Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

and hi!J Son !fejus Chrifi. 77 them; but'He tbe Word, o MyQr, it felf, (as John calls him) ofwhom they that "'-A...r'' declared the Word, were the Tnes, and Shadows; and the only begotten of Chap. 4· the FathU', verf. r8. who ~as nor made a God, and_a Son, becaufefem into the'-<?"\/".."-.~ World and fonllificd, but was therefore Cent, and fanlltfied to that Office of Mejf 1 ah, bccaufe he was by Nature, and (ubfiamially the Son of God,_ and God equal with the Father both m Power, and Nature; verf. 29, 30. And mWorks, vcrf.37,38.lfldo,ottheWorh_sofmyFather, belzevemenot:· Butifido, though J' believe not ~::e, believe the Wor/;j: that )'e may /znow, a11d belzeve that the Father is iJl ?Jte, a'lid I ill hin1. 2 • He is fiiled the Living God: Thofe Words, Heb. 3· I2. Ta~ heed there be not a11 evil Heart in departing from the Livi11g God, are manifefrly meant of Chrifl : for his begun Exhortation, verf. 7. was to hear his Voice; and he it was that was tempted in the Wilderncls, I Cor. I8. 7· And how that whole 95th Pfolm was meant of Chrifi, I have elfewhere !hewn: Yea it was he that gave the Law, and pronounced thofc Words, I am the Lord thy Gad who brought thee out of the Land of Egypt, tholt jbalt have 110othcr Gods brfo;e my Face: For Heb. 12. 26. it is exprcOy faid of him, Whofe Voice then Jhook.. tle Earth; namely, when the Law was given, and thofe Words utter- _ed by him. • 3· l~e is fiiled the true God: So I Job. 5· 20. And we k_z;ow that the Son of God is come, and hath given 111 an Vnderjlanding, that we may kpow him thut if true ; a11d we are in him that iJ true, even in hi! Son Jef/11 Chrift: this is the tme God, and Etemal Life. And to tefiify this, he is fiiled by that incommunicable Name of God, Jehovah ; ]<r. 23. 6. Jehovah ]11jlitia nojlra, Tle Lord our Rigltem'.foef: In his Dap Judah Jha!J be Jiwed, and. l(rael foa!J dn•e/1 Jifeiy; and this is his Name wherewitb he Jba/1 be ca!Jed, The Lord our Rightem'.foef. So al(o, lfa. 40. verf. 3, 10, ll. Prepare the Way for Jeho– 'liah: Thefe all theEvangelifisapplyto John, ~nd Chri!!, A'[.atth.3·4· Mar/z3. 4· Jolm J. 23. And ifJohn be the Vox c/amantis, Chri!! mufi be acknowledged tHe ]ehovah, whole Way was prepared afore him: And when he comes in the Fle!h, lfa. 40. verf. 9· he fays unto the Cities ofJ11dah, 'Beholdyo11r God: And ver( ro,. 'Behold the Lord God will come witb jlrong Hand, and bis .Auu j!u/1 mle for him; bel•old, his Reward is with him, and bis 2vork before li1JJ ,· Which is expreOy applyed to Chrifi, Rev. 2 2. 12. (peaking of.his fecond coming, ver(' r, He that is Vnjujl, let hi1JJ be Vnj11jl jli/1: and he that is Filthy, let him be Filthy jlill: and he that is RighteotH, let him be Rightemu jli/1 :. and he that is Hob·, let bim be Holy jlill. And behold, I come quickJy, a11d my Reward is with me, to give to every Man accordi11g .u his Wor/zfba/1 be. ex– preOy true of Chrift. Read M<tth. I 6. 2 7· It is God of whom 'tis faid, lfo. 40. 1 3· as the Septuagint bath it, Tldyvw viiv ;we)~, Who hath k_nown the Mind of the Lord? Which I Cor. 2. ]aft, The Apo(\]e applies to Chrifi, by adding, 'But we bave the Mind of Chrijl. So then, Chrifi is that Jeho– vah, ]er. 2 3. 6. Now Men may vainly difputeit, that this Name of Jehovah is given unto meer Creatures: But God bim(df bath decided it, and expreOy declared, that it is given unto none but the true God: Pial. 83. I8. That Me, m"y /znow that tbou whofc Name alone is Jehovah, art the mojl High over all the Earth. And Ifa. 42. 8. I""' the Lord, tbat is my :J(ame; and my Glory will I not give to _ another, my P>·aifc to graven Images. Now this Honour is given to Chrift; and therefore he mu(\ beGod, and the true God. 4· He is alfo the great God: Not only, Ijd. 9· 6. The Mighty God: but Tit.2. 12,.13. .,;;f.V<)<l:A~e, .. P~ar.>.,.,;p~wll,.i;;v; that great God, and Saviour of us: fpeaking both ofone, and the fame Per(on, Chrilt. And 'tis here, the putting the Article befor~ great God, and none before Saviour, imports: and fo diflinguifheth him from God, by the like Phrafe generally, Epb. 1. 3: o 0<os ,~ 7T1J(.,.,;p, God, and the Father of Chrifi: but more fimular yet. This here, Gat. 1. 4:. .,;; o<ii >0 -m<rp~s »11-'""• acc~rdi11g t? the Will of God, and Olfr Father: So Chnfi, God and our Sav1011r m Peter, IS Chrijl the grc,lt God, and· Saviour in . T#~