Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

The Table. rle[/ion, D. p. 134• yea, are mere Nult-elllttlfs, D. p. 'l7· both m the fJ!o Eflate equal, D. p. tj9· and moreover, the Etr[/ed are fame– times fuffcred to be as great finners (before their Vocatto1J) es the Re– j e[fed, D. p. '45. Of the. Sutlap– jariau and Sllpraltlpfarum Do– diineagain at large, D.p.j05,Jo6, J07,jO~, (!!c. Sec ~iu, 'Decree, Ele– [/z01t, Rfp>·o6atJ011. Pruzch. How Noah was a Preacher ofGofpel R.ighterufnefs, D. P• 74• See Noah, l<igbteoufnefl. Protef/ams, be inwardlyGmliles, thetr Names are not in the Book of Life, there/ore are given to be trod– den under foot by the Pagans ·or Genti!rs again, A, p. I II, 11 2, 1 q to 111. They are firlt excommulli· catedas Heathms by the Minifiry of the Word, then are they given up by God to the Gemiles, A.p.x 2 r. The Bealt hath an eafie Conquelt o– ver them,i6ii. God gives them up for perfecuting their Fellow.fer– vants, A. P·I15,t26, The Carnal Profelforsof E11g!andand ScotlatJd may be the Win~prefs of God's wrath, as well as Ge~mtlfl)', A. P• 87. See CoNrt,Gmtiles, Btaf/,Ptr– [tcuttons,Reformatiofi,Templt,Wit– •uf{es. Prepm·atio11. What is called our prtpart~tio11 to Glory, D. p. So. Prejervt. How God preferveth an Hundred forty four thoufand, both under Mahomet and under A11ti– chrijl, A.p-l'J, 56. HowGodpre– f, rves his C/mrch and hts Ch1ldrm, as his 1rwrls, both in aCa6iuet and in a Gari(OII,D.p.J78,t8o,t8I,t8z, I 83. How the elt[/ are finally pre1erved, not fo the temporary Be– ·lievers, D. P· 186 to 196. The true Believers may havditsof Ccnvul– fion or Falli11gs into grofs fins, D. I'· 3~1. yet God bath promi.fed to perje[/, f/t~btJfb, .f!re11gthm, and jettltthem,1 Pet. 5· 1~. If Peter could mend his Net, much more can God the Heart, D. P• H l• See Exprrie11ce, Hrmd, Per{everanct, Calli11g, Ete[/ion, Predef/matJ· Oil. ;( Promife. How the promi1es were extant before the world began, B.p. ng. See Pra)•rr, 'DtltJ)', 'Deliverance, Ch11rcb, (!!c. . 'l'rophrcy·. The diff<rence betwtxt a Prophecy and • Comed)'• A. p. I, 2, Thar Prephecy of the Revelation is twofold, ( 1 ) A Stal- Prophecy, ( 1) A Book- Prophecy, A. P· '7· The loofing of the Seals, and the ope11i1Jg of 1 he Book , ore two dt– lline!: Propbecie>, A. p,t7,I!1. yet both of them do run over the fame whole Courfeof Time, ihtd. The Jr,•I-Prophuy cxtendeth from Chrtpter the {ixth to Chapter the twelfth . and the Book-l'rophecy contains from the twelfth Chapter to the cod, A; p. 18.t9,20, 11. The Seal-Prophecy treaieth upon Fata Jmprrtj, and the Book-Prophecy the Fua Eccltji£, A. p,14,15. See Revt!atio11, Seal, Book, Vtjions. Pro1eff1111ts, Such as are only camal Providence, How all works of pro– vidmce are wrought by Chri[t, as well as the works of Crtatioll, B. p. 197· It is Chrifl whogoverns the world fo rang as the world llands A.p,tg8, See Purpofe. ' Purpofe. How the Creatio11 of all things, the providtnce that corr– ceroeth •1.1created Bei•;gs, and all forts of Works, were but All one purpo[t in God, fi, p. x67, SeeDt– cree, Prtdr[tinatio11, f!ic. R Rai1z6ow. What it figRilies, A.p, 4 . ~ D,p.7r. The Rai116owin theRt– velatioiJwas not an Half-moon as Noah's was , but it was a whole Circle, D, p. 72. • Rtdemftio1!. How it is by Chri[t,and by lum only, A. p. 8, that it is not VtJiverjal, proved, A. p. '4· See Chrijl, F.lefholl, Grace. Reformation, The firll Reformers with Waldur did not fepar>te from Rome, fo are not faid to have a Ttmp!e, A, p. 76, 84,88, Every Re– formation was llill purer and purer, A. p.89,90,122. As God wrought a mi_ghty change upon the Hearts ofKtngs and Princes at the firff Re– formation, fo he will t'lo,and grcat– ter ,at the {ecoHd, A. p. 47· Of the Relormarion of rhe Reformed Cburcl•es, A, p.8t, 81, The three Reformations. Thefirf! by Wal– dm, A,p.84. The (eco11dby Wick. lifJ, A. P• 85. And the third by Ltither, ibid. The Har7Njl and Vmtagt thereof, How andWhm? A. p.eo.