Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

rvfnd hi.r Son !/ejus Chri{l. In like manner, at the end of his Difcourfe about Election and Reprobation in ~ Chap. I r. which he had finifh'd with the end of that Chapter, he breaks f~rth Chap. 5· from verf 33· to the end, 0 the depth ofthe Riches both ofthe Wifdomand Knowledg ~ of God! how tmftarchab!e are his Jttdgments,altd his .Ways paflji11ding out I For who hath k._now1t the mi11d of the Lord, or who hath been hu Counft!lor? or who hath firft given to him, a11d it fbal! be recompenftd to him again? For ofhim, and throug~ him, and to him are all thmgs: to whom be Glory for ever. Amen. And lafl!y, 10 the conclufion ofthe Epifile, Chap. I6.25,27. Now to hiflt that is of Power to ejlab!ifo y01 t according to my Gojjel, and the preaching of]eftu Chrifl, (according to the Revelatio1t ofthe Myfiery w/m:h wa. f«pt ftcretJince the World began, but now u made ntanifejl, and by the Scriptures of the Prophets, accordmg to the Commandmwt ofthe everlajling God, made /znown to all Nations for the Obedimce of Faith.) To God only wife, be glory, through Jefw Chriji for ever. Amen. . 2. That to the Galatiam bath It at the begmnmg, Gal. I. 5· havmg bfl fpoken ofGod the Father, he fleps to give Glory to him ere he goes any further ; To wf;om be Gloryfor ever and ever. Amen. 3· In that to the Ephifians, his Heart was full, and he begins with it as foon as he began to fpeak, Chap. r. 3· Blejfed be the God and Father of our Lord JefJH Chri(i, &c. But he takes occafion with more folemnity to intermix it, Chap. 3· 2 o, 2r. Now 1111to him that is able to do exceedingly abundant above all that we as!,_or think._, according to the Tower that worf«th in IH; unto him be Glory in the Church, by Chrijl JefiH, throughout aU Ages, World without end. Amen. 4· In that to the Philippians, Chap. 4- 20. Now unto God and our Father, be Glory for ever and ever. Amen. • 5· In the lirfl Epil1le unto Timothy, upon occafion ofnarrating his own Con– verfion, Chap. r. verf. 17. :J(ow tmto the King eternal, immortal, invifible, the only w!(e God, be b011011r andglory for ever and ever. Amen, Then at the end of Chap. 6. verf. I 5, I6. Who is the ble.Jfed and only Potentate, the King ofKingJ, and Lord of Lords : who only hath immortality, dweUing in the Liglt which no Man can approach unto, whom no Man bathften, nor canfte: to whom be Honour and Power everlajlmg. Amen. 6. In that to the Hebrews, Chap. I3· 2r. The God of Peace, &c. To whom be Glory for ever and ever. Amen. 7· Peter in his firfl Epiflle was Co full with it, that he begins with it as Paul had done, Chap. r. 3· Blejfed be the God and Father ofo11r Lord:Jeftu Chrijl, which ac– cording to his ab11ndant Mercy, bath begotten m again unto a lively hope, by the Refor– relJion ofJefm Chrijl from the dead. And Chap. 4· I r. That God in aU thingJ may be glorified thr011gh Jefw Chrijl ; to whom be praife and do•1i11ion for ever and ever. Amen. And then, thirdly, at the clofe again, Chap. 5· I r. The God ofaU Grace, &c. To hiut be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen. In the fecond Epiflle, Chap. 3· I9. He cloth the fame to Chrifl the Son. Grow in Grace, and in the Knowledg ofo11r Lord and Saviour Jefm Chrijl:to who1Jt be Glory both now and forever. Amen. 8. 711de, Verfe lafl. To the only wife God 011~ Savi011r, be Glory and Majejly,Domi11ion and Power, now and ever. Amen. 9· And John's paffing it by in his Epiilles, makes amends for it in his Revela– tions, which abound therewith. Firfl, himfelfannexeth it to his own Salvation wi!hing Grace and Peace from God the Father, the Spirit, and from Jefu; Chrift, &c. verf. 5,6. A11d from Jefw Chrijl, who if the foithfid Wit>ieji, and the jirjl begotten ofthe dead, and the Prince ofthe K;,g, ofthe earth: 1111to him that lo– ved 111, and wafhed ut (rom o11r Sim in his own Blood. And bath maderu 1\jngs and Priejls 111110 God and his Father: To him be Glory a11d Dominion for ever and ever. Amen. Th.en throughout the.whole Book his Ears are filled with it,with Voices from all H~nds. I. The Saints and redeemed ofMen in their feveral Congrega– tiOns, (their Officers bemg their Leaders and Speakers for them, and in their Names) Chap. 4· 8. And they rejl not day and night, foyin!',, Holy, Holy, Holy, L1rd God Al111ighty, which wM, and is, and is to come. Again, 2. In Chap. 5· there is the fame Laudation performed unto Chrifl: I. By the Saints of the Sons of Men, verf. 9, lO. Jlnd they ftmg a new Song, [ayi11g, Thou art worthy to taf« the Book._, and to opw the Seal! thereof; for thou waft jlain, ancl haft redeemedttJ to God by