Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of the I(no'tPledg of (jod the Father, ~) bj tl;;Blood, out ofever} Kindred, and Tongue, and People, and :J(ation; And haft Boo '' I. made m unto our God, King I and Pmjii, and'"' j!J,U rmgn on the Earth. 2. Then ~ by an innumerable Company ofAngels, ver( I I, I2. And I beheld, and I heard ·the Voice of "'""J Ange/1 round about tie Throne, and the 'Beajls, and the Elders,and the mtuJber ofthem WIM ten thoufond timCJ ten t/Joufmd,. and th01:Jan~s ofthoufo~ds ; foying with aloud Voice,Worthy is the Lan1b that Wa& jl.nn,to recerve I ower,and R1ches, and IVifdom,and Strength, and Honour, and Glory, and Blejjing. 3· By all Crea– tures unto both God the Father and the Son, ver( I3. And every Creature which is in Heaven, and on the Earth, and under the Earth, and jitch a& are in the Sea, and aU that are in them, heard I, foying, Blejfing, Honour, Glory, and Power, be llnto him that Jitteth 11po11 the Throne, and unto the Lamb for ever and ever. 4· Unto which the Saints on Earth do gtve thelf Amw. Ver( I 4· And the four Beafls ji11d, Amen. And theJimr and tlventy Elders feU dorrm and worjhipped bint that liveth for ever and ever. And what they do here at firft, is to fhew what they did per– form upon all occalions of Praife, as they are given throughout this Book: For they are here brought in as the fetled Charm, fuch as in Interludes ufe to be. And •ccordingly you find them at tt agam, Chap. 7· I. An mnumerable Multitude ofSaints, cloathed with white Robes, and Palms in their Hands, and •theycr)ed, verC IO. with a loud Voice, faying, Salvation to our God, which Jitteth upon the Throne, and unto the L amb. Then, 2. All the Angels, verf I I. firfi fay Amen, unto what the Church ofMen had fpoken : for though they have no ln– tercl1 in that Salvation ofus Men ; yet for the Glory that thence arifeth unto God, and out of their love to us it is, they C1y, Amen. And it (peaks but their own very Hearts. And then, 3· Themfelves add, de novo, a new Praife oftheir own, ver( I 2. 'Biefling, and Glory, and WifdoiJI, and Thank.!giving, and Honour, and Power, and Might, be~mto our God for ever and ever, Amen. And again, Chap. I 1. 17. and I6. I7. when the Kingdoms of the World fhall become Chrifi's, And lal1ly, Chap. 19. after the ruin of Rome, ver( 1. And after theft things I heard agreat Voice ofm11ch People in Heaven, foying, Haleluja, Salvation, and Glory, and Honour, •nd Power unto the Lord o11r God. Then ofthe Beafis and Elders,ver.4. And the jo11r and twenty Elders, and thefonr13eafls, feU down and worfbipped God thatJute on the Throne, foying, Amen, Haleluja. And then you have the Voice of a greater Multitude, verC6. And I heard M it were thevoice of a great Multitude, and aJ the<·oice ofmany Waters; a11d asthevoiceofmmry 1hundringi; foJ>ing, Halelnja; for the Lord God Omnipotent reigneth. . That only Point which I advance from all thefe, is ; That as it is a Duty; fo that the Grace in us may,in this Life, be wound up to a giving Glory to God, in an abfirail:ed way : From all the Glory which is in himfelf, and which in himfelf he poffeffeth, or for what arifeth to him from his works ofGrace or Providence, and Revelations ofhimfelf, and for the review of Praife, which all others in all Ages have,or fhall give him,even for whatever cloth any way accrue to his Praife, as well for what he cloth in, and to, and for our own Souls, but alfo in, or towards all or any other ofhis Saints or Creatures. Unto this ample Extent do many ofthefe Paffages extend, as upon a bare re– ''iew ofthe Paf!ages themlelves cloth evidently appear. For the materials in moft ofthefe Doxologies, (although occafioned by the remembrance of Benefits be– fiowcd, and thole alfo, as in common to others with our felves) are pure Glory Praife, and-Honour given unto God, fimply~ and not Thanks only returned: as for Benefits, nor chtefly for them; for that ts mentioned but in a few ofthem: But the Objells for which the Glory is given, rife unto what is in God himfelf; As Domimon, &ajejly, Power, The King Immortal, lnvijible, only wift God, King ofKings, the Bleffid and only Potentate, Lord ofLords, who only hathlmmor– tality, dive/ling in the L1ght which no Ma11 can fie, To whom be Honour and PllWer from cverlafling. Thefe are all abfirail:ed from Benefits, and on thefe I fhall in the Application particularly infifi, as alfo that in the Revelatiom, Chap. 1. 4· John to theJiven Ch11nhCJ wlmh are.wAfia, Grace beunto you, and Peace, from him which 1s, and w!Jrch was, and whtch 11 to come; a11d from thefeven Spirits which·are before his nrune ; that is, unto Jehovah, as he is Everlafling, and hath fulnefs ofBeing in himfdf. Tn