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and}j(8Son !fefus Chri[t. 37 the Mercy of God, or the Grace of God, or the Covenant of Grace, or the '"'-./-...1""1 Throne of Grace that is e!'cabli!h'd in the Heavens. They under!'cand nothing ofChap. 6. Chrill· no,they do not fo much as matenally gtve occafion to Man to praife God ~ for th;fe ; and therefore this is meant of the Angels, and mo!'c Interpreters underl!and the next words of them. Thy Faithfulnefs in the Congregation of the Saints, Angels, and the Holy Ones made perfeCt, for there the great Congregation is. For even in the Heavens, who can be compared to the Lord, where all his Angels thus do praife him ? Who among the Sons of theMight;:, of all the J>ower1 of the Earth, cm be likfned to the Lord? for he u the Kmg of l(mgJ, and he is the Lord of Lords; a God above all Gods, even Ange/1 themfelvCJ; as elfewhere the "Pfolmifl bath it: And he fays not only, There iJ none likfthee; But, Who i1 likf 11nto thee? Hi1 excellency fo exceed1. And m the 7th Verfe, He is there prefented with all his Saints and Angels round about him, as one that is greatly to be feared, or that is terrible in himfelf, by reafon of his Greatnefs, in this his Council, and Affembly of his Saints, and to be had in reverence of all that arc about him f For Saints and Angels, th~y are of his Council in Heaven, ( as might be !hewn ) and incompafs the manife!'cation of his Glory there round about. This Kingdom of his, is fet out and magnified by thofe Pfalms. FirH:, By his Throne ; }ltjlice and Judgment are the Habitation of thy Throne, verC J 4· Then Mercy and Truth, they fhall go before thy Face. He compares them to Har– bingers that he fends out before him; Pfal. 57· 3· He fhall find frant Heaven, and fove me ; God fhal1 find forth his MerCJ', and Tmth, that come down with Commi!Iions from him, as from the great King, when his Saints fiand in need thereof, and thefe make !!range work in' the World: He need not fend down Angels, he need fend but Mercy and Truth down, which elfe-where it is faid he prepares in the Heavens, Pfol. 61. 7· He prepares Commi!Iions for them, and fends them down with them for Execution. lt is likewife faid, That Maje– !'cy is before him ; Pfal. 96. 6. Honour and Majejly are before hint; Sing unto the Lord therefore, VerC2,3,4· Blefhis Na11te; decl"re his Glory among the Heathen, his Wondm among all People. For the Lord is great, greatly to be prai.ftd: He is to be feared above all Gods, Angels, and Kings on Earth; HonOitr and Majejly are before him. And then hls Faithfulnefs is faid to be round about him, encom– pa!Iing his Throne, Pfol. 89. 8. For what-ever he cloth, he is mindful of his Faithfulnefs, and Covenant, Before and Behind, and on each Side ; he can look no way, hut that is in his Eye. And though he imploy Angels, and fend them down into the World, and they !'cand round about him ; Yet he hath better Harbingers than thefe, Mercy, and Truth, and Faithfulnefl, that wait round about him. And for this Kingdom of his, as thus fet out, do the Saints blefs him; Pial. 145· 10. ,,1/ithy Work! praifl thee, 0 Lord; thy Saints foal/ blefs thee. They foal1 JPeak_ the Glm'J of thy Kingdom, and talk_ of thy J>OJver. To HJakf k_nown to the Som of Men h_is mighty A/Js, and the glorio111 Majejly of his Kingdom, Thy Kingdom is an Everlafling Ki11gdom ; and thy Domi11ion endui'Cs throughout all Generations. Thirdly_; The Apofile celebrates him, and gives Glory to him, that he is I,vi– _(lble; you have it in borh places, 1 Tim. I. 17. and 1Tim.6. 16. and that pure– ly puts it from God's being praifed for what he is in Benefits to a Man's felf, or from what he is to any Creature ; for we praife him for what we do not fee, for what we do not nor cannot fee, and fo cannot enjoy, (for fo far as we cannot fee, we cannot come to enjoy); and therefore purely for this, For what he is in himfelf, and to himfelf, in the knowledg and enjoyment of himfcl£ He ble!Teth him that he is fo great a God, that the fulnefs of his Glory can never be known by his Creatures; So Excellent, that !'cill there is an lnfinitenefs we can– not know in him : Had it been out of Self-love, ( this giving Glory to him ) it would havebleffed him for what isfeen and enjoyed. We fee in this Life but his Back-parts; yet by what we fee of them, we glorify him for what we fee not ; And how little do we kpow of him ! as you have it in Job 26. I 4· Fourthly ; That he is only Wifl, his Vnderjla11ding Infinite, (as we heard out of the rpfolms) and infinitely !hown in all his Works. In Wifiiom haft thou made the Heavens, Pfal. 136. 5· Yea, in Wijdom haflthou made tf.em all, Pf.1lm. . 104.24.