Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

The Table. twiCe their Power to the Beaft, A. p. 126, C!ic. Rome muft be burnt both for a Witch and for a Whore, 11. p. 156. Sec Empire Eaffrl'n, /JutJc/;rtf/, e!Jc. Root. HowUmR is the Root, yet ' the Errwch of 'David, A. p. g. 12, ClmJ! is the Root of all our Spiritual .Bei11gs and Bmejiis, B, 1'·'7'• 172, SeeChrijl,f!,c. s. SAcrijict. How the daily: Sacri– fice was taken away in Julimls Time, A. p.187. HowChrijl's Sacrifice perfumed Noab's, D. p. 47> 48. See Noah, C!ic. Salvatiou. What lflitial Salvati· Oil is , D. p. s8, 59· Sec CIIIing. G•·,,ce , Glory , Perji:vera11ce, C!ic. StwDificatio1l. What it is to be f'anCfijied, D. p. 2p. };low fa1l· Ehfiedones are faid to be perfected, D. zp, 252,253. Sdti;factto11. No Creature can fa– risfie God's ']t~Ilice for Mml's Si11, A. p. 8. Qmjl is our only Raufom, .r... p. '4• Scatte>·. What is meant by the Jcatteri11g of ,the holy People in D'.miel, A. p. 186, •87. Scripturr, Not one Tirtle . of it t'o be flighted, A. p. IlL &a. What is '!1~.ant by that .. Ex– .1/rcilioo in T!tmiel [Inter Maria, between the Seas] A. p.. 166. Stol. O f the fix firfl Srals , in Re– vfl. 6. A, p. 29. How the Sea/– Trophecy is the Book of'Decrees, A p. 30How the rnio of Hra– thew{m (which was firmly root– ed for Four thoufand years, yet ;,., rooted up) is a Seal to us, that 'Popery ( which hath nothing fo long ~ Lcafe) (hall be roQt– ed cp and ruined likewifc, The Hundred torty four thoufand were Jeo!td, that they might not be hurt bv the Wo-Trt~mpets, A.p.56, 57· See Tmmprts, Vials, Selj./ovf. How it is drawn out inro all manner of Sinfulnefs, D. p. 1.2r,22~. 'Ti< defcribcd in its Po– tency, U. p. 26r. Seven. How 'tis a Number of per– fection , A. p.1o. How a Sevm– foJd praife belongs to Chrift, A. p. '5· See Nttmbrr; Shadow. How God only hath a true proper Being. The Crea– ture hath but the jhadow of a Being, C, P• 15, Created Beings only feem to be, C. p. 16. Sig1u. How the Signs of ·Chrijl's Coming are to be underftood, A. p. 88, 89, Smcerity. How God may be an– gry at us for our Frailties , yet be well-pleafed With us for our jiu– cer.ity, D. p. 351. Sin, How our Sins after our Vo– cation may be greater than thofe before it, D. p. 275, 276. How fins of Commijfion are greater than thofe Omijfiou, D. p. 344· How our fins ought to be our af– j/ictioiJs, but not our pltajures, D. p. 366. They muft be our Burdens, D. p. 369. See Prede– fiittatio11,. "' Sor1l. How the Souls of Saints crying for Vengeance, is worfe than the Cry of their Blood , A. p. 40, Sai11ts Souls at death do immediately enter into Blifs, and fuch as they praid for or a– gainft upon Earth, they !till pro– Jecute the fame in Heaven, ibid. How they are !atisfied with Gods Ft'cafons why Perfecutors do con– tinue, A. p. 40. What is the Nature of the So11l, C. p. n, 75, 76, 77· Spirit, What it is [to be 'in the Spirit J A, P• 2, How Spirit is .taken , A. p. Io. What is meant by Spirit, C. p.n, 74, 7), 76, 77· Star, Of Folli11g Stars. See in .Change. Sufferi,gs. How 'tis necelfary both in Cbrijl (who mult fuffer) and in Chrifiians alfo, D. p. lS7, 178. we are (as Chrifi was) perfect– ed by fuffrritJg, D. P· l59· Rea– fans A partt poll, and A parte ante, ibid. All our jil!frri11gs be bur the After-ftiffi:••iflgs of Chrift, whofe Care is to fee us righted in them againfi Sattm, D.p. 367, Chrijl orders all our Suff~rings before the World, ,as \VCIJ as iiJ it,