Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of tbe I(nowledg of (jod tbe Father, ~~~~; Word befides, when his Sonfhip is folemnly proclaimed. And fo the B 0 0 " l!. meaning will be this, That Son of the only Tme God, that Living God. Which ~ EmphaGs, the God; and which Attribute, the Living God, are purpofely anne>ed, to R:t out the Greatnefs of this fo great a Son. And to !hew, that tf we do fup– pole the Great and True God to bav·e a Son, and but one Son, and him begot– ten by him, as be is the Living God, ( as put this and thole former Things men– tioned of him together, and it appears) then what manner of a Son mufl: this be? and what manner of Generation, but fuch as Living Fathers have properPars 1 '· tionably of their Sons? A Generation, fuch as is proper to Things living when f2!!!fl. 2 7· they beget their kind. Generation, properly taken, Cays Aqmna., and Expe– ~;~~:~tio rience fi1ews it, is of Things that are living, out of a living Principle, and is fumiwr. improperly applied to Produl.l:ion. And ftuther it is then laid to be Generation 1. Comproperly in them,when they beget in their own Likenefs, and that Likene{s con– muniter ad fifling in their own Kind, Nature, and Subfl:ance. omma geb fi . "h"J l" d n. ' . , "' d "' p "' !lerabilia_&corr_upti iJia. . Et K\fem:r?tH?Dl! an~ ,CLLgua~_mut~twanon_euea eue. 2. ropne mVivmflbm; SJC generat10 efl: ongo alienJus viventis apnnop10 vtvente conJuntto. Nee tamen om– ne hujufmodi dldtur generatio, fed quod habet rationem fimilitudjnis. Unde Capillus non habet ra~ tionem geniti. Nee fitfficit qua::cunque fimilitudo. Vermes qui generantur in Animalibus non habent rationem Geniti. Sed requirirur ntproccdat fecundU.m rationem fimilitudinis inNatura ejufdern fpe~ cici> ficut homo procedit ab homine. And thus living Things properly are laid to beget; as in Nature you all fee, A Lion brgets a Lion, a Man aMan. Proprium eft viventilmt generare jimile in fi'bflanti,i. And thole two Attributes are given to Chriil holding forth his Ge– neration, viz. The Word, and the Son. The Word !hews be is begotten by God, who is an Intellel.l:ual Being; the Son !hews that he is begotten as a living E!fence or Being. Now then putting all tbefe three together ; r. God's own Son; 2. Only be– gotten; 3· That one only begotten Son of the Tme and Living God. Thefe twifl:ed and interwoven mutually, are a three-fold Cord that cannot be broken. Let us therefore fee what Arguments and Evidences thefe will afford to convince us what manner of a Son this is. By a further adding all thefe fueceeding Conjiderations together to them, and letting thefe by them. .A.Jfertion 3· That this only Begotten, and Natural Son of God, is God; and not God only byVnion, after he was put forth by God out of himfelf, but by an lndemity, or OnenefS of one and the Came E!fence of the Godhead. This third is naturally connel.l:ed with the foregoing A!fertion, viz. That be is the Natural Son of the Living God : Thus, I. The Scriptures connel.l: and join there two together; in that often, when and where they mention his Sonfhip to God, they annex withal, ( becaufe the one nece!farily importeth the other) his being God alfo ; as may be obferved, both out of the Old Tefl:ament and the New. I. The Old Teflament, lfa. 9· 6. Vnto w a Child iJ born ; which fpeaks him to be Man : And unto us a So" is given ; that fpeaks him to have been God, and as fuch, extant afore he as Man was born : for what is given, bath a Being when he is given; and afore he is given, who took Man's Nature to himfelf as Son: And here, by Son, hemeansthisSonofGod, ourChrifl:, Lukg 1. 31,35. The Angcl there bath manifefl:ly an Eye upon this Prophecy of lfaiah here; v.32 . Tb01t ftJalt conceive a Son,and he fha/1 be called the Son of the Mo.ft High; and God jha/1 give •nto him the Throne of his Father David; and he fball reign over the Houfe of Jacob for ever; and of his Kingdom there fhall be no end; thus the Angel there. And how fpeaks J[aiah? Tow a Son it given, and the Govern– ment jlwl be upon his Shoulders : of the ,Encreafe of his Government, and Peace, tbere j/Ja!! be no End : Vpon the Throne of Davicl, and 11pon his Kingdom, Jro»t hence-forth, even for ever. The Angel citetb not the Place, but evidently re– citeth tht very words of that Prophecy, the very fame, thus. So then, Chrifl being meant by the Son; that which I al!edg lfaia!J for, is this, That his being Son,