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andM Son !fefus ClJrifl. "-"-.ri Chap. 7· ------------------~----·------~----~--~----~ CHAP. V It The (jlory of (jod which appears in his I(ingdom; and Uni'verfal Vominion, whereby he rules o-ver all; as it i8 defcribed in Pfalm89. from verf. 6. to verf. I). HEre begins a Magnifick Defcription of God as King, and his Kingdofu : For fo exprelly in the c~mclufion ofthis Defcription he is fliled, v.t8. [OHr King]. And the mtent of thts I have elfewhere fuewn to have this end and purpofe, offetting out what a King Chrifl his Son fuould be, and what a Kingdom and Throne his Father would eflate him unto; for the grand Promife ofthis Pfalm, fo often folell)nly made and repeated, being of a Throne, under the Type and Shadow ofDavid; and of Chrifl's being his Seed; unto Chrifl his Son. It begin•, Verfe 6. For who in Heaven can he compared 11nio the Lord? Who among the Som ofthe 1'rfighty can be li~ned unto the Lord? He fidl fets out the incomparable Glory and Excellency of his Perfon to be fixh, as that he is a King above all King,, Whether in Heaven (for there are Thro1m, which notes kingly Dignity, as well as Dominiom among the Angels, Col. 1. r6.) or whether on Earti, and that he is worthily, for his Perfonal Excel– lencies, the only Potentate, I Tim. 6.15. and' his exaltation of him as fuch, is car– ried fo high above them, as he will not deign fo much as a comparifon with them; but that he furpaffeth all or the leaf\ comparifon to be made with him. I. So far •hove the .Ange!I, that who in the Heaveni can be comf1rcd to him? The Heathen J rather Philofophers and wifefl of them admired, worfhipped the Angels, (as Come 11ntkrjland 'PfeHdo-Chrijliani, induced by their Doctrines, afterward did the like, as Col. 2. roith Pifca– fuews.) Then 2dly, on Earth he brings in the Sons of the Mighty, by which I tor and o– uoderfland the great Herou and Worthiu ofthe Sons ofMen, the Potent Mighty thers, by Ones, as Kingi, and thofe that defcend from them. Whom Men cry up as Be- ~nsh of the nefaGtors, Lttk., 2 2. 2 5· Whilfll~ving, and when dead the Heathens did rank be 1~e:~; t;: them among the Gods, and worfutp them alfo. Great Ones . . oftheEarth, than ofrhe Angels, tU others wot~ld, becau{e of the lik.§ correfpondmt diflinllion held in the verfe afore, of the 1-fr:t~vens, and Saints on Earth, continuedalfo in thU: .As al{o, becarife thU StJ'!e, Sons of the Mighty, or ofthe Gods, is no where given to rh~ Angels, althotf$h they areftiled the Sons ofGod, a& in Job, becaufi they are fiteh by Creation (for which refpe£1 e-ven Adam'" a!fo called the Son ofGod, Luke 3./ajl.) Whothough b;caufe thry excel in Strength (as thePfalmiJt ofthem) are therefwe jliled the Mighty Ones, Pfal. 78. 25. 1et no where Sons of the Gods, or Mighty, whtch u a Phrafe pecultar to Mm, connotatmg Propagation from fltchMm as are Gods, and Mighty Ones in the Earth; thtu Pfal. 29. r. Give unto the Lord yeSons of the Mighty, &c. That is, yo1t Nobles, great Ones, and Potentates of the Earrh, deftended from them that werefuch; whereas the Angels Nawre k!Jows not Propagation, for rvhich theyJho~t!d be thtt-.i jfiled. And then, the ]ews themfelves had the Perfons oftheir Heroes, as Mojh, Da, vid, Solomon, &c. in too high an admiration (whofe Renown was alfo fpread over the whole Emh,) and did too much boafl ofthem,as the Glory oftheir Na– tion, and had relied too much upon David's Houfe, that it would be anfwerable in future Ages, unto fo happy beginnings of David, and Solomon, which the Prophet here (living in Roboboam's time)began to fee to fJll fhort. Thereupon fays the Prophet, whether among Angels, or'Spiritf of holy Sotth in the Heavem, or the Sons of the MJgltJ on Earth, the bell and greatefl that ever 'verc, there is not one, no nor all ofthem put together, that bath the lea.rl Shadow of Worth, to be fo much as named, by way ofcomparifon, when God is fpoken of: For fo G the