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and bt8 Son j'efus Chrifl. 73 Son, and his being God, are joined : And fo it follows in lfo.9.6. To'"' a Son is ~ given, and his Name foa/1 be called the Mighty ?od. . . ChaP· 4· 2 • In Heb. r. 8. you have the fame by Paul s Interpretation out of the .Pfolms: ~ To the Son he fop, Thy Throne, 0 God, is for ever and ever. Compare we now the words of lfoiah, with that of the Angel ; anr! thi• of 'Paul out of the Pfolnu, together: They are one and the fame, to fhew he is God's Son. Thus f6r the Old Teflament and New both. Again, in the New, Heb. 3· 3· This Man lays the TranOation; you may as well fay, This rPerfon (Man is not in the Original) WM cou11ted worthy of more Honour than Moles: Inafnmch <><he that built the Houfe, hath more honour t4an th.e Houft. And verf 4· it follows, Every Houfe is builded by fome Man; but he that built all theft Things, (that is, The Church in all Ages, and Things about it; under both Old and New Teflament ) is God. He that had inflrutl:ed Mofes; and the Church, under the Old Teflament; and now that of the New, is God, fpeaking it of Chrifl, as God : So then, Chrifl is God, who is the Builder of this Houfe. Now read on, and you will .find his being [ Son J not far off: For in verf. 6. Chrijl: <><a Son over his own Houfe. Now compare Matth. r6. I6. Thou art the Son of the Living God,C1ys Peter. Arid what C1ys Chrifl upon it? v.I 8. Vpon this Roclz I will build my Church, as being the Son of the Living God: And he that wa. able to build it, was God, fays our Apoflle in that Heb. 3· 4· Therefore he is fuch a Son, as is alfo God ; and both are joined together. Again, thofe two parallel Places, in the Epiflle to the Romam; The one Chap. I. verf 3, 4· Concerning his Son Jefiu Chrift, whicb Wd< made of the Seed of David according to tbe Flefh; and declared to be the Sm1 of God with Power : Compare this with ChaP·9·5· Of whom concerning the Flefb Chrift came, who is over all, God blejfed for ever. Amen. Son of God in the one, is God blejfed for ever in the other. · Further; Thefe two run as Terms equivalent irl other places of Scripture; where in like manner they be compared, I Tim. 3· 18. it is laid of Cbrifl, God WM mamfeft in the Flefo: And in I John 3· I8. you have it thus, The Son of God wa; manifofted. Likewife, A/Js 20. 28. it is faid, God purchafed the Chu~ch with his own Blood: Now compare Rev. r. 5· fpeaking of our Chrifl, He hatb wafo'd 1u with his own Blood, and made 1u Priefh unto God his Fatber. So then 'twas the Son, whole Blood was perfonally his own; who was diflinCl: from his Father,and yet God, that purchafed this Church. Again, I John 5· 28• .And we lzmw that the Sun of God i1 come; and we are in him that if tr11e, even in hi< Son 7if"" Chrift: This is the True God, and Eternal Life; the True Son of God, and the True God. The very Devil him· (elf doth in effetl: acknowledg it, Matth. 4· 3· If thou be that Son of God, conl– mand theft Stones to he made Bread: Which was in effect as to have laid, If thou beefl that great Son of God, that is to come into the World, then thou art God, and hafl Sovereign Power to create, or change the Being of the Crea– tures: Let us therefore fee it by the Effetl:s ; Contnwul theft Stones to be made Bread. Lafl of all; That known place, John IO. 30. alledged to prove Chril1's Godhead, joins thefe two together; Son of God, and God ; and the one is in– ferred from the other; when at the 3oth Verfe, Chrifl had laid, I tmd my Fa-. tber are One; that is, I who profefs my felf to be that One, and only Son of God, who is my Father; as in fuch a fpecial Relation, I am fuch a Son to him, as am withal One with him. So then, 1. Chrifl intended that his being God's Son, was all one, and to b~ One with God. Again, 2. fo the Jews underflood him, to intend thereby that he was God: Their Qiearrel with him is that; verf 33· Thou makeji thy ftlf God; and yet, lo, he bud only affirmed, I the Son and my Father are One: So then, to be his Son in the fenfe the Jews underflood him, to take on him that Title, was all one as to be God. And, 3· in that very fenfe, he fo defended himfelf to be the Son of God; that is, fuch a Son as was God ; for having, verf. 34, 35, 36. made his defence, L alledging