Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

~ndbis Son .fejus Chrifi. ' ) 39 God, namely,in thefe his ways, of chuGng the one, and refuGng the other: How '"'-.IIJ1 tmfe•ov:hable are hir Judgment!, and hir wap paf/ Ji'ndmg out; for ofhi1n,and through Chap. 6. . him a 11 d to hin1 are aft Thing1 ; To whom be Glory for ever. Amen. Reprobation it ~ felf,, and the Ifiues of it, upon the conGderation of the hardnefs and obfiinacy that is in Man's Heart, and the wtckednefs of Men agamll God, caufeth fuch a Soul to take part with God, and to rejoice in the Glory that accrues to !Jim hereby ; his Spirit will be llirr'd at rhe thoughts of all the obllinate Sinners in the World, that they fhould remain fuch again{[ fa great a God• . In the ro4th Pfolm where he fets out God in himfelf, and tn hts Works, as much as in any other 'pr.Jm after all his praifes of him throughout, and uttering his own frame of Heart th~reupon ; At verf 33, 34· I will jing unto the Lord"' long tM I live ; . I will {ing praife to my God while I have a being ; "'Y Meditation of him fhaU be fweet, "] will be glad in the Lord. With indignation h~ adds, ( his Spirit being raifed up unto the exaltmg of God, and Gngmg of hts Glory) Let the SmneTJ be confitmed out of the Earth; and let the Wicf<.!d be n~ more, .who fhould thus dare to lift up their Heads, and Horns, and Souls agamll thts God, fo Great, fo Good, fo Gracious; However I have reajim to blej! the Lord (lays he) whom th01l haft chofen : Blefi thott the Lord, 0 my Soul, and all yeSaints, pra!fe ye the Lord. In Pfol. 145. That Pfalm of Pratfe, where he !hews htm to be good to all his Works, and his Mercy to be over all his Works, &c. And what a gracious God, and full of Compaflion he is. What is the Conclufion of his Spirit fi·om all this? I he Lord will preferve all them that love him; but all the Wicf<.!d will he deftroy. This he was glad of; this Soul can !it down at the Day of Judgment, and think of the Glory that !hall then come m to God, from the condemnation of Wicked Men. As that poor Woman, who having a moO: wicked Son, whom !he dearly lov'd, once upon occafion of a high wickednefs of his, faid, Well, I fhall one day rejoice that thou fbalt be dantn'd, and taf<.! part with the Glory of God therein. And the Convifrion of fo high a fl:ram of Grace to be in her Soul, of Love to God, (while he knew how well !he lov'd him) was the Means of breaking that Man's Heart, and converting him to God. He bath alfo all in God:S Word afore him, to glorify God for every word and paffage of it ; Pfal, 56+ In God will I praife his Word, ( fays he)., And again he bath it, verf. 10. In God will I praife hi1 Word; for all his Promifes, for all his Threatnings, and executions of Threatnings, though upon himfelf, accord– ing to his Word. Good ir the Word of the Lord, when it was againft him and his Family, and the whole Nation, faid good Hezekjah, 2 Kings 20. 19. Above all; he loves God's Salvation that is therein ; Let all foch "' love thy Salvation, fa; continually, The Lord be ntagnijied, Pfal. 40. 16. One would think that this fhould be Self-love alone makes us love Salvation: Ay, but they love it, becaule it is his, That love thy Salvation; as in Pfalm. 21. I. The King jball joy in thy ftrength, 0 Lord; and in thy Salvation how greatly fhall he rejoice. It is the Cha– ·raller of a Holy Saint, to love Salvation it felf; not as his own only, but as God's, as God's that faves him. Again, this Soul canrejoicein all that is in God himfelf, and heartily rejoice; and Oh, what an mfimte Pnvtledg, and how bleffed a frame of Heart is it, for the poor Creature to be wound up fa high, as not only to rejoice in hope of Glory; B11t we rejoice in God, Ram. S· 1 r. To rejoice therein, more than in its own Happinefs; And therefore you have it fo often, when prai!ing God is mentioned, that there is rejoicing alfo; It does accompany it, Pfol. 104- 33, 34· I will jing unto the Lord, "' long "' I live ; I will jing Praije1 to my God while I have my Being: My meditation of him fba/1 be fweet; I rvi/1 be glad in the Lord. In 'Pfol. 43· 4- I will give uuto God my exceeding Joy; Yea, upon the Harp will I praife thee, Oh God, my God; In the Hebrew it is,_ theTop of my Joy, the Joy of my Joy. You find them alfo, when they are m thts pratGng frame, to make their hoafl: in God ; Pfal. 34· r, 2. I will blefs the Lotd 111 alltimCJ; hir praife jba/1 be continually in my Mouth ; my S01tl fball make her boaft of the Lord. Likewife, in Pfol. 68. 3· there they are a!Co joined, Let the 7:{jghteo111 be glad; let him rejoice before God; yea, let hi111 exceedingly rejoice. Then follows, Sing unto God, jing praife to hi1 Name; extol him that ride~ upon the Heavem, by hi1 Name Jab, and rejoire before him. And, verf. 13. To him who rideth 11pon the Heaven of Heaven,, which were of old. This