Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

~------------------------~--------------------------- E R R A T A. In the Diftou,fe on the RE VE LA T I 0 N. pAge 4.linc 6.rcad_ Rain~ow, p..f .!.40. in one E11glijb r»~d toexprtfs it, p.Jt.b 3.eypr11.1, p.67.1. 39.dclc Parcnthefis; p.Izo.l.ult.Ant~thrijh, and for Cultn rcadCtdttl. On rheKNOWLEDGE OF' GOD,&c. Page 16.linc4e.rcad JDh,6. p.4o.l.t +-for.v.; ;.r.v.t 3· p.62..r.62,6). p.] ;.l.3 ].fur 2.8.r.1 8. p.1 oi .l.H.b..oA'x.IJri, p.12.f .l.j'O.~lttillt,p.l s6.l.t S.,'v!nfiru;p. IJ9-1.9.for 8 l.t.l. ~. 1 6o.J.+5 .Rnbbim, p.t6t.l.15.Lmljhip,p.l 74-l.:.o.fur 1J. r.I 3· and p.ulc. fur :~.oo.r.2o2. On the CREATION, &c. Pagc6.linc 3 ].TC1d wore,p.].l.+S.forDn'l.lids r.Adnmt, p.ts.l.t6.dclcntnr, p.16.J.; 4 .for , 4 ,r.1.14. p.:~.o.l.6.dtj{ry, p.2.S.L12..mnj,p.; I.l.t].tmutterablt,p.3 ;.l.2.o.Crtat1on, p.;9.l.I.prevmr, P-46.1.;./nmm·talitj,p.J ;.L.f2.for nndr. In, P·5].l.ult.inrmd, p.6o.l.48. for, Revdnti011, l.; l.dcleto, and theComma, l.4.6.Pmuiph, l.49·Fnith tllough, Pfalm, p.6].1.l.].the OldTejlnment, i.38.not 7tat~~rnlly, p.]o.l.41.btgJm, 'p.7 J.l.6.PI'inciplt, p.]6.I.J ].riftrring, P·79.l.4.for butr.nct,l.l6.fur this r.hU, p.8 1.!.41 .in t/;,u ~ther Phrnfi, 1>·8 J.l.32.nj)Umi11g, p.89. l. to.Col.z.9. P-91.!.5t.tcnform, P·94.1·5 ' ·for that r.o{, P·95.!.8.mouldtr;p.96.l.].dijfuft, l.2.9.who, p.IOj.LI'l. we 11ow /Jil'l)e, p. 1o4.l. 35.the Hwmmt Nattlrt of Chrijl hath,l. 37:what thisGodhend,&c.p.l 15 .1.2 .. ·2..J0r l011t r..lowtr .. OnE LE CTION. Page !..line 5.. re:tiJ either AngtiHr Mm, p..9.l.S.w, p .. 1 o.l.1+·Wh01n, p.~ '-'·5+fttb', p.24.l.ulc.forfor.tq, p ..26.l.2.1. Godb7 Faith,;2 .. for ,; r.a.r,p.j!.l.j8.Bind, p.p..l..49·M•Ilahility, p.. ;s.l.r.chnngd, P·37.l·+l·f0r doth r .. hnth, P·39.!.22.f0r lfnJ.r.and,p.+o ..l.p.jorhimftlf,p.+l.l.] .. fur 11nd r.. of, P·H..l·45 .hJthetife, p.48.l.1 ].!Orfit bJ r.JttfJ, l.f 'l. Ruirtth,p.5 f .dele thcfirft Line, P·59·l..Jo.him, p.. 6o.l.1 5.dele at nll,p.62..1 ..5o ..Bmdt,p.6j.l .. s 3jigtJijji1Jg,p..64.l ..'l) .. for which r.walma,p.65 .l.J.Righttous,!.Jo.but bJ,t~nd through, p.69.Lfi ..New Tejlammt,p.So.l ..2].n:pntiatt,p.83.l .. ;o.for .?'tt r..that, p.S4.! .. ; .for phich rJPi:h,p£ttriti01J,and in theMargent,prd'Uritionis, p..9 1.I.. 3.fOr dtjire r.dtjign, P·9 ;.!.47-dcle {ujJitimt,p ..97.l.1 ].!Or,&dc!e Comma,f.. j !.Uii11,p.IO].I.2.9.for wbm r.whom,p.1og.l ..3.. He cnmr 1 l. 3o.dclefor,p. 1 o.9.bS.Aftmjiow,p.! 16.l ..1!.dele to,p.1 1 7.l.ult.for ordainr.dtjign, p .. 120.L34.for is,p.. I2 Li~ twice over,( 1)at the 2dBook and 6th Chap.and the (2) isat the 3dBook and IjlChap.. 'fhe 2d Number ismarked thus [2] in thc1'ablc,p.. t 23.l.1 J.Pnrmthefis,p.12+.Ll+·rorthnt r..whar,p.1 2.8./.3 ] ..propoundtd, p.. 1 3 2.1.7.Abfo!utr~m, l.2.I.Glorf. flttt.l.)9 ..!Qr itJ creming r.mtcrMttd,l.4' fo great n GIM"J, andl.48.f0r, p.I J; ..l.} .. for Lnw r.LIYVe, p.1 ; ].l.i9· till thm, p.1 3.9..l.3.for Gmur .. Eidl, l..34-.for through, p.14o..l .. p.for out r.into, p.146.l.I.rt/ltvtd, p.If].l.3. fo:– thert r.thu,l.8.dclenwaJ,p.l jo.l.. 1 1 .tonJidtrntionJ._ 1 3.mlttmpr,l..uJt.light,p.I51 J..;. for hight r.fight, l.ult. fut lttrtd r. ftttltd,p.!p ..l.l 3.!0r flnJ r.jlor)'•P·'55.1.1;.fortbief r.chiif,l.28.for whor.JFr,I ..)Lfor nndr.. ,lf).;.,. .. formnrrow r.matt, p.I5],fa.n"tirr.!Jis, p.158..l ..4o ..fur thJ r.this, p.16o.l.p1otSms, p.16.9.LI ..Wor/d,p.1 i9.l.p.for t!Jtfnmt r.lovu bim{tl{,p.-t.9o.!.n ..proptr, p..205 .!.1 ;.indigitation, p.2. 1!.1.5 1.r.2 Kin. p.. n J.l. r4.Rom.9. p.2'lf..l.6.r.t Chron. p..:t)6. l.1 ;.Conmtntirm,p.. :!.J 4.!·49.for uor.. a,p .. 26o.l.4o!!erfdt, p.265 .l.J J .ror orr.our, l.J ].forjiu r ..!Jim, p.267.l.:z.s. f<JI' mtdr.or,p.27 'l..l .. 6 .. imp11ttd,p.2.7 3..l •1o.di'fltrttd,l. 19.11ot hindtr,a.274.!. 1 4 .. cmtimud, p.285.I.].for ht r,tht, p.2.9o.l.53 bct:er,p.29d.)..J"Or1,1.46 ..Epijl. p..31.9.L5I.bd11g, p.J:tl .. it were, P·344..l.2.5. fortlum r.thm,p.. ]n..fOr pag153 r.pag.JS 3· l.:z..IOr $2 ..1".55 ·P·37+.l.Lfodiker.!tfi, p.l.g.ncxt to 387 for 390 r.; SS, 389. p .. )99./.7, and 11. r .. J Coriu:b; P·45o.l::~.o.improlmble,p.f5 4 .J.::..cwiforr,l.46.n.s 11 Mother, F I N I S. i f ( '