Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

and M Son fefus Chri.ft. I have given them, verC 22. they hold of me even then; I in them, thou in ,;e; ~ and this is their highefl: perfetl:ion. Yea, at the lafl: Verfe, when he prays his ~ Fathers Love might be in them filling .them; HIS Prayer,. you fee, is not only; that God's Love may be to them, but m them : for the hetghth of our Union is the fulnefs of God communicated in Love; as Ephefj. 19. And to-A._now the Lo·ve of Chrift wloich pajJetb Knowledg, that )'~ might be fill<~ with all tbe fitlm:jfofGod. There is firfl: Love, then all the fulnefs of God mentioned : for Heaven IS bu't a communication of God in Love; yet even there Chrifl: will needs fl:ep in between even God's Love in the Communications of it; and I in thetJt, The Love ~f God is not (o in us, fo that we become the Love of God ; rior is God, or Chrifl:, fo in us, as we become God or Chrifl:; nor is Chrifl: left out, when God communicates him(elf in the highefl: manner: But as Paul faith, Herein is your C•lling; (o fay I of this, Here is the defcent of that Union on them ; God one with Chrilt, and you with God in Chrifl:. Yea, I obferve further his Caution in this great Point to be fuch, that if in praying for our Onenefs, he mention bimfelf ·firft, He will needs bring in his Father's being in him: So verf 23. I in yo11, (is not that enough to make them perfetl: in One?) No, but th01t in me; again, if he mention his Father's Love firfl:, .~' Verfe the lafl:, He comes in himfelf for a fhare alfo; and l in them; He turns lt every way: So that whether God be in us,it is becaufe Chrift is in us ; or Chrift be in us,and fo we One ; it is becaufe God is in Chrift. Laftly, which is Ambrofe his Note, 51(js unum [ erimus J fed Pater & Filiw ummt [font J; He (peaks of th;It Unton of himfelf, and his Father, as already in Being and Perfet!:ion ; yea, as that which he then needed not to pray for, and which never needed praying for by him, but he prays that we may be one. He prays not that his Father and he fhould be One, for they were as fully One already as for ever they could be, (to be Cure, as Second Perfon naturally) and as Man; 'twas fo befl:owed at once for ever, as it needed no praying for a New : for though it was a Grace at firfl:, yet to the Divine Perfon that the Man was now One withal, it was none; yea, it was a condefcending in him, the fecond Perfon, to match (o low, as his own Speech, when he was to alfume it, imports; Heb.10.5. A Body haft th•" fitted me; He (peaks diminutively of it, and yet alfumes it. But that the Saints fhall be one with this High and Mighty US~ this US; this is,and was with Chriil', a Matter of, and Subject for Prayer; and this at this time, when yet they were united unw Chrift already, as this Text implies; for this of ou'rs depends for ever on Grace, not fo that of Chrift's Humane Nature : But once the Union being made tranjt in jus, it then become< a Right : though at firft it was the higheft Grace to that Nature: For why? He is thereby advanced to be the Natural Son of God. And whereas the word m.9<;;s, that they may be One, (As) we are One, is urged byCome for Samenefs or Onenefs of Union in kind, it is evident by all that bath been fpoken, that it is but unum Similit11dinis, of Imitation and Similitude, or perhaps of Caufality, bec~ufe we are One: The Infl:ances of which Noo eft r.cui latter are fo frequent I need not mentiOn any ofthem ; as, Be perjUJ,tHyo11r Hea- xq,,H,,;, fed veniJ Father is perjUJ: Forgive tu, t14 we forgi"f : As we ufe the Speech in the f odi & Gm!– Lord's Prayer. · r'~~i~~~~s =n';~~- petfetl:ione. I I. There is not only this fuperior Union of the Three Perfons (o f.1r above ;';'; ~~~:~~:~that Umon which we poor Creatures have with God : but there is alfo a Su- ""·' <mio "'– pre~m and In~ependent Communion between thofe Perfons in the Godhead, ;~';f!,~ ~'J.:_ havmg an enure ab!hatl:ed Converfe among themfelves, and incommunicable "' un"-"'' ;_ to any meer Creature; And this Communion, which they had one with another ;::;goc ','fo"· from all Eternity, confills, · ~ ' i. In that Divine Eternal Life of the Three Perfons among themfelves. 2. In the mutual Interefl:, or Propriety, which they have in the Things of each other. 3· In a mutual Communication and Enjoyment. 4· In a mutual Knowledg and Acquaintance one with another. 5· In