Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

The Table. not, but look rather like Lutht– ra11f , or more lil<ely, they are a potent Faction of Formaltj/s, who in ~e la!t of the latter times, get a power tobiuder buy1ng a11d Jelling, t!ic. A. p. 66. Tbefe are the /aft Ch,llnpt011S of the Beajl, and !hall llay tile Wit11t{fes, and attempt to bring in Popery by denying it, but the Witmj]esjhattovercome them, Rev(/, '5'~ z. A, p. 66, 67. What is meant by the Name of God, D.p. 122. and what it is to declare God's Namr, D. p. 123. (!)c. See God, Prrujr, Mark, N~tmber,Protef/at~ts. Old. See New, Difciplt. Order. Godorders all the 'Dtforders ol Evil men, even all Occurrencic• by a Jure CoVt?ta111, D. p. 208, zo9, 210 to 215. Original. A 'Derivation of an Ori– ginal never rifeth to be the Origi– nal, B. p. 148, p I).Apif1s. See Gtntiles, Pope, Mark, Name, e!Jc. Paradifo, Had .Adam !toed in his !tate of Innocency, he might neNew. In whll fenfe it is token. How a lttW Jv11g is underl\ood, and how 11ew Merclts call tor fltW .A{feC1i– om, 11. p. q, See Trmple. Noah. How br was a Type of the JJ1edialor olthe Covnumt oJGrace, D.p•74,75,76,77. Ht and his Fa– mily were not Javed by the water (as we tead it) but thro11gh the wa– ter by tbt Ark, D. p. 76. See Sa– crtfice, Covmaut, Baptt[m,Elelli– ou, Pbrajt, Preach, R,ll11bow. ver have enjoyed any other but that earth/~ Paradift. There is no entring into the bea· venty Paradife of .Angels but by C!mfi,C.p. 46,47.48,49· See.A– dqm, Ma11, Creat~tre. Pardon.Pardoning Grace is daily work with a gracious God to all his Chil– dren, D. p. 2 74• Patimce. We may not grudge at the continuance of Popery, for Hea– thenifm la!ted longer than it bath done. Chri11: will make quicker work in the la!t days, A.p.48. Nort b. The Temple was built on the North-fide of the City: So is a new Temple in the Northern Nati– ons, A. p. ttS. N11mber. How the Mark of the Bealt, and his N l>nt and Number, as alfo, How the Numbtr of the Beajl, and the Number of f,is do all dif– !Ct, 1\, p. 67. See Mark, Name, Be,;jl. 0 OBjeC1ions Anfwcred: The Ob– jection, ( I) If the End of all things be at Revel, lO· 6, 7• and Revel. 16. v.•?· as is there e•preffcd, to what purpofc are thejeve1t· tuu .., ttghtan, and 1lltlftetuth Chapters added; ond what can they ccnt>in after all be ftni01ed? T his is }/u(wered, A.p. 21. The fecon d Objedion i,, What muft Rtvel. It. Jrom v. r,to V. I). (betwixt the Seal 3nd the Boof-'Prophecy) be referr ed unto? TI.Is is anfwered, A p. 22. , Officers. How the OJ!iars ~f the (/mHb Iemaintd pure, unttl two hundred and ftxty years aftuCbrift. There is no mention of the four wei~hts from the Stals to the Vt– als,A p. l8. Peace. How Chri!tfir!toffersPeace, A. p. B• In cafe of divifions God for our comfort) is called the God Ptace, and in cafe of Temptations, be is called the Godof Grau, D.p. 1.01. PerfeC1ion, what it is, and the qua– lity of it, D. p.t:z.~ . There be three partiwlar Perfellio>u in the Hu, ma11 Nature of Chrij/, B. p. toj. Thcfe are all SHnilitudmary;How? B. p. 106 to I og. How we 1hould Contemplate all the Perfed:ions in Chrif/ for the confirming of us in our choice of him, B. p. 201· The Royalties andPerjtC1to>ts ofChrifi what they be as he is the firj/-6or>J, •B.p.I09,IIO,III 1 JI2• Wherein_his prehemi11mce confifteth, B. p. t 1 1 to 116. How he is the Image ofthe lnvijibltGod, B. p. 1 '7• See Mt– thod, Image, Chrifi. Perfecutio11, As the la!t of the ten Heathen Perfecu\,ions was the fo– reft, fo will the lafi of .dntichrifl be in jlayi11g tht WiwejJes, A. P39· Hnw the power of Perfecuwrs lafts no longer than till their perfe· curing work be done, A. p. 39, 40. How 'Dioc!tJiml and Maximiliml (the two worft Perfecutors of the Church)