Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

The Table. it , and forelays ilfues to make all fure, D. p. 368, Suit. . The Srm in the Pope's Fir• 1t mament is the Hott{e of Au– flria, which is rather meant the Emperott>' , than the King of Spai~t , A, p. ·gg, Ioo. T he De– crctals Book calls their Pope, their Sun, and the Emperor.r but the Moon; yet now the Pope is become the Moon , borrowing light from Spai11, f§c. A. p. 1 oo. f§c. See Antit"hrifl , Popery, Empire. S~nchrouifm. How all the Vifions fcattered in the Revtlation have their due Synchronifm? A, p. 79• 8o, 8r, 82. T f§c. OfSolomon's Temple, D.p.IJj, 116, "7· 7emptatio1J. It is twofold, Inward and Outward, D. p. 2)4How the Sun-rife ol Temptation cauf– eth awitheringupon the un[ound; D. p. 2j8. Thtt~zder. What is meant ·by the Thzmdriltgs and Lightmngs, A. P•4• >· Time, The End of Time, How it bath the quickeft Motions, A. p. I go. How we, in our prefent Time, are within the wtml of Chrifl's Kingdom, A. p. I go, ' 9 r: Tralljubj/alltiatioll. How the Do. ctrine of it is ridictt!ullll, c. p. 2 . Trrwel. How the Church -frrzvtl'd undt r Ten fore Throws pf Perfe– cution to br:ng forth the Man– child ( Co/Jf1,mtille ) in eameft Prayer, f.!ic. A. p. 62. Trumpet. The Jevm Trumpets ; How they fpoi1d the R omrm Em– pirr. The four fir{/ fpoild the Weflem, and the t bree !rift the E ajlem part thereof, A. p. 27. The Tmmpets ruin the Empz:re after it came otf from Heathflt· ifm to profefs Chnf1ianit~, foe /hedding the 6/oodof the. S,tillts, A. p. jO, and at the Prayers of the Souls wzder the Altar, A. P• I)O, I)1. How the Wo.Trmnptts be five times longer than the for– mer four, A. p. 56. See Seals, Tttrk. Turk. Of him, A. p. 27. The Tur– kijb Empire and Tyranny flJJJl continue till the New ]trufalem, A. P· 58. The /ixth Via! is po". relll out upon the Turk, A. p. 95· The Tt1rk !hall be deftroyed after A11tichri[is Deftrudion ·, A. P• 185'. See Jews, Vials, Trum· pets. '"T"~Emple; The Wirnetres in the l .J_ Ttme of the firft four Vials, win a Temple and an outward Court from Amichrijl. But fee– ing his Lea(e is not yet run out, he lhall ( before its expiration ) ,..,gain the outward Court of the Nt,w Ttmple again, C!lc. A.p.1 n. I •3· The fir{/ Witllt_[fos that fol– lowed the Lamb , lived among the Papif/s, made no Sep·aration from them, fo had neither Tem– ple nor A!tt~r , as thofe that followed them had , Revtl, I4-4· I). 17, r8. fo irecompa– red to Elzj~Jh, who thotrght, him– felf had been left alone, A. p. 137. See Court, WittJeffes, Reformati· 011. By Ttmple is meant the purer Chttrchts in Ettrope( which is the City already in the Beafls Hand) the outward Court ofPro– tef1atJts at large doch fecure the Witruffts in the Temple from the Beafls AlTaults: How the Wit– >~e_[fos do throw Wild-lire (to wit, their Praytrs) out of the Tem• ple againft the Beaf1, yet when the Beaf/ prevails to tr.ead down again the outer Court, he will then come at the Witneifes in the Templt again, A. p.1r7, 1d1, ~19. f§c. See Beajl, Antichrifl, Truf1. Dodor Pref/onwas wont to fay to his Friends, I have pft tritd God, but now I will trttfl him, D. p. 2-15, Trttth.