Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

68 Of the K.!Jorvledg of (jod the Father, ~appertained to the Son of God. And God having been pleated to vouchfafe to Bo ° K 11. this King the knowledg of that Ktngd~m It fdf, as m the former Chapter, ~ Chap.2. verf34A4A5· So here, m th1s wh1ch was the next occurrence, he gives him the Knowledg of his Son, (in this appearance) to whom this Kingdom appertained. Exprefly calling h1mfclf the Son of God; Whom Daniel in his Vi!ion, Ch•p. 7· terms the Son of .511an: Who as then extfhng as Son of God, appeared in a differing Glory with thefe. three Children comforting ~f them, ·countenancing, owning them, and betng then prefent wtth them m their AffiiClions, as lfo. 63. It is alfo faid, he was with the Church in the Wil– derne!s. To conclude this : If he exified afore the World was, when he was not Man, and during all the Times of thefe Prophets, afore he took Man's Na• .ture ; It mufi be fuppofed, that fuch a PertLJn fi> exifiing, mufi have fame erni1lent known Title given him, between God and him; the import of which fhould be to fpeak his Relation unto God. And if fo, then furely it mufl be this, which is thus afore given him by thofe Prophets, and as uttered by God, Tho11 art my Son, thi1 day have I begotten thee, Pfal. 2. 7· And what i1 hi1 Name? fpeaking of the Father~ and what i1 his Son'1 Na111e? So then he was called the Son, Prov. 30. 4· He is not termed a Son, as if only made fuch when he was conceived, or made Man ; but on the contrary, being and cxifiing the Son, he is laid to be font and made of aWoman, Gal. 4- 4· 'B11t when the Fulnef ofthe Time wm come, God font forth hi1 Son, made of a Woman, made 11nder the L~w. And unto this purpofe it is further obfervablc, That Chrifi, in his Difcourfes to his Difciples, affirms himfelf not only to be one fent into the World by his .father, ( which fufficiently imports his Exifience ofore ) ; but further, to noti· fy to us his Eternal Generation, and proceeding from him as a Son, and as fuch exi(\enr afore ; He therefore diflinguifheth, and fevereth thefe two things, (os appears in feveral Speeches of his) I came from the Father, fo firfl ; and then, .And I came into the World : Or thus, And he hath font me. This is not only oft repeated, but this very Order obferved, as ofi as repeated, John 7· 29. l k_now him, for I •m from him, and he hath font me. CHAP.