Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

and !Ju Son feft1s Chrift. Every dt1J will b/efl thee, Great is the, Lord, a11d greatly to be praiftd; and his ~ Gwllnefl iitmfearchable. VerC 5· I wi/1 JPeak._ of the glorioM Hono11r:;J thy Ma- ~ j e{ly. And verf 8. He fets out the grac10ufnefs of hiS Nature; 1be Lord if g>-aciorn, and fit!I of Compaj]ion; flow to Anger, and of greal Mercy. The rert of the "Pfulm is taken up with prailing him for his Works, and a .ft:tting forth the Glory of his Kingdom. Calvin did obferve this alfo, upon Pfol. 136. I, 2, 30h give Thank! unto the Lord, for he i1 Good; for hi1 Mercy endureth for ever. 0 give thank! to the God of God1: 0 give thanks to the Lord of Lord1; for his Mm; end11res for ever. He fets out firrt (faith he) the heighth of his Deity, and Sovereign Kingdom. And then the following part of that Song fets out his Works; To himwhoalonedoth great WonderJ, verC4. Likewife, Pftl. 147. A Pfolm of Praife, fo it begins, verf r. 'Praife ye the Lord, for it i1 good to flng p,;,r.l""" '" P~ai[e1 to our God. .At the 5th Verfe he fets out what God is in himfclf, by three g~;~~~'';';;i thmgs, a~ the Pnnc1ples of all hiS Works. Firfl:, By hiS Greatnefs and lmmen- ,.,,;,, ,r,,_. fity, (J_re'at ~; oiJr Lord. Secon?ly,_ His P?wer; And of_g~eat _Power. Thirdly, ~~~meJfi:n~ctHis WI((!om ; His Vnderftandmg 11 lnftmte. Elfewhere It IS Gud, In Wifdom haft ""'"''I; Impo– thOit made them all; namely, his Works, Pfal. 104. 24. But here ·his Wifdom """~ Com. is, that ~hich is in himfelf, for which he celebrates him, though he had never ~i'; ;~'i,2t. made any Work. · This Soul thus wound up, can fit down in God, and with God, arld blefs him, and rejoice in all the Bleffednds that is in him; and for that it is His ; that He is fo bleffed : And that in fuch an Infinite God, there is fuch Infinite blef– fednefs; and can fay .Amen to it, when he hath gone over it in all his Thoughts of it. As "Pa11l, 1. 25· t1pon occalion of a difhonour done to God, by worfl1ipping his unworthy Creatures, more than the Cre<uor, he in indignati– on of Spirit adds, Who is b/ejfed for ever, and puts Amen to it. He fpeaks of what he is in his Divine Nature, in himfelf i which in verf 20. he calls hi! Eter– nal Power and Godhead. In verf 23· rhe Glory of the 11ncormptible God : And iri verf 25. TheTmth of God; that is, the true Being of God. Now God confi– dered as fuch, it i• that for which he pronounces him Blejfed, Who is blejfed for ever : and I fay Amen to it, ( fays he) that is, I congratulate it to him; for, what is An1en, but, fo be it, or, oh let it be fo ? And if one Amen be not enough, you fhall have it doubly fet to our bleffing of him; Pfol. 72. 18, 19. Blejfed be the Lord God, and blejfed be his glorioM Name for ever; and let the whole Earth be jilled with hi1 Glory. Amen and Amen. And whom do. you think he fpeaks of? Of Chrifl:, and God in Chrirt, verfiJ. Men Jba/1 be blejfed in him; A/1 Nations Jba/1 call him Blejfed: Wherein Chrirt, in the whole Pfolm, under the Type of Solomon, is fet out. But you find the Curie Amm fet to the Bleffednefs that is in Chrifl: in the New Tefl:ament; Rom. 9· 36, where "Paul fpeaking of Chrirt, Who is over a/1, God blejfed for eve>·. Amen. He fays .Amen to the fulnefs of the bleffednefs of the Godhead that is in him; yea, unto the Man Jefus, taken up into the participation of that Blef– fednefs, through his Perfonal Union with the Son of God ; from which it is, that all that Glory which he wears in Heaven, is his, by Inheritance, or Natural Right, as Heb. I. tells us. Now·in Pfo/. 45· he fets him out in the Excellency of his Perfon as fuch, Thou art fairer than the Childrenof Men; Grace is poured inio thy Lip1, tberefore God hath blejfed thee for ever. ·And becaufe God had thus blefTed him, the Pfol– m.ift goes on to blefs him too, and to wifh well to him with all this his Honour ; fo £1r is he from envying of it, though it might have been the Lot of any othet Man, or of a Man's felf, to have been taken up into that Union, and kept from the Fall. But he willies it all to him over and over again, and is glad that God bath fuch a Son, and himftlf fuch a Head ; and as Chrirt paffes along by him in' his Glory, he cries out, Gird thy Sword upon thy Thigh, 0 mofl Mighty, with thy G!ory, a11d thy Majejly ; and in thy lvlfijejl; ride projpercujly. Th& are words of one ,applauding, and bleffing, and wi!hing all Happinefs and Profperity to him, with all his Honour; Ride proJPeroujly ; or, as the Hebrew hath it, proJPer Ti'ou, ride Thou. The old TranflJtion bad it, good Lucft have thou with thy Honour; yea~ and as Subjeil:s ufe to fay to the King (though often in flattery) as he p.1llcs by, Vivat R.ex, Vive le Roy; L't the ICing live for ever, "' 10 Dame/. F 2 And