Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

The Tahle. Truth. How in mo!i Controverfies one Truth is urged 3s including a– nother, D.p.8j. Vrrumnonfim– per oppo11itt1r fa!{o, fed i11terdum jigttrte, B. P• 193. Tj•pe. What it fignifi~s, B. p. 66, 67, 63. How Type and Antitypt are taken in Scripture, D. p. 44, . 45· S"e Adam. V 1 o~. It cafls down the Popt and hts Clergy from their Dignities which .fuall never be regwan; more, though they may caufe trouble; for the 'l'optdom 1 is not to be dellroy 'd till the Jiventh v.·at, A. p. 103, f.!lc. See Seats Trumptts > Antichrifl , TIIYk' Beajl. , > ViC!.ory. H~w Chrijls Vi8ory over hrs Foes u compared to the 'lJay of Judgment, A. P• 47.- Chrtfl will not only get Vi~ory, bot he will caufe his Enemies to acknow– ledge it , A. p.48. Sec Jutlgmtnt– 'JJaJ· VrfJt!s. How Sainll are called Ve[Jrts of Mtrcy; and God is the Sea which fills them , D . p. 124. VijioriS. How all the Viftons in the Rrvt!ation are borrowed from the Propbrts, A. p. 3'. Vials, How the Vials lhall deOroy both Tttrk and Pope. As Hra– tbmifm was deOroyed by the Seals , and the Wefttrn Empire by the Trttmpets, A. P• 27, ~g. The fi'th 1'itt! fuall drown the M.J"Wcat Eg,ptiims in the Red– Sea· hereupon the S•ints fing the Song of Mofrs , Exod. I r· and the Marriage-Song of . the Lamb, A. p. go. How the Vtats are fill'd with the Prtryrrs of the S.1ints, t\. P· 91. How four Vials are pured out before the killing of the WllmjJts, and the fifth JTiat is poured out after thrir rifing, the fixth Vial is the palling away of the Jrcolld Wo; · the ftvemh Vial and the jtventh Trumprt are one , A. p. 9'• 92. The Vtats began with the times of the firfl Separation from Romt, A. P· 94· How the Pzals · correfpand with the Pla~ues that were poured down fo~ bringing ![rat! out of E'{•·Pt, A. p94,95. Asthe P lagurs of E.upt ended in the drowning of the Eg;•ptin11s; fo do the VI– als in the ru in of the Tkronr of the Beafl. A. p. 91· How– w ife the Vials do f}mbolize with the 1rumptts, ibid. The Vtals have their droppi>tgs, which may have a Caincidcncy, but not.(o their Ft~tnefs , A. p. g6. Tile five fir{/ Virtls are !urther explained_, A. p. 97, f.!lc. The fifth Vu1l1s pl.mJ without a 'Parablt, A. p. Vnchan$.eabte. Of OodsVncbangea– , lite11ejs, How 'tis from his Na– tttrt, D. p. 264. This Divine At– tribute is the Saints Support , D. p. 265. God is not changeable as is the Sun in its r1jing and fttting ;. nor as it is higher ·Or lower tn StJmmrr, and Winter in its Mrridian, but God and his Lovt is always in their Zt– nith or hi/(htjl Eltvatio•i,D.p:z.66 SeeGod, f§c. Vnio11. The Grace of VnifJfl is the highefl Grace , and it is the ground of our Cemmtmion, b. p. xoo, 101, 102, t!!c, The Vniou that Chr.f! prays for (.'lohn 17, 20, H.) IS not only ao Vnion of Saints one within another but 'tis alfo an Vnio11 with God and. Cbrifl, D. p. 104, to). This is the Gtor' of the Saints Vnio11 which Chrifl prayed for, D. p. 106 , 107. This is the bighefl Priviledge we can pray for , D. p. 108, 109, 11 o. And 'tis the greatefl we (both Crtaturts and Smnen , fo under a double di– llan.ce) are capable of. D. p.u 1 , 1 t2, Ill, ~c. Tlte firfl Motive in Gods giving this high V11ion to Man, is to manifefl his.own Name, D. p. 121, ~c. Our V11ion wirh God is but fecondtJ>J, deri'Vative, and collattral, but :Chat of Chrif/s (God-