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and hr:r Son !fejus [hrifi. 21 reign ; ( as of the King of Egypt, the Prophet (peaks, that he was defl'ended ~ of Ancient Kings) that they have fprung from fiJCh and fuch Marriages, and~~ ConjunClions of Sovere1gn Prmces; although they be Ill alhance very far removed from them. . So IS thts here to us; the Samts they are a Chojilt Oweration, a Royal Priejihood, as 'Peter [peaks, I Pet. 2. 9· the Royalle(f Family Heaven or Earth affords; and that m ref'pect of the def'cem thereof, which is here Hera!dred, My Fatherin me, and I i1t JO": And Ephef 3· I 4, I 5· I Bow my K11ees to the Father of our Lord Jefu. Chriji, of"Whonz the whole Family in Heaven and Earth if 11amed. 2. As for our Comfort, f'o for our SatisfaCtion to our Knowledg in this great My£fery: As in lower Matters, when we fee the Rife, the Dependence, an.d derivation of Things, running along in the Channel of, and -from their Cauf'es, it uf'es to be a great contentment to us. Then here much more eo fee how our Union hath the Union among the three Perf'ons, for its Foundation, and Pat– tern, and Original ; and to hear the Story how Union is let down to the Man Chri£f Jef'us firfl:, and in him conveyed to us; to know and behold the Union of three Perf'ons in one Divine Nature, Father, Son, Holy Gho£f, one God blelfed for ever, producing, in imitation of them, an Union of the two Na– tt~res of God and Man in the Perf'on of Chri(f Jef'us; to whom be all Glory for ever: And then, that occafioning a third Union, yea, the next that could be, though more removed : An Union of Perf'ons, (though not perfonal ) yea, of multitudes of Perf'ons united unto one Chrilt Jef'us ; to make up one Body, yea, one Man, as Ephef 2. I 5· hath it, Having abolifoed in his Flefh the Enmity, even the Lrrw of Comnldndments contained in Ordi11ancu, for to maize in himjdf,oftwain, one new Ma,,fo makjng Pe.ce; to the end we may be one Spoufe unto Chrift as our Head and Hulband; and then to fee the derived Influence the firll bath up– on the Man Jef'us, and both upon this Union of ours: As I live by the F<ill!cr, fo you by me, John 6. 57· As alf'o the porallel and corref'pondency that is held be– tween the one and the other : that fame xa~s "'""'' inculcated by Chrift, John I 7· again and again, [As J we are One, let the11t aifo /,e One: As alf'o to clofe, how the one illufl:rates the other. And, 3· this is chiefly ncceCfary for our Knowledg in the Doctrine of it,until we come to have experience of it ; to the end to fix,determine,and £fate the true Bounds and Condition of our Union with God through Chri£f ; the right pro– portion of ours in their di£fance from God and Chrifi, of which there have been too many mi£fakes in the(e Times; Come foaring too high, to Identities and Samenefs with God, at lea£f, with Chrifi, (whom they think they may be better bold withal) f'ome falling too low, to Unions only by Grace and Affi– fiance, and prefence to affi(f; or in outward Relations to Chri£f. For when we !hall come but to fee, and acknowledg the. Prerogatives and Priviledges of thole Unions above us, that are between God and Chri£f (incommunicable to us) def'cending downwards towards us in a Subordination, we may the rigbt– lier judg what is left us to be our Lot, and Share ; that we are but meer Crea– tures ftill, notwithftanding our Union with God and Chri£f. CHAP.