Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of the 1\.,norvledg of (jod the Father, ~anfwerable Interef'c in the Things of each other: Even of All Things. If you BooK I. take a view of this, in the firf'c and highef'c Supream Union of all, between ~ ChriO: confidered fimply as a fecond Perfon; They are one in the Godhead, and all things therein, or belonging to it, are thereupon equally common to both: .AU things the Father hath are mine, John. 16. I 5· And John 17. 10. All n:ine are thi11e, and thine are mine. And how ts it that they have this equal mutual In– teref'c in all Things? It is becaufe they are One, as the next Verfe bath It, verf. 11. And their Union and their lnteref'c runs Parallel. But we cannot fpeak thus as Chrif'c cloth, we muft lowly and humbly acknowledg all Things are Ours, be– caufe they are Chrift's, and Chrif'c is God's. And again, that the Man Jefus bath a perfonal Onenefs with the Son, and fo with God ; hence it is, that all Things are committed unto him of the.Father; a~d he alfo, may fay, .All thine arc mine, &c. And now we are Chnf'c s, and Chnf'c IS Gods; and fo all Thmgs become ours derivatively; as our Union is but a fecondary Union ; as the Uni– ons have their Subordination, fo anfwerably the Imerefis. Ill. As to their Communication and Enjoyment mutual. You may view thefe Gradations and Defcents in the Communications, and Enjoyments mutual that pals between ~od and Chrif'c, Chrif'c and us. Union is for mutual Delight, and Commumcanon,and Knowledg each of other : As the Father and Son have an Union fuperior and entire to themfelves, (with the Spi– rit) which is immediate, and differing from that of ours with them; fo they have an entire Communication of themfelves one to and with another, diftintl: and apart from us ; and they had it, e're ever any communicating of themfelves did defcend unto us; and when they have communicateda fuitable fhare to us like theirs, yet theirs f'cill continues incommunicable to us, apart by them– fclves. IV. Compare the Communications of them in mutual Knowledg one of ano– ther, and Acquaintance. Where there is an Union of Perfons, there is, or fhall follow in the end, a making each other known one to the other: So it is in our Union which is infe– rior, :John 14. 20. .At that day ye fball k._now that I am in my Father, and yo11 in me, and I in yo11. And becaufe thele of Chrift's, and the Father, and Ours, ar<; Unions of a differing Order, you !hall fee he fpeaks of their Knowledg f'cill in the fame fiile of tranlcendency, as he cloth in parallel Language unto what he cloth of Union: in thofe Texts, :John 14 and 17 Chapters; making one fort of Knowledg, and fo converfe by Knowledg, proper, and peculiar, and entire to the Father and the Son, dif'cintl: and apart from Us, and infinitely a– bove Ours ; and a Lower of ours, paffeth between God, and Chrif'c, and Us. Thus, John Io. 14- I am the Good Shepherd, and /;ztow my Sheep, and am k._nown of mine. Here you fee firfi there is an enrercourfe between his Sheep and him expreffed, as his Union with them here; but fiill he having another lort of entercourfe, which, as Son of God, he drave with his Father (and Chrif'c had the experience of both) which was the Caufe and Pattern of Ours, he adds, verf 1 5· As the Father k._noweth me, even fo k._now I the Father. You fee he could not pafs by :he mention of one fort between him and his Sheep, but he muf'c Withal mentiOn that other fort between his Father and himlelf. V. And together with this Knowledg, there paffeth a Communication of. and imparting of Secrets, a dilcovery of each others mind. ' Now as there is that fuperior Order of Union, and a tranlcendent fingular affetl:ion that accompanies it, between the Father and the Son fo the manifefl:a– tion of the Father to the Son is anfwerable ; John 5· 20. The' Father loveth the Son, and fhews him all things that himfelf doth. He fhews them all unto his Son as one that is a Co-worker with him in all the things himfelf cloth ; as the word; aforeand after fi1~w, .verf 19. _THatfoev~r Ihings he doth, thefe alfo doth the Son !tk{wife. Thus htgh IS thrs Or1gmal Umon, that is proper and alone between themlel~cs, even to an equality; f~r th~s Speech of his comes in to jufiify him– felf agamf'c the Jews who accufed him, m verj 18. that he called God his own Father