Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

64 r...A.f'l BooK 11. Of the l(nowledg of (jod tbe Father, o..fV"'t,J - ------- CHAP. Ill. Tbat he 'WM the Son of (jod, wbo exijled through.:. out all rvfges, and from Eternity. This pro"'/d by all thofe Infiances of Scriptures, wherein his .Eternal Exiffence is ajferted, and 1lJherein the title of Son of God is a!fo afcribed to Him, THis moll: eminent Title' of 8on of God, cloth fimply exprefs, What and who the Second Perfon is in himlelf, and in relation to his Father, and fo fing\y fpeaks tht fub!l:ance of his Perfon. And it is certain, was that more general and renowned Title the fir!l: Primitive Times knew him by. Under which Chri!l: himfdf, and all the Apo!l:les unanimoufly reprefen– ted him unto the Church, which all Believers then profdfed to believe in, and concerning which that Promife is made and uttered unto all the Saints in fuc– cceding Ages; Ephef. 4· 13. That all j1J01dd come to the Vnity of the Faith, and l<powledg of tfe Son of God. The other of My~, the Word was (if ufed by any other Apo!l:le ihan John, yet but covertly) by John fparingly mentioned after all the Apo!l:les were dead, and but thrice by him; And though it was a known Title to Heathens and Jews, yet received but upon occafion of Here– fies, which took the advantage of the ufe of that Title among Philofophtu, to deform the Perfon of our Jtfus. And further, he was acknowledged and declared to be that Son of God by all forts of Witneffes, either in Heaven, or Earth, or Hell. 1. By thole Witnefks in Heaven. r. The Father, Mat. 3· 17. And lo, a Voice from Heaven, foying, This is "'J Beloved Son, in whom I am well pleafed; and Chap. 17. ). 2. The Son himfelf in every Chapter of Jolm, and Luft.! 10. 22 • 3· By the Holy Gho!l:, who (befides that his Te!l:imony is included in all the Scriptures that fpeak him the Son of God, becaufe he wrote rhem all) perfo– nally appears in the likenefs of a Dove, to join with the Father's Witnefs of him. Thi< n my 'Beloved Son, Mat. 3· 16, 17. And lo, the Heavem were opened 111110 hi111, and he Jaw the Spirit of God defeending lift.! '' Dove, and lighting upon him. And lo, a Voice from Heaven, foying, This is my Beloved Son, in whom1 '""well pleafed. And fo the 'Baptiji cloth interpret that fignal place, John 1. 32, 33, 34· And John bne Record, faying, I Jaw the Spirit deji:endi11g from Hea– ven, lift.! a Dove, and it abode upon him. And I k>tew him not: but he th•t Jint me to baptize with Water, the fame [aid 11nto me, Vpon whom thou fo•lt fee the Spirit deji:ending, and remaining on hint, the fame is he which baptizcth with the Holy Ghojl. And Tfo•v, and bare Record, that this is the Son of God. 4· The fame was witneOed by the Angels. 1. The Good, L11ke 1. 35· And the Angel anfwered and faid tmto her, The Ho– ly GhoJ1 j1Jal! come 11pon thee, and the Power of tbe Higheft jhatl overjbadow thee. Therefore alfo tbat Holy Thing which jha/1 be born of thee, Jba/1 be called the Son of God. 2. The Bad, Mat. 4· 3, 6. and Chap. 8. 29. And behold they cried out, foying, What have we to do with .thee, Jef~~< thou Son of God? Art thou come hither to tor– ment"' before the Time .< Mark 3· I r. and Chap. 5· 7• Luke 4· 3· •nd Chap 4· 3I. . On Earth. 1. Wicked Men, as the Centurion, Mat. 27. 54· Of atmth, thi1 was the Son of God. 2 , The