Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

10 Of the I(_no-wledg of (jod the Father~ ~that the [Vs] verf 8. refers to it; and that the f!oly Gho!l: in that Verfe doth ~ give that Interpretation or Glofs upon it. The Father to be Lord ofHo!l:s, all acknowledg: And that the Son Chrift is particularly intended, the firft Verfe of If•. 6. compared with John I2. 37, 39, 40, 41. does manifeft, Therefore they cUitld n•t believe, becmtJe that Efinasfoidagain, he bath blinded their Eyes, and hardned their Heart, &c. Thefe things faid Efoias, when he law his Glory, and fpake ofhim. What Him? He of whom he had fpoke in verf 37. 'But th6Ugh he had done fo many Miracles before them, yet they be– lieved not on him. Again, Thofe Words in lfo. 6. verf 3· are alfo fpoken of the Lord, who was that Angel that was tempted in the Wildernefs, Numb. 14. 21, 22. which Lord was Chrift, I Cor. 10. 9· who alfo fate between the Cherubims. Then the third Perfon is the Holy Gho!l:, verf 8. 9· whofe work it is, to deal with Mens Hearts by the Word, foftening or hardening. So then, there are an [Vs J of Perfons diftinCUy and apart mentioned, and fpoken of: And then the Holy Ghoft at !aft, comprehending them all in this Word Vs. Then, Thirdly ; For the Son, we find him likewife fpeaking the fame Lan· guage, Sure I am, that WordVs, 1ohn 17. is his Speech, to his Father the firll: Perfon, verf. 11. -Holy Father, k.gep through thine own Name, thofe whom tho~thaft given me ; that they may he one, m we are. And verf. 2 I. -Th4t_they aljo may be one inVs. Thus you have feen, I have rrofecuted no other Argument out of Scripture, than what the [VsJ in .:M.ofes, in three Places, bath led me into ; and alledged but fuch other Scriptures as are Complices, and offtriCt Intelligence with thole Paffuges, and ferve to the Illull:ration ofthem. CHAP.