Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

and hir Son !fejus [!Jrifi. 47 thereforefl.•a/1 the 'People pr"ifo theefor ever and ever, Pfal. 45· 17. Such a Sol.\1is fo~'-"""""~ enlarged, as ifit were poffible for him to do it, h~ would contract all the Ptaifes ~ due to God in all Ages mto an Infhnr, and grve btm all at once, fuch are the enbrged Rooms and Defires of his Spirit. 0 that I could contract (thinks that Soul) all the Glory that is due to God, and that I can give to God to Eternity, that [could give it him in one Moment! Pfal. Io6.48. Blejfed be the Lord God of Jfi·ael, from C'i>erlajli11g to everlajli11g, a11d let all the People (i11 the World)fa;•, Amm. 'Praife ;e the Lord. Thus this poor Soul doth reach; and the reafon is, bccaufe he is fo great a God for ever, and therefore he would praife him as for ever. Thus in Eph. 3· 2 I. where Paul gives Glory to God,To him be Glory in the Church, through Chrij/Jefw, throughout all .Ages, World without end. So Jude alfo, To him be Glory now and ever. Amen. verf. 2 5· · . 3. This Soul will rejoice that God bath been celebrated by others, in all Ages, Pfal. I02.I2. But thou, 0 Lord, fbalt endurefor ever,and thy Remembrance unto all Generations. That he bath lived in their Praifes, PC1l. 22. 3· 0 thou that inhabitejl the Praifts ofllrael! More exprefly, Pfal. 135· 13. Thy Name, 0 Lord, end11retb for ever, and thy Memorial, 0 Lord, throughout aU Generations. This Soul could lit down with Angels, and take in all their Praifes, and rejoice that God bath been fo celebrated and praifed in all times. 4· This Soul would extend it felf, not only to all Times, but to all Perfons, and Things, and Works ofGod, to praife hi m ; oft in the Pfalms be rejoices in God, and calls upon all Nations to do it. Pfal. 96. r. Sing 11nto the Lord aU the Earth, verC 7· Give Glory to the Lord, 0 )'e Kindreds of the Eartb, give unto the Lord Glory and Strength, verC 1 r, 12. Let the Heavens rejoice, and let the Earth be glad, let the Sea roar, &c. Alas ! I cannot do it, my Heart is too narrow ! Pfal. 72.18, I9. Blejfed be the Lord God, the God of!lrael,whoomy doth wondrow things, and blejfed be hi< gloriow Name jol' ever, a11d let the 1vhole World be fiUed rvtth hi< Glory, Amen and Amen. Nothing will content him elfe : if he could, be would fire all Cre>tures to do it; Let the People praift thee, 0 God, let aU the People praift thee. So in PC1l. roo. Mak§ ajoyflll noift tmto the Lord a/J;e L«~tds,Jerve the Lord withgladneft, and come before his Prefence withjnging, Pfal. I r8. r. 0 give thank.! 11nto the Lord, for he i< good, becaufthh Mercy endureth for eve>'. He is King every where; 0 that they would praife him in all his Dominions! Pfal. 103.22. Bleft the Lord a/J his Works, in aU Places of his Dominion, in every Nook and Corner of the World. verf. oo.. 'Bie[fthe Lord aUye his Angels, that excel in St,.ength, aud do his Commandments. Begin you to bids God! what had he to do to call upon Angels? It is as ifhe had faid, Alas ! poor Creature, I have not Strength ; you Angels that excel in Strength, do yon blefs the Lord; it is better than todo his Will, it is your greatefl: Excellenc;y. And verC 2 r. Blef the Lord,all ;·e his Hojh, )e Miuijlers that do his 'Pieafitre. And at lafl:, Blefthe Lord all his Work.J, ill all PIMes ofhis Dominion: And bleft the Lord, 0 my Soul! and what a poor little thing am I to blefs l)im, (o he concludes. And again, Pfal. II3. r, 2, 3· Praift ;e the Lord, Praift, 0;·eServants ofthe Lord, Praife the Name of the Lord. Blejfed be tbe Name ofthe Lord, from this tiiJteforth and for evermore. From the rijing of tle S1111, 11nto the goi11g dow" ofthefame, the Lol'd's Name is to be praifed. He is fo full, that himfelfwould (if he knew how) wifh himfclf in the midfl: of a whole Congregation ofthe Upright, Pf.1!. JI I . r. Praift ;e the Lord, 1 will praife tbe Lord with my whole Heart, i11 the Ajfembf; ofthe Vpright, and in the C011gregation ; would I had a Vo'ce to reach the Multi.tude ofall Nations! Pfal. 108. 3· I will praift thee, 0Lord, among the People, and1 will jing Praifts tmto thee among the :""(ttions. Nay, before all the Kings ofthe Earth, and all Angels, all Gods, he wilbcth fuch an Auditory. Pfal. 138. I. I 1vill praift thee witb my whole Heart, be– fOre tl-e Gods will I jing prai{e tmto thee. Our Saviour Cbrifl: prailed him thus in the midfl: ofthe Church Univerfal. Pial. '22. 22, 23. Bow down thine Ear,O Lord, me,for I ampoor and needy; preftrve my Solll,for I am holy; the Word is, lam thy Servant, or Saint, or Accepted. How does he praife God? 0 mofl: mightily! verC 8. Among the Gods there is none lik§ Thee, neither are there any Works lik,p to thy IVorks. Here is a poor Man in his Need talks thus: and thou that art fo great a God, help me in a little Cale. In Pfol. 89. is an eminent ln[\ance, verC lafl:. Blo:f fed be the Lordfor evermore, Amen and Amen. Says (t~lvin, there thofe that . fay