Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

~ BooJ<C l. Of the l(,no"I)J/ed_'l, of qod the Father, ~--------------------------- CHAP. VI. ~-more punctual Explication "I)Jbat it is to gi'Ve (jlo– ry to (jod, in Himfelf or lVorkf; jet out_by_ a (om– parati'Ve "I)Jith aO the other "I)Jays of gloribtng (jod, 'J,"Phich it far exceeds. OUR next Enquiry !hall be, What this Grace and Duty I fo commend unto you, are. I put them together; for the one may be known and difcerned by the other: and that where in Scripture we find the Duty fpoken of, we may thereby underfland what the Grace, that is, the Root thereof in the Heart, is and ought to be; as alfo what is the Duty when the Grace is fpoken of, or the encreafe of it fpecified. To find out the true Ele– vation of both, I lliall proceed by comparative fleps, whereby it will· appear, how far this exceeds other ways of giving Glory to God. In General, we may confider, That to give Glory to God, is a Matter of a large extent, comprehending many ways of doing it. As, I. We are to glorify God in every Thing and Action, I Pet. 4· I o, II. that in eve>:y Thing God may be glorified. And this isdone by the Holy Ends we have in Communications, either put forth immediately, or though mediately, yet ul– timately aiming at God's Glory in them: I Cor. 10. 3r. W!iether therefore ;·e cat, or dri11l<_, or whatfoever ye do, do itaU to the Glory of God. And the Apoflle Peter adds, over and above fuch a way ofglorifying God, towhom be Praife and Dominion for ever and ever. Amen. 2. We give Glory to God, in fuch good Works as direaly in themfelves do tend to the Glory of God; Mat. 5· I6. Let your Light fo jhine before Mm, that they may fee your good Work,s, and glorifj your Father which n in Heaven : Which Peter feconds, 1 Pet. 2. I 2. Having your Convcrfotion honeft among the Gentilu, that whe!-etH they JPeak agai1'.ft you a< evil DoerJ, tl•ey may, by ;•our good Work,s which they fba/1 behold, glorifj God in theDay of Vijtation: Which is, as if he had f.1id, Though at prefent Wicked Men will not acknowledg any Goodnefs in you Saints; but on the contrary, fpeak Evil of you; yet little do you think how every Holy Aaion lays up Matter againft the Day of Judgment, in the Confcienccs of the wickedefl Men, by which God will be glorified at that day in their Acknowltdgmcnts, when Chrifl fhall have fet his glofs upon there Al:ti– ons, and in the mean time, afore that Day, thefe Holy Works do give an occa– fion unto Holy Men to glorify God in your behalf, which thefe Works do bya rcd01mding to the Glory of God, (as the Phrafe is, 2 Cor. 4· I 5·) yet fo to praife God, as I exhort you to do, is higher. The Angels, although their Charall:er is, that they do God's Commandments, and that they be the highefl inflance of it; as in the Lord's Prayer, Tby Will be done, a.r in Heaven, &c. Yet they are called upon? by David, farther to blef God, as a Matter beyond their doing hi$ w,u otherwlfe: Pfal. 1oj. 20. Blef tbe Lord, ye hn Ange& that excel in jlrength, that do hn Co,·:mandments, hear/;z1i11g tmto the Voice of hn Word. Nulla A11gcli< jJY!f!jlanttor cfl exercitalio in qufi fe orcupent; Calvin on the words. There is no higher way of glorifying God, than this for them to be exercifed in. It is be– yond their doing all other Commandments. Likewifc in Pfol. 5o.tJ!t. Although ordcrmg our Convcri.1t10n anght IS fo acceptable to God, as he will lliew his Salvation to them thatdo it; yet the height and top of glorifying God, is fet upon the Head of pratfing God, as the Crown ; Whofo offireth praife, glorifieth me: and to him th,,t ordereth hi< Converfotion aright, will/ fhew the Sfllvation of God. 3· In