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and ht3 Son !fefus Chrifl. Father i8lov =-rleg., mak}ng himfelf eq11al with God; which he ju(hfies againll: ~ them, ~·er f. I 9· The~t a1;fwered Jejiu, and faid 1111fo them, Verily, verrly, I fzy un- Chap. 4· to )Oil, Tle Son can do nothi11g ofhimfelf, but2rbat 1.-e feeth tle l'ather do: For what ~ things faever le dot f.., thc[e alfo doth the Son bf<!wife. But as for us, as our Union is far·remote, fo the mamfell:at10n both of Chnll:, and God to us, IS alfo very fi~r off from this : They !hew us indeed, and reveal many bleffed Secrets indeed to us that concern our own Salvation; but what we have thus difcovered to us, is but at fecond-hand of what they fpeak about us among themfelves. The Spirit tells us again what the)' (:,y; as John 16. I 5· The Spirit foaU '''.h.! of mine, and give it 111110 yott: And ve>f I 3· Whatfoever he ( fpeakmg ofthe Spmt) Jba/1 hear, / that Jba!l he jpealz; namely, to you. He fpeaks of h1m as a Meffenger fent, who conveys to us the mind of them that fend h1m ; but we have It but as from ano– ther's hear-f.1y. And hence alfo, whilll: Chrill: fpeaks of his Communication to us by his Spirit, by virtue of our Interell: in him, he cloth withal infert the men– tion of that his own lnterell: in, and Union with his Father, as the fupream Ori– ginal Union, fo to !hew the defcent of ours ; Verf. I 5· All thi11gs the Father hath are mine, therefore foid I, that he flu/! ta~ of fJJine and fberv it 1mto JOlt; that is, Thus it comes to pafs, that you have all manifell:ed to you fromme, in that I have all things that my Father hath, and fo the Spirit reveals from us both. But ftill to !hew that their Union is entire of Father, Son, and Spirit, apart, and incommunicable, kept up among themfdvcs; He tells us, that their Communi– cation, Conference, and Confultations, are thus in private held among them– felves apart from us; that they hold a private, fecret Counftl, which we are never immediately admitted unto: What the Father bath, the Son hath, and the Spirit hcartth both; and as none knoweth what is in Man, but the Spirit of Man within him; fo none knows what'is in God, but the Spirit, who fearcheth the deep things of God, and revealeth them, I Cor.2. 1I, I 2. and the Son, who, as in John r. 14. is in the bolom of the Father. Thdc three drive an enrer– courlc and intelligence in Secret, into the bottom of which we never enter : but the Spirit reveals, and Chrirt declares, as is laid in thofe places; and thus,but at fccond-hand, we have the Mind of God and Cbrill:, I Cor.2.I6. For'rr-·bo hath ".Jtown the Mind of the Lord, that he may injlr11C1 hi1J1.< B11t '"' have the Mind of Chri.fl ; and but how lit~le (as in Job) do we know thereof! VI. Take and compare the Communications of mutual Love, breathings forth of Affeaion, mutual Delights, and mutual Pleafures in each other which follows Union. They are reprefented to us in the very lame gradation as Union here; Prov. 8. 30. I wa< ( fays WijCiom,the Son of God) doily his deltght: His Son in whom he bath alone confidered an entire cornpleat delight, an immediate delight in him; ~nd I was alwa~s alfo rejoicing afore him, and fo in him again, fo that there was a commumcatlon of mutual Love, or Interchangeable breathings forth, or cafts of Love each to other. Mutual Love is the Confeguent of Union ; and the Father being united to the Son, with a fupream Union, (tranfcendent in comparifon ofthat of ours) loves the Son with a tranfcendent primary Love; who therefore is called the Son ofhi.< Love; u1os -riis oc)«-iiis, Col.r. 13. as he that engrolTeth the whole of it all to himfelf: likewife,This i.< my well-beloved Son,Mat. 3· I 7· As the Son bath Life in himfelf, fo the Father loves his Son for him!elf; with a natural Love,as that is wherewith be loveth himfelf: But his Love to us is fecondaty,and collateral,which !hews our Union is at fecoud-hand but as we are in Chrirt, and Chrifr in us. And from thence the care of the Father is derived to us, becaufe Chrifr is in us, and we are united to him; this you have John I7. 26. A11d I have derlared unto them thy Name, and wiU declare it; that the Love wherewith tho11 haft loved me, may be in them, and I in them. An original primary Umon bath a love anfwerable, a derivative Union but a love proportionable. Our Union is immediate unto, and with Chrill: Jefus; fo as he and we al'e tbe immediate Termini, or Correlates united : And thereby it is we become united to God, namtly, through him: And therefore God's Love is C1id to be to us in him, 'J.<~nz. 8. ult. Who Jba/1 jiparate from the Love of God in Cbrijl Jef11.1 .2 Thefe were their proper, natural, incommunicable delights each in other ; as their · D 2 Union