Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of the IVJowledg of yod the Father, ~ Gy this Verfe isfoi{(ecl in ; why? becaufe the Man was in a great deal of Mifery Bo ° K I. in the Verfes before, Remember, Lord,the reproach of thy Servant, how I do bear in ~ my Bofom the reproach ofall the mighty People,wherewith thine Enemies have reproached me, 0 Lord, wherewith they have reproached the foot-fteps of thzne .Annornted. How doth he praife God in this Pfolm ! and it is there made the Fruit of his Death: I will declare thy Name unto"'J Brethren, in the midft oftheCongregation will[praiji thee. Tou that fear the Lord, praift him, allye the Seedof.Jacob, glorify him; md · fenr him, allye the Seed of!Crael. You know who fatd tt, 0 what Glory does Chri{( bring to God, veri. 25· My Traift jhall be ofthee in the great Congregation. The matter ofhis Praife is fetch'd out ofGod, he fully knew him. And Tau! willies, Eph. 3· Ja{(. Vnto him be Glory in the Ch11rch by Chrift Jef1H, thro11ghout all Ages, World with011t wd. Amen. In the whole Church Univerfal. 5 • Again, This Soul, letit be in the !owe{( frame. that can be, in the greateft Mifery, worfl: Condition, 1f this frame comes upon tt, he will fl:Jll pratfe God. ( have known fuch as have been in the bottom of Hell, and there praifed God. In Tfol. 86. Davidpraifed God when he bad been in a very pitiful Condition, verf. I, 2, 3· No where fuch Praifes, as from the 5th to the I 5th Verfe of this Pfalm. And, asCalvin well faid, might not this Man as well blefs God at lafl:, as he did at firfl? I willjing ofthe Merciu ofthe Lordfor ever, with my Mouth will I mak! k_nown thy Fanhfitlnejs to all Generations, &c. When a Soul is at the lowefl, ifthe Spirit of Praife come in upon that Soul, he will cry out to God aloud in praifing him. There is another eminent In{(ance in Pjd/.22. Our Lord and Saviour Jefus Chri!l hung upon the Crofs, there he hung, and all the Tharifees, the Bulls came about him, and fays he, I cryed to thee. What cloth he comfort himfelf with? Ver( 3· But thou art holy, 0 thou that inhabiteft the Traifes of!Crael. The Proifes given to God are fo delightful to God the Father,that they are call'd an Habitation to him; and the Breath of them, lays Chrift, this is that which fupports me, Thou art holy, and inbabiteft the Traifts oflfrael. veri. 6. I a11t a Worm a11d no Mon, a reproach of ./Um, a11d dejpiftd ofthe People; But no matter, fo thou art praifed. lfo. 24. 'z5· When the World was overwhelm'd with a Deluge of Mifery, yet Cays the Pro– phet, Wherefore glorify )'OU the Lord in the Fires: in the mid{(<Jfall the Fires round about their Ears, they glorified God; fome read it, In theVaUey, in the lowefl Condition they could be in: ThisSoul yet rejoices that it !hall live to Praife him. My Brethren, Let us pray for fucha Heart as this, that the Saints ofthe Old Te· !lament may not !hame us that are Chri!liansof the New. The