafoos for this, B. p. 1 ~9· The Lord Chrift mull: be more than a mar Crtalttre to lit himwith Alfulliciency for hisLord. fbip. Office, B. P• 161 , 162, yet muft this Lord be aCreature too. Why? ibid, Whv this Lord muft not be either the firj/ or the thirdperfon in the Tri11zty, B. p. r6t, r6J. All things have their natural Being from this Lord Chrifl, and the Saints have from htm their fitper– natttral B,ing and wdl·being, B. p.t6). HowCbrif/ is our Root and Lord (or both our fpir !rual Beinff and Bmtfits,B. p.t71,172.SeeChrzjl, Cre,l/or, Crratrzre, Jut!gment,day, f£ic. Low . HowGod's love is everlafting even lrom Eternity to Eternity, D. 1'·•8r, SeeVuchangea6/e. NAme. What it is to receive the Beafls N ame 1 T hey are the Paptj/s that do fo, A. p. 64. Who thoy be that receive the Number of hu N.rmr. Whether thev be Grecia111 (as Mr. BrightmtJ• faith) A· I'· 6), which the Author thinks · S f { nor, Luf/s. How our Luf/s are the Stt1 that do tofJ within us, and ltroublr us; but the 'Devil is the wtnd that