Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

andMSon !fefus Chri{l. more to be worfhipp'd by us, though never fo great a Benefactor to us: which~ yet is his due. And to (lrengthen this Argument, the command i:Jfworfhipping Cbap. 4· . fo falls out, that thole who are Gods ?Y Office ofthe higheit R.ank, .the Angels, ~ are commanded to g1ve Worfh1p to h1m: ThatSaymg, Heb. r. Let aU the Angels ofGod worjbip him. In the 'Pfolmiji's Words (whom the Apofile quotes;.) it is, Worfoip him aUye .GodJ, Pfal. 97· 7. So then, .he ts mam~efily God by Nature, and thereby difhhgm!hed from all ofthem; and Wor!h1p IS exacted froni all of them, as his due upon that account. And this is the true, and genuine Drift, and Refult ofthat Paffage ofChrifr's; John 10. 30. to 39· I and my Father are one. Then the Jewstool(_ "P Stone; again tojlone him. Jefw anfwered tbem, Many good Workf have I foewed youfrom my Fa– ther; for which ofthofe Work! do ;•ejione me ~ TheJews anfwered hint,faying, For a good WorftweJlone thee not; b11t for 'B!ajphemy, and beca11[e that tho~t, lieinga Man; mo4efi thyJei(God. JefM anfwered them, I1 it not written in yo11r La>V, I faid; ye are God1? [f he called thevt God1, 11nto whom the Word ofGod came, and the Scrip– ture cannot be brok!n: Say ye ofhim, whom the Father hathfant1ijied, and .fent into the World, Thou blajphemejl; becau.fe Ifoid, I am the Son ofGod~ If I do not the Work! ofmy Father, believe me not. B11t ifI do, thoughye believe not me, believe the Workf: that ye may h,pow and believe that the Father i< in me, and I in'him; There– f ore they fought again ip ta~e him; lmt he efc•ped ou~ of. th<ir handI: That Scripture of all others hath teemed to have the greatelt Objetbonmlt, but one, (which { !hall anon alfo again more touch) That Chri11: is called God only by Office, and U nion with God; as the great, and eminent Men in the Old Teflament were called. And the Objection Hes thus, That the JewJ having challenged him to have made himfelfGod, he defends his Speech by this Saying out ofthe Old Te– flament, I h•ve jaid, ye al·e Gods : as ifhimfelfwere but fucb a God as they, on– ly more eminent. But Chri11:'s Scope is manifeflly the clean contrary. For; • 1. The ]ewJdid plainly underfland him to intend that be was God, and truly God, verf.3 3· So the JewJ, filithAug•tfline, underflood his Speech be E«ejudzilri' meant: But the ArrranJ wdl n~t. And the Blafpbemy ~htcb the JewJ challenged tell""''"'. h~m of, was not tha~ he made h1mfelf as one of thofe ~ods, but that he niade ~~~t:;~~;~: htmfdfGod, one With the Father; and fo by Nature td be God as well as he ; '";• A•g•flm; And his anfwer, ifit bad been intended in that other Speech, had no way come Jna.• s. in borne to their Objection : for that was not the thing they quarrel'd him for, that ,.n, he faid he was a God by Office; and Deputation ; as thofe whom the Pfalmi.JI did fpeak of only were. . . . 2. Chrifl here quotetb that Saying, I have foid, ye •re God1, as a Prophecy, (fo I term it, for Types were Prophecies ofChri11:, and what he !hould be, as much as any other) of Himfdf: Which thofe Words, ver( 35· And the Scripture cannot be brok!n, tnanifeflly import. Now, how was this Prophecy, but in this refpect, that God his terming Magiflrates, and tbofe eminent Men under the Old Teflament, in ]ewry, or clfewhere, God1, was to fore-fignify thereby his own Son, who was the Subllance oftbofe Shadows, what his Perfon was, that he had promifed to fend into the World : for 'in faying, The Script11re cannot be brck!n, his Intent is to fay, the Scripture is, and mu11: be found true, and fulfilled, or made good. Now then, in this lies the Force and Edg ofCbrift's Argument, io prove·him– ftlf God in that Senfe they had underflood him : The ]ew1 looked at, and ac– knowledged all tbofe great and eminent Men, whom the Scripture termcth God1, to be but fore-running Shadows, and Types of him that is the .7UeJ!iah: So that look what Tales, and Excellencies arc given, nnd attributed unto them, mu11: in an eminent, and diflinct, and fubitamial way be found true in his Petfon : Or the Scripture will be broken, and not be found confiltent. If therefore they were called Gods by CommiG.ion, and Deputation, as having the Word of God come to them ; which put that Title and Office upon them ; and it was faid of L 2 them,