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and hir Son !fefus {hrifi. 79 foalt be foved is the !(eneral !hie of the Apollle's preaching; A SaviOitr, and be-~'-"""' jidu him ther: i; no_other. And thus they fet him forth aJro, AtJJ 4- 1 L There ~ is no God, no Sav10ur befides him; and Julhficotlon m him, d1fcovers him none orher; Acts 13. 39· By lim all that believe are jujlijied from all Things, from which )"C co;tfd not be jujlified by the Law of Mo(es. And in thiJ Lord, jba/1 all ., . the Seed of Ifrael be juftrfted, ( fays lfoiah) Surely foal/ one /dJ, in the Lord I /[<.45 24, have Righteoufoefl and Strmgth. And 1f you were all pur to fpeak, m whom 25, would you Giy you had Righteouli1els and Strength? Hear Paul for all .the rei}, in one Epiltle; To be found in him, not having my own Righteoufoef, PhiI. j. 9~ And for tHe other, hear him again in the G1me Epi/}Je, Phi/. 4- 13. I can do all Thing; throu3h Chrijlthat flrengtheneth me. Do not all the Jury of Saints, with one Mouth, fay the fame? And what is he in whom we have this Righteoufnefs? Doth not lfaiah's fellow-Prophet tell us, Jer. 2 3· 6. And hi; Name, for Elfence, i; J ehovah; for Office, our Righteoufoef. Thus, I fay, Saviour and God lliH are joined: The R.ighteoufnefs of this Saviour as God, is that by which through looking on him by Faith, all, both Jew and Gentiles, are faved. And bring all this to that of Peter even now quoted, defcribing true Believers, All that have obtained like Faith with m, Apollles; On the RighteoHfoefl of God, and our Saviour Jejiu Chrijl: And yet he of whom all this is faid, takes this llile upon himfelf, to be the only God, and none befides him. And if any have the Heart, or Face, to deny thefe Characters Joo!ly fcarrered up and down, enough to convert a Jew to own him for the Mejflab prophefied of; much more a Chrilliari to acknowledg him the only True God, whom lfliah {poke of: If any, I fay, can deny it, as meant perfonally of Chrill; let them then confult Pmd, who cxpre!ly applies this very Scripture nnto our Jefus : Rom. I 5· 10, 1I. Rejoice ye Gentile; with hi; People. Praife the Lord, all ye Gentiles, and l.ud him all ye People. Where is that written but in this place of lfoi<~b, verC 23. I have Jworn J[a. 45 •:ij. by my Jelf, the Word is gone out of my Mouth in Righteou.Ji~efl, •nd foal! not return; that unto me every Knee Jba/1 bow, every Tongue jha/1 .fwear. And again it is quoted, Phi!. 2. That to him every Knee Jball bow. And let me yet bring the Current and Stream of other Arguments uiually alledged, to prove that Chril1 is God, into the Channel of the lal1-cited Scrip– tures : You have heard it argued, that Chrill is therefore God, becaufe he creates and is worfhipp'd, and forgives Sins. And the Scriptures are exprefs, that God alone creates, is worfhipped, and forgives Sins. I. For Creation ; thefe places are exprefs, lfo. 44· 24. Th"" foith the Lord tby Redeemer, and he that formed thee frotn the Womb; I am the Lord that makfth all Thittg;, that flretcheth forth the Heaven; alone, that Jfreadeth abroad the Ee~rth b] my Jelf. And Jer. 10. Io, II, 12. But the Lord is the True God, he iJ the Living God, and an Everlajling King : at hi; Wrath the Earth foa/1 trenJb!e, and the Nations JbaU not be able to abide his Indignation: ThJH JhaU 7e foy unto them, The God; that have not made the Heavem, and the Earth, even they fo•ll perifh from the Earth, and from under theft Heavens. He hath made the Earth by his Power, he hath ejlablijhed the World by hiJ Wi[clom, and hath jlrctched out the Heavem by his Diferetion. Now it is not only eliewhere (aid, That Chrill created All, John I. I, 2. Heb. I. and therefore is God; But further, in thefe very places where he is called that only God; even in thefe Places quoted, He is (aid ro be that God who alone created; thus !fa. 43· 7, I 1, 23. lfo. 44· 6, 24. Ija. 45· 5, 22, 23, 2-t. 2. Again, fo of God alone it is made tbe Prerogative to be wor01ipped, Rev. 22. 9· Mat. 4· 10. out of Deut. 6. 5, 6. where alto he is called one God : And of Chril1 it is alto elfe-where faid, he is to be worfhipped. But further, you have both thefe in thefe very places alfo ; wherein, as he is friled, that God that is one, and none be(ides him_; He is brought. in fwearing by himfelf, that every Knee Jha/1 bow to him ; whtch IS applied to htm. 3· So