Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

The Knowledg of G0 D the Father, And his Son .JE S U S C H R I S T· B 0 0 K.. II. Of the Son ofGod, the Second Perfon in the Trini– ty. What his Perfon is, confidered in himfelf. He is the Eternal Son of the Father, one God in Ef– fence with him. The Son, The Second Perfon took the Man Jefus into perfonal Union with him– felf; and fo Chrift is God-Man joined into one Perfon. 1 Cor. 8. 6.-----And 0 NE LO~V JESUS [ H!f{I S T, by whom are a!!Thi11gs, and we by Him, CHAP. I. Ho'f/J greatly it imports us to have a true l(no'f!Jledf!, of the 'Perfonof [hri{t. TVhat M 'Per(on i8, That he exijted from all Eternity '&Pith tjod M a 'Perfon; and 'f/Jas not meerly aManifefiation of the 'Deity in Time, and then only Exijlent rPhen he firft appeared tn the VVorld. THere are two Things imported to us in thofe words of I Cor. 8. 6. .And one Lord JeftH Chrift; ' I. His Perfon, [ Jefos Chrift ]. 11. His Office and Relation to us, and unto all the Crea– tion, One Lord, bj whom are ,JJ Things. I begin firfr with the fettiog forth the Subfrance of his Pedon; What it is, and of what made up is he, this Chrifr, the Lord, of whom all Thing< are. H And 49 ~ Chap. I . ~