Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of the l(,nowledg of (jod the Father, ~ 1. See the variety of Expreffion the Pfalmifl: goes about to utter it by; Bo o K l. fometimes he calls it 'Praife, and then Glorifying; Pfal. 86. I 2. I will praife thee, ~ 0 Lord my God, with all my Heart; and I wi(l glorify thy Name for evermore. And fometimes Singing; But he fays 1t over, and over, and over, and over; Pfal. 47· 6, 7, 8. Sing Pr~ifes to God, jing 'Praifes; Sing 'Praifes..'o 011r 1\jng,jing 'Praifei; for God is the King of all the Earth, jing JOlt praifes wrth ZJ_nderjland– ing; God reigmth over the Heathen : God jitteth upon the Thro'.'e of hu Holmeji. He doubles it, and doubles it, to !hew the vehemency of hiS Soul ; He could not fing loud enough, Sing, Sing, Sing! Sing, four times .in one Verfe. And fometimes, A New Song, Pl.1l. 33'· 3· Smg 1111to hmt a new Song. I have pratfed him former!y, and fung to him, but all my old Songs are not good enough. Sometimes be expreffes it by fhouting for Joy, Pfal.32. 11/t. Be glad in the Lord ;e Righteoll!; and j!Jout for joy all ye ~hat are 11pright in Heart. Pfal. 33· 3. 'Play skj!f 11 11J >•ith a lo11d noife. And extol htm~ 'Pfal. 30. I. I writ extol thee, 0 Lord. And magnify him, 'Pfal. 34· 3· 0 Magnijj the Lord wzth me, and let 1J! exalt hii Name together. Sometimes I willgreatly praife the Lord ; and becaufe Praife is too low a word, fays he, Let'" mal<! his Praife Glprioru. Pfal. 66. 2. Sing forth the Hono11r of his N~nre; make his Praife glorious: Let us give him no other than glorious Praife. As he ufeth this variety of Expreffion, which !hews he knew not what to do or fay ; fo he cloth not know what to fpeak of God whilft he praifes him, what words to ufe ; and therefore he carries it off in fo great a fuperlative; Pfal. 77. 13. Who is fo great aGod M our God ? Who j!Ja!l not fear thee, 0 Lord, 0 tholt Ki11g of Nations; Rev. I 5· 4· And he bath it out of Jer.Io. 6. There is none /if« unto thee, 0 Lord : Tho1t art Great, aird thy Name is great in Might: Verf. 7· Who would 110t fear thee, 0 King of N1tims? In 'Pfalm. 106. 2. He puts all the Creatures into a fl:and at it ; Who can utter the Mighty ACis of the Lord ? Who can fbew forth all his 'Praife i Alas, verf 3· Blejfed be they that i<!ep Judgment; that can be holy. Who can £hew forth all his Praife? praife him we cannot. And fometimes he ufeth this language, Be exalted above the Heavens; and let thy G/orybeabovealltheEarth, Pfal. 57· II. And the God that rides on the Heavens, Pfal. 68. 4, 33· Sing zmto God, jing p•aifes to his Name; extol him that ridcth upon the Heavens, by his Name JAH, and rejoice before him. To him which rideth up011 the Heavens of Heavens which were of old. Praife him under that Notion. Infomuch as indeed and in truth we find thefe fl:rains in the Pfalmifl:, that he knew not how to fet him out with words enough ; He leaves it to his own felf, for himfelf to do it, for the Creatures cannot do it. Pfal.71.13. Glo.' rify thy felf in thy own Strength, in thine own E~cellency, for the Creature eannot do it. Such a Soul as David was, is enlarged to talk high of God; PG!. 86. 12. I will praife thee, 0 Lord my God, with all my Heart; 1 will glorifj thy N11"e for evermore. Alas, poor Creature, How canfl: thou praife him for evermore ? A Soul fired with defires to praife God, it burns after both more perfect things, and more lafl:ing than it i• able to perform. To will is prefent ~vith it, &c. See but the reachings and roamings of fuch a Soul, how itfwells in defires tO glorify God. Firfl:; That Soul in fuch a frame, does .extend it felf to praife God in all Times. 1. In all Seafons, that is, when any occafion !hall be given ; Pfal. 34· r. I will blefi the Lord at all Times; that i• ( as I take it) at all Seafons. 2. His Heart goes further ; His Praife foal/ be continually in my Mouth; he would be doing it continually ; Pfal. 84. 4· They wilt be Jlill praijing thee; at all ,. ,, Seafons of the day, Morning, Evening, and Night; Pfal. 92. 2. To foew forth thy loving ]Ondmfi itJ the Morning, and thy Faithfitlnefi every Nig!Jt. Pfal. 1 45· 1, 2. I wrUextol thee, my God, 0 King, and I will blefi thy Name for ever and ever: Every D.'} >vi// I blefi thee, a11d I will praife thy Name for ever and ever. In other PC1lms, 1tvill blefs thee while I live, Pfal. 63. 4· Pfal. I04. 33· I will jing 1mto the Lord M long a< l!rve ; I will Jing praife to my God while I have my being. But this is but for this Life: But I will praife the Lord for ever a11d ever, fays D.roid, Pfal. I O+- 2. I will nt.~i<! thy Nmte to be remembred in all Generations; therefore