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66 Of the f\!lorrledg of Cjod the FatTJer, ~ Who was made of the Seed of Abraham according to the FleJ1\ or Humane Nature, BooK !l. and aeclared to be the Son of God accordmg to the Sptrtt of Hclmefs, or 3 L~ Divine Nature, (as fhall after be iliewn ). Now that Spirit, <;r Divine Nature, in which, as Son of God, he extfl:ed, and was now declared, ts called the Eterttal Spirit, Heb. 9· 14. by whom aljO be offired up himfelf, as there. . 7· Seeing this place bath mennoned how the Prophets fpeak of htm as God's Son; Let us fee how they fpake thus afore of him as the Son ; whereby will be decided, whether or no they fiiled him not fuch, over and above the confidera– tion of that Humane Nature; in regard to which only, fay fome, it and its be– ing united to God, and God manifefied therein, it is, fay they, that he is called the S 011 of God. And not as a difiinct Perfon from the Father, who in hirnfelf is the Son of God, and who took the Humane Nature into the fame Sonfhip of his Perfon which he had without it. r. Pial. 2. 7· Thou art my Son, th;. Day have I begotten thee. God's (Hodie or) to Day, is the fiilc of. Eternity. Vet·bs and Adverbs of the prefent Time, do belt exprefs Eternity. Before Abraham was, I am, John 8. 58. And 1 AM hath Jent thee, Exod.j. I 4· So, to DaJ have 1begotten thee. To Day, with God, is no to Morrow, nor Yefierday. As God was always God, fo always a Father; and fo he is a Son always unto God. Neither had he been God's Son by Genera– tion, by begetting, if only he had been his Son, as Man, by Union. So he had been the Son of the Holy Ghofi, and he his Father, rather than God, (whom the Scriptures only term his Father) becaufe this Man was by the Holy Ghoft conceived, formed, and united unto God. And the Spirit was not the Caufc of his being a Son; for this very Spirit, is termed the Spirit of this Son, Rom.8.9. B11t ye m·e 11ot in the FleJ1J, b11t in the Spirit, if fo be that the Spirit ofGod dwell ill you. Now if a~y Man have not the Spirit of Chrijl, he ;. none of hi<. Gal. 4· 6. .And beca11Je ye are Som, God hath fent forth the Spirit of hi< So, into ) 'OIIr Hearts, cr)'ing, Abba, Father. And lent by him, ]ohn I6. I 5· .AU Things that the Father hath, are mine; therefore Jaid I, that he foaU fa~ of mine, and JluU J1Jew it 1mto you. And although this Scripture of Pjal. 2. is applied to the RefurreCtion of Chrift, AUs 13. 32, 33· yet 'tis evident, by 'PaHI's quotation of it, Heb. r. 5· and his denying, unto all the Angels, that fo tranfcendent a Gene– ration intended in that fecond 'Pjalm by the Pfalmifi. Neither by the Refurrellion was he firfi made the Son of God, ( as Man ) for he is termed fo all along in the Evangelifl:s before: But it was then declared, as rpa111's Phrafe is, Ram. I. 3· Declared the Son of God with Power, by the Reji~rreliion from the Dead. For thereby it was !hewn, that he had Life in himfelf, and was that Eternal Life that bad been from the beginning, I John 1. I , Wliom therefore it was impoffible Death fhould hold, Atls 4· 24. And unto this fenfe it is, that thole words of the Pfalmifl: are applied by 'Peter to the Re· furrection, Arts Ij. 32, 33· God by Chrifl:'s being railed up, had confirmed the Truth of that Promife made, to give his Son for us, whom he had from Eter– nity begotten, and did by his Rcfurrection declare him to be fuch. We declare 1mto JOlt glad Tidings, how that the Promife which was made •mto the Fathers, God hath jie!filled the fame 11nto 1H their Children, in that he hath raifed up Jef"' again. As !lIS alto written 111 the fecond Pjalm, Tholt art my Son, this Day have I begot– ten Thus, or thereby proving him to be the Son of God, whom God had from Everlafhng beg;otten; who was promifed to be given to us. Yea, his Incarnatton and Conceptton, as Man, ( whtch was the firft Foundation of his being Man) was but the beginning of the Manifeftation of the Son of God, John r. 14. The Word 1Vd! made Flejh, and dwelt amo11g w, and we beheld his Glor;•, as of the only begotten of the Father. And therefore this was not thecon– fiituting him a Son.. So likewife it is termed, I Tim. 3· 16. God was manifejl in the Flefh: Ltkewtfe 1 John 3· 8. The So11 of God was maniftfled. Now Ma– mfeftatton ts of what was extant afore ; but Production is the bringing forth of a Thing, fi·om a Not-being to a Being. 2 .. .Agur !peaks of a Perfon diflinct from God, then exifl:ing, whom he calls Gods Son ; Prov. 30. 4· What is his Name, and what is his Sot/s Name, if thou t·anfl tell? He demands of the one, as well as of the other, known to the Jews; whole Name or Being was ineffable. 3· lfoiah,