Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

The Table. (God-mall) is 'PerjimtJI, Origi11al, and in a dirtCf Line. The Vuio11 of God and M ,m in Chrijl's lncar– notion is the highefl Manifeflation of God's Glory, B. p. 117,II8, See Commtmio11, God, Predrftinatiou, 'J'erfeveri. w. WAr. How it is fignified by the Red Horfe, A. p. B• 34· Wejl. See Ea[/ and Empire, We. Will. There is no Free-will in j al11 M rm, D. p. 8, 9· How Free-wil– lers make an Incro.1chme11t and an Intrmcbment' open God , D. p. 1 o, ll, Adam's Happinefs lay at the foot of his own Free-will, but ours is in furer Hands, 'IJ. p. 29}· Witnrffes. They are the A ngels rhu pour out the Vltlls, and after they have had power to pour out four Vials upon the Beafl, they lhall again be overcome by the Bwfl, A. p. 81, 10 1, The WJtiitj{es are lttppofed to be Magiflrates and Mmif/ers, A. P·'li· Tho[eafter the firfl W:i11e§es (for which fee Temple) are compared to Mofes and A<lYOit, A. p. tj8, 139- when thejr outward works or Court is won by the Be<Jf/, then they lhal! be {lain, A, P• ''!4· Their f/.wgh– ur falls out after or under rite fuurth Vi,Jl, A. p. '41'· Howwe ere now under the fifth, or rather under the fourth Vial, A. P·'4i, 146. How there maybe a double recl<Oning of their jlrlflghter, A, p. 147· There be fundry Exempli– fications of the killi11g and rifir.-g of the Wit11ejfes , A. p. 148, As their jlaughter carries a conformi– ty .to Cbrrfl's , fo lhall their rift and reign do, A. p. 149· They !hall be flain by the Power of Rome , as C/;rifl was, A. p. 150' until the L1nd embrace Popery , they are not Jlain, A. p. 1)2. How long thev fhall lay Jlain, A, p. IJl. as Heatbmifm revived a little before its utter extirpati· on, fo may Popery do, 16id. Whether this flmghter lball be Civil onl:r, or Natural alfo, A. p· IS'4, ')), f.!lc. How 'tis prin– ctpally meant Metaphorically but not only fo; 'tis to be under: flood litterally alfo, A. p. I i7, 158. How we expect rather dif– ficult than bloody timet, A.p.1)9· Whether hindring their Interment be a Favotlr or an lvjury , A. p•. Jbo. How, many of thefe Wrt– neffet may not be killed with a 'Death Natural, A- P· I6Z, This j!.mght er ihall not be by M4Ja· ere, A-p- 164. The place where it lhall be, A. p. I 64, t6)· The Beafls Vittory ov"c them amounts only to the plamiHg of a Tent, which lhall eafily be plucked down , A. p. 167. Of the fieps of their Rrjurretlro11, A. p. 169. and of their Afwtjion, A. p. •70. What Events do accompany them, A. p. I71· The Ear~hquake makes way fcJr their ri}ing, which is a forerunner of Romes rui11, A. p. '7'• Their Afcerijioll may be fome fpace of years af– ter their ReftlrreCfion, A. P· t8r , The Time when the killing and rifing of the Witne(Jes lhall be, A. p. 182. 'Daniel makes the Termimu 4 q11o (or fjrfl turn of Times) to be One thoufand two hundred and ninety: Al)f:l the Ter– milltts ad q11em (or the full Ac– complilhment of the Bean and of the Turks ruin, &c,) to be, Forty five years after, to wit, in Thirteen hundred thirty five, A. p. t86, 187. See BleffiJ, Rome, Re[r~rreCfioll , Beafl , ft1,zrk, Name, Per[ecutio11, Court, Tem– ple, &c. Who lhall flay them, See in Name, Scatter, Prole· j/atJI!. Wo. How that faying [Tbe {eCOitd wo ir pafl] mull be underfrood , A. p. 180. How the third wo brings in the New Jertt}alem; and the Kingdom of Chrifr, A. P· I89· Word, How Chri(t is called the Word, See inCh;-ifl, Vv v World,