Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

The Table, Church) Hid them{etvrs from the wrfllh of the Lamb, by withdraw– ing from publick Government to a pnnte Life, A. p· 47· How Chrifi pajs Perfecutors ho1ne in their own Coin "ith !ikt for like, A. p. 48. The lafi Per(rct<tioll (which is yet to come) will be the fore!l:,D. p.72. See Beafl, CN· Ptr[everrwce. How the Armillitm .Notion for Satnts falling away is anfwered, D. p. 24)· Both God and Chrifi give good Security for Saints prrjevertmce; D. p. 297. to 302. How Chrifi bath bought out our whole time, even all ottr days we may· be fecure without fear, D. P· 3' 1. How Chrifl hath alfo bought off all Temptations that may hilrder, and hath purcna– fed all Supports that may further Salvation , D. p. 312. How Saints arc in w:a Cuflodia. The Body of the /of/ Sheep upon Chrifl's lhoul– der is not left at liberty to wriog or wrefi it felf away, D p. \18, Sec Care Chrifl fiifi •pprehends this loft Sheep • Pint. 3"2· then lays it on his lhou!dcr, holding the forefeel in one hand, and t!Je hin– der in the other, ibid. Chrifi hath our whole Portion in his own hands, AIJ.r 2. ll· and gives it out to us by parcels, puts us into the hands of a fafe Guardian,his Spirit, and inter– cedes for us himfelf, D. p. 319,320. He carries our Salvation on to the <etmo{I,Rom.)· tO· and He/;r.7·2) .D. p., 321. Herakes us into his Carer and Prayers, and never leaves us out, D. P· 320, 321- and his Prayer [Father I wilt, ~c. J hath • crtct· ti11g power, breaks ope Hravm gatrs for us, and lhuts Htll gates a· gainfi us, D. p· 322. Our Union with Chri!l: is indi!Toluble, and our l'artnking with Chrip in 011t affu– rethall the rofl,]oh11 14· 19. • Cor. 1.9.Rom.8-4-and 6-).D· P·~22 ,F~· CbYi{l hath purch>fed a place for us in Heaven. D. p. 326. [ 0ficquid emis, po.ffis dtcere jure tuum:] Chrifi harh alfo tal<en poffellion (which is an elevm points i?J Law) of that purchafed place for us; ye! 'ris hi> interelt and glory to keep glory for us, and us for glory, D-.P· 327. 'Tis the glory of a Crptni1l Geurrnl to carry all his Army fafe1y off through all Ho(\s of Encmie,, and not lofe one Man,Hebr.2.JO,I ~ 'D. P· F9· 'Tis hard to determine whether our Co11verjion or our Per– frprr.11!Ce be a greater work of God's Grace in us, 'IJ. p. 373· See Grace, Prr{rrvt,Experznrce,Care, Re!apjt, F,uth, Vmou. T hrafe. How that Phrafe [This is as tht walfrs of Noahto me]ought to be underflood, at large opened, 'D. p·61,62,6l· See B ,t6ylon fo~ [ B .Jbj•lafl is 'j.tln] and Ele!Jio11, [The Ele!J a11d the Ref/] See Ftre. Ptagr~e. There was a Peflilence,which lafled fiiteen years long. A.p. ~6. Popery. How it is the Image of the He,uhen Bea{/, and !hall bear the ltkt11ejs of its punifhment, A·P·47• How the worlhip of Popery is all He11them(m , A. p. 64. See Anti– chrifl, Beas1, P11pijls, ~c. The Story of the .Popr i> not fpoke to in t l1e Seal Prophecy, (tor Seals be– long to Swtes) but in the Book 'Prophecy, the Churches Badge , A. P·52· Praytr. As the wicked inherit the frns, fo thegodfy do the Prayers of jormtr Ages, A. p. ~ 9· Thore is never a pra)er, but it implies a promife, 'D. p. H l· See Perfeve– rmtcr, 'Delay, 'Delivtrm1ce, 'De· ]pair. Praife. Such men as are Redeemed, be the befl p>·ai(ers of God,A.p. n, we fhouldprm(e God for his good– tufs not only to our felves, but to others alfo, as the A11gtls do for tb.u to us, A, y. 12, 1 ~.See Name, Glory, G!onfte. PredeflinatioH. Wrrerher Mrn fain or wifrt!nwere the o6jeC1 of'Prtde– f/inati0111 'IJ. p. 8r. How God pre– dejlinates to Grace and Glory, 'D. p. 82, Of the St~61upfarian and St~pralap(arian Opinions, 'IJ. p.82, 83,84,8sto ~9- How Chrifl was the firfi that was r/e[/ed, and then weinhim, D.p.90,91.~c. How God' End in electing us was f.hion and Communioll with himfelf, 'D. p. 9), 96, 97 to 100, Now Union is the mdof our ele!Jio11. See Vnio11, There is infinite Grace in this, ( 1) From the greatnc.; of the Benefit in it felf, 'IJ. p.121 ,I22,I2J. ( 2.)As compared with Reprobation, 'IJ.p. 124, 12) to '>l• (3) As the perjmu tltfftd and reft&d do borh . lland !a the tommon Condition at t!eC1ion,