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and hi& Srm !fefus Chri(l. 45 with Majefty, the Lord is clothed with Strength, wherewith he bath girded himfelf. '"'-A.fJ Verf. 2. Thy Throne is eftablifhed of old; thou art from Everlajlrng. ~ From then (as the word is) thOit 4rt from Everlajling. His Throne was ell:a– blifhed from Then, from of Old; and it is as old as himfelf: It is not only when he lays, Thou art from Everlajling, that God is Everla(\ing, but it relates to his Throne. The fame you have in 'Prov. 8. 2 2. The Lord pOJ!iJfed me in the begin– ning of his Way, before his Wor0 of Old. The. Lord .":'as Kmg before the World was. We ufe to lay of a Man of a great and h•gh Spmt, He bath a Kmgdom in himlel£ To be Cure God had. Why? He had Frames and Models of Worlds, and could have made Millions of Worlds; and what not? He difpofeth of all that he bath made; !fa. 44· 6, 7· Thw faith the Lord the King of Ifrael, and Redeemer the Lord of Hojls, 1am the Firjl, aud I am the Laf1, and bejides me there is no God. And who is /i~e me, thar fhall call, and jhall declare it, and fit it in order before me, fince I appointed the Ancient 'People? a11d the things that are cont– ing, and Jh,t/1 come.< let them fhew unto then;. AKing is not a King only in Pro– clamationsand Executions, but in Councils, in ordering Things in his Court. He was thus a King from Everla!ling. Antiquity of Kings cloth enable; As it is L1id, Ifa. 19. I 1. How fay ye to Pharaoh, I ant the Son of the Wife, the Son of Ancient Ki11gs. - This is a Subject of a World of Praife; As alto in the Revelations, That God is a King of Kings, is a Matter of great exaltation to God. Look Pfa!m. I 45· which is a 'Pfiti!Jt of Praife, the Title is fo; it begins thus, I wiUextol thee, my .God, OKing; and [willblejthyN.,meforeverandever. VerCio, II, 12, I3. All thy Wor4s fha/1 praife thee, 0 Lord; and thy Saints Jba/l blejthee. They JbaU JPeak. of the Glory of thy Kingdom; and talk_ of thy Power. To make k_nown to the Sons of Men hi< mighty .At1s, and the gloriow Majejly of hn Kingdom. Thy Kingdont h an Everlajling Kingdom; and thy Dominion endureth thro11gho11t all Generations. And therefore you find in the Pfalms, the Pfalmi(\ bids them pro– claim it; The Lord h King, and reigns in the World, as the be(! News they ever heard, or that ever could be told them; as in Pfal. 96. IO. Say among the Hea– then, The Lord reigneth ; Make proclamation of it, That the Lord reigns; The World alfo fha/1 be eftablifhed, that it fba/1 not be moved. VerC I r. Let the Hea– vens rejoice, that the Lord reigns ; and let the Earth be glad: Let the Field be jo;jit!, and aUthat h therein; Then fbaU all the Trees of the Wood rejoice. Let the Sea roar; you Fifhes that have no Tongues, you are mute, yet fpeak and roar out now, That God reigns ; as Chri(\ lays, That the very Stones would !peak : Let the Floods clap their Hands; let the Hills be joyful together, Pfal. 98. 8. Or as dlewhere, Let them skjp and dance, that God is King, that he is the King of Kings, that he reigns; But efpecially let his Church do it, Pfal. 97. The Church efpecially bath a fhare in this, Thy Judgments are made manift.{l, as Rev. I 5· ThoJt art King, and King of Saints; Let the Heavens declare his Righteoufoef; and all the People fie his Glory, verC 6. Worfbip him all ye Gods, verC 7· Gods or Angels; and this becaule he is fo high and great a King. And you poor Souls that are here below, and under Oppreffion, !owing Tears, before this Kingdom· break: out, ( fays he) there is Light fown for you ; VerC I r. Light h fown for the R•ghteotH; and Joy fir the Vpright in Heart. Rejoice in the Lord, ye Righte– OIH; and give than0 to the remembrance of hn Holinefs, verC I2. This is, be– caule he is King. I will now explain to you the Frame of fuch a Soul, as is wound up to God, to g•ve Glory to God for what was in himfelf; and will de(cribe the many Dif– pofitions that Soul hath. Firfr; Such a Soul fees fo much of the Glory of God, as it is at a Jofs what Pra!fe to gtve htm; It knows not how to praifc and glorify him enough : As it is faid of h1s Benefits, which is a lower praife given to him; ·pfal.I 16.12. What fba/1 I rendertmto the Lord for all his Benefits towards me?Thus alfo Pa11i, I ThefC 3· 9· What Than0 ran we render to God again for you ? But if the Glory ofGod come in, it is above all your Bleiling and Praife. Nehem. 9· 5· 'Biejfed be thy Gloriow Name, tvhich h exalted above all Blej]ing and Praife. That a Soul is at fuch a Jofs you may fee it in the 'Pfalms. r. See