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and htJ Son !fejl-ts Chrifl. 7 from ver-4- that HewJJ the Life of Man? In hi111 was Lift, and the Lift was the~ Light ofMen. . . . ~ Again, We find another Perfon, the Sptrtt of God, to have been With God at the Creation, Moving and upholding the W.<ters, Gen. I. 2 •. And the Earth was witho11t form, and void, m;d Darkzefs was 11pon the Face ofthe deep ·: and the Spirit ofGod moved upon the Face ofthe Waters. And Pfal.33.6. By the Word ofthe Lord were the Heavens 11zade, and ,zl/the Hoft ofthem by the breatb of his Mouth. The Pfalmift interpreting ,J/1ojis, and referring to the Creation, (peaks thus. And why fhould not we think then, thefe to be the [Vs]; even the Father, Word, and Spirit. ' This at the Creation. · 2. Again, In that other place, we find a Confoltation about a FaC! belonging to the Government ofthe World, to be done even as here, Let Vs mal<.!: fo, here; Come, let Vs defcend. Now, let us fee, ifmore Perfons than one are not f.1id to have been ofCounfel with God in thefe. Tis certain, he excludes all Creatures to be ofhis Counfel: !fa. 40. 13, r4. .Who hath dire[/ed the Spirit ofthe Lord, or being hir CounfeUor, hath ta11ght him ? With whom took.,he COJmfcl, and who inftmCied him, and taught him in the path ofJudgment? and taught him lCf!owledg, and jbewed to' him the way ofVnderfta,;ding? but profeffeth ofhis Son, that he is hir COJmjelfOJtr, !fa. 9· 6. For unto 111 a Cpi/d is born, 11nto TU a Son if givm, and the Government Jb•U be upon hir Shoulder : and his Name foaU be called, Wonderjitl, Counfellour, the mighty God, the everlafting Father, tbe Prince ofPeace. And the fame ofh\s Spirit, I Cor. 2. 10, I I. B11t God hath revealed them t:nto '"by hit Spirit : for the Spirit Je.rcheth all things, yea, the deep thingt ofGod. For wh<Zt Man knoweth the things ofa Man,fave the Spirit of,;'!/1a, which it in hiv1? Evenfothe thingt ofGod h..nowoth no Man, b11tthe Spirit ofGod. And as here, in Genejis, when God was to create Man: fo there, when he was tojudg and exert a great act ofGovernment in the World. And it came to matter of Fact, which when it is to be done, he fpeaks to thofe ofCounfel with him, as Perfons intcrefred therein, and fhews them what he is about to do; even in like manner, as he cloth at the creating ofMan, Let 11i make lvum, &c. Now then, when we fhall read ie the New Teframcnt, and find that Word, who was witb God in the beginning, John 1. r. expreily called God at firfr dafh. And to have been with God as a Perfon di!linfr from him, and this Perfoncalled the Word there, to be the only begotten Son ofGod, in ver, 14. And fhall further hear, that the Son ofMan, whom that Word is f.1id to be made one Perfon with, is one with God ; and that in bis Perfon he fays, Job. 5· 19. Verily, Verily, I fay 11nto)'OTt, The Son can do nothing ofhimfelf, but what he{eetb the Father do: for what tlingt Jeever he cloth, tbefe a!fo cloth the Sonlik.!wife. When we confider this, it will be then plain to us, that God cloth nothing without an Vs; and that his Son was an Original Co-workcr with him in all things,which he accordingly fheweth unto him: for it follows, That cloth the Son lik.!wife. God cloth notbing, but the Son likewife; he fhews and tells his Son firfl:, and by Chew– ing it to him, confulteth with him about it : And mark the coherence, ver. J 7. He not onlyconfulteth with him, but they two are faid to work together every thing that is done, from that fir({ beginning ofall:ing, any thing outwardly even from the Creation : My Father work.!th [hitherto,] and I work._:' and the 'Jewr thereupon, ver.18. Seek., the more tohj/1 him,not onlybecaufe he had broken the Sabbath, but had [aid alfo, that God was hit Fat'her, makjng himjclfequal with God. Having~ joint hand with him,and working all and every thing as much as the Father,whom alla~knowledg to be God. Where,upon fuch Words oftheirs, it was that Chri!t pertmently replies, as you heard, ver. 19. Jlerily, verily, I fay rmtoJOH, the Son can M notbing ofhimfelf, b11t what he Jeeth the Father do: for what things foevcr he doth, theJe. a!fo cloth the Son lik.!wife; acknowledging they had fpoken rightly according– to hiS very true Senfe and Intent. Now judg impartially, you find this Man, this Perfon, fpeaks in the Name of one that was with God afore the World was, Johu I. I. One equal with God. Verfe ~8 of this sth Chapter of John, you find himfelf fay, that God cloth nothing, but he fhews it to him, as one to eo-work and join Wtth htm. And you find here in Mojet, that God, when he was to make Man, he confulted Come or other Perlon, then with him, faying, Let Vs make; that is, join together in the fame Work; Let Vs mal<.! Man; and fhall we not judg,that this