Goodwin - BX9315 G6 v2

Of the JV!oTPledg of god the Father, ~ Titui. And this is at once proclaimed as the general Faith of all Believers, and BooK 11. Apoflles: 2 'Pet. 1. 1. Lib/Faith with w: And what is the Obje[l: of it? ~ lv ~""''""''"' 011 the RighteoHjnefl. I have wondred they fhould tranOate Jt, through the Righteoufoefl: When Chri{l's Righteoufnds is every where made the Objet\ of Faith, as juflifying, on which we beheve. Yea, as that whtch out of Ne. neceffity to Salvation, Faith relies on; and that Righteou1i1efs, as of a Saviour that is God, which were of no value to us Sinners elfe : Let them elfe take Sa– viour and Righteoufi1efs that will, for he nor it would do no Man any good: This was the general ExpeCtation, as Paul toTitm, the general fundamental Faith ofall Cbriflians then, as in Peter: And fo the Prophet's flile, and the Apofi!e's fiile, agrees: lfoiah, in his 40, 43, & 45 Chapters, fiiles him, Tfe God alld Savio11r; and there ii none bejide~ him: And the 1\opof\les in like manner, Tf.e great God a11d Saviour. . , 5· If you yet doubt: Lo! to put all out of Q!efiion, he is fiiled, the on~ True God: The other, and the greatefi ObjeCtion that ever was, or can be made againfi rhis Godhead of Chri!t, is,- That it is faid there is but one God only: Yea, and the Father is fo lliled, and called, John 17. 3· And thii ii Life Eternal, that they might /,_now Thee the only True God, and Jejiu Chrifl whom thou hajl }M. And I find in fame Men's late Writings here at home, them diflinguifbing rhus: That take the Godhead !imply in its Unity, and fo confidered, it is only rhe Father, quoting all thofe places, there is none befides : And the Son they make to be, either God, as united to Man, and fo in that refpe/;1: becoming the Son, or rhe Manife!tation of God in Fle1h; or, at bell:, but that in God which con– tained the Mafs, and Spirit of the whole Creation as it was in God from Evrr· lafting ; and fo di!tin[l: from the Nature of God, as purely in himfei£ Bnt tbe Obje[l:ion bath been the occafion to me of the greatefl: fatisfaetion in this Point, that the fame fiile is given as compleatly unro Jefus Chri!t, as to the Father, in thofe orher Places: And fo the words are not to be underfl:ood exclufively to Chri!t in this fenfe, to know thee as Farher to be the only True God ; the Fa– ther, that only is the True God ; the words are nor fo, but inclufively rather thus; And him whom thou haft to be the only Tme God alfo: Only Chrifl: having an Office, in refpea Qf which he is calJed Chrifl:; he is therefore named apart from the Father; yet fo, as both arc that only True God, in difl:inCl:ion from all Gods fo called, that are not Gods by Nature: And the ground of my fatiC– facrion is this, That in a multitude of places where God is called the onlr God, and none be!ides him; yet thofe places are exprefly meant of, and applied to our Chri!t; !fa. 44· 6. Th,., foiththe Lord the King of lfrael, and hii Redeemer the Lord of Ho.jls ; I am the Firjl, a11d I a11t the Lafl, and bifida me there ii no God. Here you fee is the Attribute we feekfor, the only God, &c. And this is as evidently fpoken of Chrifl:. For, Ftrfl:, Here are two Titles given him, which are proper to Chrifl:. I. Kmg of lfraei; fee John 1. 49· Thm• art the Son of God, thou art the King of lfrael. And for that of hi! Redeemer, I need not trouble you with any Qyo· rations, that it is proper to him : And ·yet he to whom this Title is given, is God, and the only God, Yea, b~(!des me there if no God. And if you yet doubt, and ask me, But are you fure that it is fpoken of him? Lo, Rev. r. twice, verf. 8. I""' Alpha and Omega, the Beginning and the End. And again, verf. 17· I am the Firfi a11d the Laft. And then you have them alJ three, Rev. 2: . '3· I am Atph<'. and .Omega, the Begim;ing and the End, the Pirji and the Laft. The next m !Juah, IS Chap. 45· 5· I""' the Lord, m;d there u 110ne elfe ; there ii 110. Godhejide~me: AndvnJ.or,o2. Hebidsuslookonhim; and fure, without any more adoe, we that hve under the New Tefiament, fhould know· him upon firfi fight: For to whom is it to whom alJ the Ends of the Earth do look, bur be who was proclaimed the De!ire of alJ Nations? who were not converted to God until Chrifl: came: But he that is, ofwhom lfoiah C1ys, Rom. r 5· 12. There f!J,,U be a Root of Jefle, and he that flail rife to ·reign over the Gmti!u, in him fba!l the GenttlcJ trujl : Look.._, and tru.ft on bitJt, and be faved, who ii a Saviour, and there ii none bejidu, fays the Old Teltament, · Believe on the Lord Jcf1H, and thm• Jbalt